Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1179: Dream of

"Go, the other commander caught alive, and everyone else was killed." Yong Ye Wang immediately agreed.

Yong Ye Wang Yi agreed, and the twenty-odd generals on the scene showed joyful expressions, and finally it was their turn to play.

For a while, the entire Dark Empire Legion received the news, and began to faintly retreat. It was obvious that the Dark Empire Legion did not want to be affected in the battle of the power of changing the sky and the earth.

"Let all of us retreat. The war that really determines the situation is coming." Huang Jianzhi ordered.


The human camp received the order to retreat, and did not hesitate. They all retreated quickly and in an orderly manner. Even those with red eyes were awakened by the changes in the atmosphere of the scene and hurriedly followed the retreat.

"Cousin, how did we withdraw? Shouldn't we pursue it all at once?" Xia Qingling asked Huang Tianwu unclearly in the team.

"The enemy who belongs to the celestial and human level is about to participate in the war. These are the real strong men who can change the situation of the battle. The gods fight and don't withdraw, but we are the ones who suffer." Huang Tianwu replied.

"General refers to the people around Yongyewang. They seem to have more people than those around the big cousin. Can our people win the battle?"

The auras of the generals around Yongyewang are extremely terrifying, and if they want to make people not notice that they are fake, Xia Qingling will inevitably not worry when he sees this scene.

"Don't worry, but don't forget that you have a miraculous cousin. When did he disappoint us." Huang Tianwu smiled.

"Yes, the big cousin has never let us down. I believe that the big cousin will surely lead us to fight off the invaders." Xia Qingling immediately became convinced when he thought about the big cousin.

The generals next to Yong Yewang were originally 29, but they were attacked by the creatures of the ocean abyss in the rear. Six generals were transferred to the rear, leaving 23 people on the scene.

After Yongyewang's permission, the twenty-three generals had left, and none of them stayed by Yongyewang's side to guard.

Yongyewang is stronger than any of them, and they firmly believe that there is no means to harm Yongyewang in this small world. Coupled with the Yongye King's command to make them all, they naturally have no worries.

"Since it's here, I have to fight it anyway, one for each person. If you can deal with it, you can deal with it, and if you can't deal with it, you will lead them to me."

Huang Jianzhi didn't plan to let the 18 people around him come in vain, so he had to fight the enemy no matter what, so he sent Fubotian out.

Fu Botian and others were not worried about Huang Jianzhi's safety issues, and rushed to stop the eighteen generals among the enemy, one-on-one, without saying anything, and directly tore them to death.

A momentary collision, the world pales, the sun and the moon are withered, and the terrifying killing intent is overwhelming. The tricks are more than the nuclear explosion that shattered the mountains and rivers.

In the human camp, people who have never seen a battle at the celestial level are stunned, and those who have seen it have become more admired in their eyes.

Twenty-three generals, except for the eighteen who were blocked, the remaining five were all surrounded by Huang Jianzhi at the moment.

"Catch it with your hands, you are not our opponent."

There is a trace of confusion among the five generals. How can the strong enemy let them rush to their marshal so easily, without even a hint of blocking, it makes them very curious.

They can't control that much if they don't understand, the enemy Marshal is right in front of them, and with their five generals, what else can they do?

"Really, but I don't believe it, you guys look pretty weak." Huang Jianzhi smiled.

"You are not ashamed, as an aboriginal of the small world, how do you know the greatness of the wider world? If you have to suffer from flesh and blood, then we will make you perfect."

The five generals locked Huang Jianzhi's body firmly with aura. They were very confident. Even if their marshal Yong Yewang was locked by their aura, it would take three or four seconds to break away.

Half-step people and immortals are like this, not to mention a small-world indigenous, who has not yet become a fish on the board, is trying to teach Huang Jianzhi a profound lesson.

Suddenly their eyes changed. Huang Jianzhi, who was locked by them, disappeared. Before they could make any other movements, they all saw the other four companions bursting and flying.

At that moment, their eyes moved down spontaneously, and they also saw that their bodies below their heads were all blown up.

With only their heads left, they did not die immediately. At this moment, they all saw the disbelief and fear in the eyes of their companions,,,

"Look, I said you are quite weak, you still don't believe it, you should believe it now." Huang Jianzhi said casually, turning his back to those heads.


One of the heads wanted to say something, but as soon as he uttered a sound, his consciousness was swallowed by darkness, and the other heads were the same, with eyes full of unwillingness and falling into a permanent deep sleep.

At the moment when the bodies of the five generals were blown up, the eyes of the eighteen generals changed, and they suddenly broke away from Fu Botian and their entanglement, retreated to the rear safety zone, and looked at Huang Jianzhi in disbelief.

The same is true for Yong Yewang, who was watching Xingxing just now, and suddenly this scene made him stand up directly from his seat, looking at Huang Jianzhi like a ghost.

"This should be only the strength of the tip of the big brother iceberg. It is really abnormal. The strong celestial and human level kills directly, simple and crude." Huang Tianwu was secretly surprised.

"My day, I felt so weak for the first time. Fortunately, this monster, the president, is from our side, otherwise I wouldn't dare to go out." Bei Wang patted his chest and said in shock.

"I have seen the scene of human prosperity." Fubotian said with a smile on his face.

"World number one"

"World number one"

"World number one"

The human camp saw this scene and involuntarily shouted this slogan in unison. The shouts of tens of millions of people were earth-shaking, and their voices were full of infinite fanaticism and worship,,,

"Uncle, I can't get rid of this second slogan, right? Annoying!" Huang Jianzhi muttered with a headache.

"Impossible, this is not true, how could there be a strong human being born in the small world."

"I see, you are definitely not from this world, who are you?"

Yong Ye Wang didn't believe that the small world could support the birth of a strong human being. He suspected that Huang Jianzhi was also from the Tianyuan Continent, but it was earlier than they came.

"Don't guess, no matter how you guess, I cannot come from your Heavenly Origin Continent, let alone change the hostile relationship between you and me." Huang Jianzhi said calmly.

"Are you really a native of this small world?" Yong Ye Wang still didn't believe it.

"Nonsense, I am not, are you!"

When Yong Ye Wang heard it, his emotions were slightly agitated. It is almost impossible for the small world to give birth to a strong human being, but there is one in front of him, and his strength may have reached the middle stage of the human being.

We must know that the reason why the Dark Night Empire can exist for thousands of years is because the empire has immortal ancestors, but the small world has silently born the strong human immortal.

This is absolutely unbelievable, but this is a fact, an unchangeable fact, which makes Yong Ye Wang deeply suspect that it is not the existence of a big secret in this small world, or that there is a chance for the enemy commander.

His little excitement originated from this. He has stayed in the realm of half-step human immortality for a long time, and he is only one step away, but in reality, this step is too late.

He needs a breakthrough, so he must know the secret of the enemy commander. As long as he gets this secret, he can step into the realm he dreams of. ..

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