Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1180: What can you do to me

However, he also knows that the enemy commander can kill five generals in seconds, which shows how scared his strength is.

He has a lot of cards on his body, but there is no way that a real human and immortal powerhouse can at best ensure that he can safely escape from the human and immortal powerhouse.

In addition, even if he and all the generals under his hand besiege the enemy commander, he will lose more and lose less. If the stalemate continues, maybe even he is in danger.

He wanted to retreat from a long-term plan, but the secret of the enemy commander was too tempting, and the enemy commander would not let them leave so easily.

Yong Yewang pondered for a few seconds, and he decided that he was going to take a gamble. The enemy commander was too threatening. If he wanted to capture him alive, or kill him, he had to pay a high price.

This high price may even be unacceptable within the Dark Night Empire, but compared to him becoming a real human and immortal powerhouse, he still chooses to be selfish.

"Marshal, the ocean abyss creatures at the rear somehow, suddenly retreated, as if they were frightened by something."

"As soon as they retreated, we were worried about the battle ahead and brought most of the troops back. Marshal, how did the five demon brothers and their breath disappear."

The six generals who were sent to sit in the rear came back. Once they came back to report the situation behind them, they felt that the breath of five of them had disappeared, and asked the marshal curiously.

"They were killed, the enemy commander is a strong man!"

Yong Ye Wang guessed that the creatures in the ocean abyss in the rear hurriedly retreated, possibly because they sensed the terrifying threat from the front. Hearing the question from his subordinates, he also pointed to the five obvious heads that had fallen in the ruins.

"Human immortal powerhouse! How is this possible? How could there be a human immortal realm powerhouse in the small world."

The eyes of the six generals suddenly showed incredible colors, but the five heads were evidence, and they couldn't help but believe them.

"This small world may hide secrets that we don't know, we,,, bad, the enemy commander is about to launch an attack on us."

Yong Yewang was half talking, his face suddenly changed, and he looked at the enemy commander cautiously.

"Facing the attack by the creatures of the ocean abyss and our federation, you can still save about 40 million defense headquarters. Your Dark Night Empire is really quite powerful."

"The bottom line of the Wannian Dynasty is terror. After playing for so long, you only lost 10 million. It seems that I can't even think about it."

"Enjoy, the world-destroying meteor shower I have summoned for you!"

Huang Jianzhi pointed his finger at the enemy's camp and went down. Numerous meteor showers with fierce sparks appeared, densely covering the entire sky.

At that moment, the whole land was brightened by the meteor shower sparks.

Seeing the apocalyptic horror above their heads, the Dark Night Empire Legion panicked, and they all smelled death.

"Cousin, is he a god!"

Xia Qingling saw this scene, her eyes gleaming with stars, and she turned into a little fan.

Not to mention the human camp. Seeing the legendary Azure Dragon God of War displayed his power, their breathing increased and they watched with extreme enthusiasm, covering the entire meteor shower above the enemy's head.


"Do it all, destroy them..."

The Yongye King immediately felt troublesome. Although the meteorite did little harm to their high-end combat power, the legion he brought suffered.

Without destroying the meteor shower above their heads, they didn't know how many people would die. Immediately, he and his men rushed up, trying to crush them all before the meteor shower hit the ground.

"Forbidden Technique: Void Smash"

"Profound Meaning: One Hundred Wheels in One Life"

"Ultimate Storm: No Crossing"


The powerhouses in the Dark Night Empire camp have all taken action. They all want to crush the meteorite rain above their heads. All of them have used their unique tricks. There is no way. There are too many meteorite rains. If you want to quickly destroy them one by one, they must be strong enough.


Many magicians, wizards, etc., equivalent to the Great Master level in the Dark Night Empire, used their own tricks to collide with the meteorites on their heads.


As a result, an accident happened. Most of them suffered backlash and vomiting blood, and the powerful reaction force driven by the meteorite bounced off.

Only a few strong people can destroy the meteorite overhead. This is not the case that most of the strong people are too weak, but the meteorite is too big.

Among the dense meteorite showers, the smallest one has a diameter of more than 20 kilometers, plus the inertia of falling from a high altitude.

Anyone who knows a little bit of physics knows how terrifying the energy produced by such a large mass of free fall, how can it be blocked by ordinary strong people?

Of course, Huang Jianzhi himself moved a little, adding something to the meteorite.

At the same time, Huang Jianzhi also used his strength to reinforce the earth. Otherwise, if so many big and fierce meteorites landed, it would be strange if they didn't destroy the mainland. He had to consider this.

Yong Ye Wang and the others are a little anxious. It is not difficult for them to destroy the meteorites. It is rare that there are too many meteorite rains.

It’s okay to destroy four or five, they will get tired and weak if they hit too much.

By the time they destroyed seven or eight, other dense meteorites had already smashed into the Dark Night Empire Legion.





The mountains and rivers burst, the earth shook, sparks spread everywhere, like **** on earth.



Almost 70% to 80% of the Dark Night Empire Legion were shrouded in meteorite rain. Under the meteorite rain, everything was equal. Countless warships were destroyed and fireworks skyrocketed.

Each meteorite took away countless lives, the wounded howled, the lucky ones trembled, and the dead fell asleep forever.

Yongye King and the others watched this **** on earth from high above, with blood in their hearts, more than 40 million people, at least more than 20 million people died under the meteorite rain.

They didn't know if there were more than 10 million who survived, bringing more than 50 million people, and four-fifths of them died directly. This gave them an explanation for the people of the Dark Night Empire.

"This is really the power that humans can possess, and it is certain that Big Cousin is not a god!" Xia Qingling said with a shock in his heart.

"Is it the power of immortals? I really don't know if I have a chance to step in in the future." Huang Tianwu also shocked.

"Cousin, the eldest cousin alone is capable of dealing with the Black Cloud Night Empire's defense headquarters, why should we join the war? Our sacrifices are quite big." Xia Qingling asked without understanding.

"Our overall strength is very poor. Not only do we rely on our elder brother alone, but elder brother also knows this, so he wants to train us. Growth also comes at a price."

Huang Tianwu knew that his eldest brother didn't have much time left, so he eagerly wanted their overall strength to rise, and doing so would sacrifice many people.

But he understood his eldest brother's intentions, eldest brother soared, and the rest can only rely on themselves.

"My friend, I would like you to learn about our Dark Night Empire from Soul Shadow, and our Dark Night Empire also has some powerful immortals."

"The population of a country is about the same as the entire population of your small world. This is still the small world population we do not count."

"Just this point, you know how powerful our dark empire is, let us leave here."

"You are already a strong human being. This small world belongs to you. We promise not to feel the slightest hint of this small world."

King Yong Ye saw that Huang Jianzhi was so powerful, and although he had a hole card to deal with Huang Jianzhi, he still felt that he would go back first and summon more powerful people over, so that he would be foolproof.

"Don't say anything to lie to the children. If you want to leave here, there is no door." Huang Jianzhi said in a flat tone.

"My friend, the strength of the Wannian Dynasty is definitely not what you imagined, you are sure to do nothing." Yong Yewang's eyes gradually narrowed.

"How can you do it, what can you do to me!"..

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