Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1176: Illusion of life

"With the war, we don't know how many people will die!"

Huang Jianzhi has some ways to prevent human casualties, but he will not do so. The overall strength of mankind is strengthened by mankind itself, not him.

He helped for a while, but he couldn't help the whole life. Mankind needs to go through countless tribulations to improve faster and more steadily, and then he will leave the world with peace of mind.

"President, there are no undead people in war. If we don't want to die so many people, there may be another way."

"We directly abandon the Tiannan Continent and use a large number of destructive weapons to wash the ground irregularly. It is impossible for the Dark Night Empire to stop all destructive weapons attacks when it is strong."

"When a destructive weapon explodes, it may not do much harm to the powerhouses of the celestial and human level of the Dark Night Empire, but it can definitely blow up their 50 million defense headquarters to pieces."

"As soon as their security headquarters were over, they had to retreat. They couldn't launch a second large-scale invasion in a short time, and we also had a chance for development." Bei Wang said.

"It's wrong, Northern California sank, Chizhou's veins were shattered and fragmented, Antarctica is not suitable for human life, and there is not much place left for us to survive."

"Destructive weapons wash the ground, Tiannanzhou is not sinking, nor suitable for human life. With such a large radiation impact, I still don't know what changes will be made to the world."

"So, when it is not a last resort, we cannot use a large number of destructive weapons to wash the ground, and at most we can control the number of destructive weapons to kill the enemy."

As soon as Bei Wang's words came out, and Huang Jianzhi hadn't said anything, Fu Botian objected.

Destructive weapons cleaning the ground is a short-term benefit to mankind, but doing so is destroying the foundation of mankind. It is not a last resort and cannot be done.

"This is just a suggestion. With the president, we have not yet reached that point."

The North King is still a little confident. The president is a strong man in the immortal realm, and the probability of leading them to win is very high. It is not yet his turn to wash the ground with destructive weapons.

"There is still a question now, that is, what to do with the creatures of the ocean abyss, Yangkou Island is almost occupied by them at this moment."

"What if the ocean abyss creatures suddenly attacked our rear during the war between us and the Night Empire?" Fu Botian said worriedly.

"The many beast kings of the ocean abyss creatures are not without their brains. They hate foreign creatures more than us."

"The enemy is in front, and they don't want us humans to lose. During the war, the probability of them attacking us is very low." Nightmare thought.

"But in case they attack us!" Fubotian asked rhetorically.

Everyone was in deep thought. If they were not my race, their hearts would be different. The beast kings in the various sea areas of the ocean were very ambitious. Who knows if they will be crazy enough to attack the rear of mankind.

"Don't worry about our rear, I will choose a person to seal a small part of my power in his body, and he can use that power at any time when he needs it."

"That power can make the person I choose temporarily become a half-step human immortal powerhouse. It shouldn't be a big problem if he sits behind us." Huang Jianzhi said.

"The person chosen by the president?"

Everyone thinks that the president is a good idea. The Ocean Abyss Beast King hasn't noticed that there is a half-step human immortal realm. If there are people selected by the president, there is really no problem in the rear.

"Choose one from my two younger brothers. My strength is very overbearing. Only they can bear my strength. Others can't." Huang Jianzhi said.

When many people heard it, they secretly said that they had this guess from the beginning. Of course, they have this ability for their closest relatives.

In doing so, it not only gives the greatest protection to his relatives, but also makes the president's family an unattainable existence.

"The meeting is over, let's prepare for war!"

Huang Jianzhi saw that everyone had nothing to say, so he ended the topic early and asked them to do what they should do.

For a time, the entire federal agency was fully operational, and public opinion reached its extreme, fully supporting the federal war.

A large number of hunting groups and casual cultivators also contributed their strengths to join the large team. Even the students and apprentices of the academy and martial arts gymnasium have also joined them, all with a sense of not turning back the invaders.


"Yong Ye Wang, it's not good, the eternal light of General Soul Shadow is out!"

Yong Yewang is a blond-haired and blue-eyed teenager. He is handsome and calm. He looks like a teenager, but he doesn't know how long he has lived.

The map of the world he was observing at the moment. This map was before the aura recovery. Although it was not a detailed map after the catastrophe, it also had a lot of value for investigation.

The more he observed, the more obsessed he became. He felt that this small world was a huge untapped treasure. The smile on his face was only halfway through, and the intelligence personnel ran in.

Before he got angry, the news from the intelligence personnel made him frown.

"The soul shadow is dead, interesting. It seems that human beings are not as simple as I thought. I don't know how long they can play with me."

"Notify the generals such as Blue Wind, Blood Spirit, and other generals. Three days later, I have only one request to kill all the natives."

"Such a beautiful world is only worthy of the noble and supreme night empire nobles, and this group of natives are not worthy."



"Brother, we are very busy, what do you tell us to come back for."

The two brothers Huang Tianyang were busy preparing for the battle, and both wanted to make some achievements. They were suddenly called back by their eldest brother, looking unwilling.

"The Federation needs someone to sit in and guard against the invasion of the abyssal creatures of the ocean. Who of you two wants?"

"We? Brother, are you kidding me?"

Huang Tianyang pointed to his nose and raised questions. Even Huang Tianwu felt that his eldest brother was stupid, and asked one of them to sit in the Federation and make a big joke.

"I can seal a small part of my power in a person's body, and that power can be used at any time, allowing a person to have a short half-step human fairy realm."

"Don't worry about the foundation. That power will not harm your body, but the power will not last long, and it will not last more than a month."

"It will gradually dissipate within a month, and in the process of dissipating, it will also deny your body to a certain extent."

Huang Jianzhi doesn't want to give his two brothers too much trouble, and it is not good to cause dependence on his two brothers.

At least he couldn't do that before he left this world.

"Give it to him, I don't need it, I'm going to the battlefield." Huang Tianyang said.

"I don't need it either. I made an appointment with my classmates to go to the battlefield. I can't stay in Kyoto." Huang Tianwu said coldly.

"Rock, paper, scissors, you know I'm not here, the Federation desperately needs someone to sit down."


The two of Huang Tianyang also knew that the eldest brother was right, and there was indeed a need for someone to sit behind, so they guessed the boxing.

As a result, Huang Tianyang threw a fist, and Huang Tianwu threw out the cloth.

"Brother, can I...," Huang Tianyang wanted to say something else.


Huang Tianwu said before his elder brother spoke first, and ran out of the room after speaking, without giving his second brother a chance.

"You should stay honestly." Huang Jianzhi sealed a force of strength on his second brother and left.

"It's such a great power, as if as long as I exert the power in my body, I feel that I can break through the world."

There are three major illusions in life. The first is that I feel too capable. ..

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