Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1182: Big kill

When Yong Yewang and the others saw that someone on their side was killed by Huang Jianzhi, their complexion changed slightly, which made them unexpected.

Before the five celestial level powerhouses were killed in seconds, now even the half-step human immortal realm powerhouses have not resisted and been killed in seconds. How powerful are the enemies?

What's going on, the sleepy immortal formation is operating normally without any problems, why it feels like the sleepy immortal formation is useless to him.

"Marshal, he wouldn't have been a cultivator in the later stage of the immortal, right?"

Some of the generals have already suspected that Huang Jianzhi's cultivation reached the late stage of human immortality, otherwise it would be impossible to press the layers of the trapped immortal formation to kill their people in seconds.

The voice of one person made the faces of the other generals extremely ugly, and the enemy was shocked when the enemy broke through the boundaries in the small world and reached the realm of immortals.

It is now judged that the enemy is likely to have the power of the human fairy stage, which makes them unbelievable, but also a little unacceptable.

The resources of the small world are limited. How could such a great enemy be born? The ancestors of their empire didn't know if there were any immortal later cultivation bases.

"Quiet, whether he is a strong man in the late stage of human immortality or not, there is no denying that he has the ability to easily kill us."

"We have become enemies with him. With his attitude, it is impossible for us to have peace talks with him."

"The Sleepy Immortal Formation is the only way we can deal with him now. We must maintain the sleepy Immortal Formation well, and there can be no mistakes, otherwise we will all die."

Huang Jianzhi's aura from the beginning to his life was well hidden, so that King Yong Ye couldn't judge the specific cultivation level of Huang Jianzhi at all.

Because of this, Yong Yewang has been deeply taboo against Huang Jianzhi, he really can't think that such a monster will be born in the small world.


Huang Jianzhi felt the thought of catching a cat and a mouse, and his figure flickered before randomly appearing in front of a general, and flicking his finger over it.

"Void Transfer"


The general saw Huang Jianzhi so fiercely, and he had been deeply guarded against Huang Jianzhi, when he saw Huang Jianzhi suddenly appear in front of him.

Without even thinking about it, I just borrowed the authority of the Kunxian Formation to quickly transfer, and I didn't even plan to fight with Huang Jianzhi.

But his movements were a little slower, and when he moved to the other generals, one of his arms had been cut off.

"The little mouse runs really fast, but I'm not in a hurry, I can play slowly, don't you also want me to be trapped by your big array for a longer time."

"Then I will fulfill you, provided that you don't fall apart by me first."

After Huang Jianzhi finished speaking, he shot again. He rushed to kill him in no hurry, treating the enemies, at least seeing their desperate expressions, and he was happy to kill.

"I don't believe that the sleepy immortal formation created by the empire thousands of years of painstaking effort will not be effective for you, attack him remotely, and do not come into direct contact with him."

Yong Yewang still didn't want to use the two big kills of the Immortal Array, which belonged to the big kills, all had to pay a price, he still had to see if the Devouring Mist could work.

"Forbidden Technique: Magical Pure Land"

"The Profound Truth: Shenyang Fist"

"Witch's Curse: Ten Thousand Ghosts Swallow the Sky"


More than 20 generals did not play virtual, and before Huang Jianzhi approached, they directly launched a long-range attack to cover Huang Jianzhi.

Huang Jianzhi saw a lot of huge energy that destroys the world and the earth shrouded him, his mouth curled up, standing still, slightly tilted his head, open his arms and waited for the enemy to attack.

Yongyewang and others didn't believe that the enemy would be so stupid, and didn't know how to resist or avoid their attacks. The enemy must have other intentions in doing so.


Soon Yongye King and the others saw such a scene. Their powerful attack was less than a hundred meters away from Huang Jianzhi, and they were swallowed by the whirlpool airflow generated out of thin air around Huang Jianzhi's body.

"just this!"

Huang Jianzhi lowered his arms and said a little disappointed.

"This is your magical power. The attack that swallows us turns into your own energy." Yong Yewang said with a more ugly expression.

"My ability is known to the whole world, and only you think that our world is weak and you are too lazy to investigate."

"Until the establishment of the Star Alliance, you encountered obstacles and thought about investigating us. As a result, you sent a man named Soul Shadow and was accidentally seen through by me."

"After the explanation, it's time for me to perform."

As soon as Huang Jianzhi's words fell, the person had already appeared behind a general, with a very sophisticated technique, hissed, and another head was cut.


Immediately afterwards, no matter how the Yongyewang and others were evading, under Huang Jianzhi's thoughts of teasing the mouse, two more generals were attacked by Huang Jianzhi.

"Marshal, you can't go on like this. Let's directly activate the immortal formation killer move. The price is a bit higher, but it is better than being killed one by one like this."

Some generals couldn't stand it anymore and asked the King Yongye to launch the immortal formation killer move.

"Then do it!"

Looking at the situation, Yong Ye Wang didn't hesitate anymore, and agreed to launch the sleepy immortal formation killer move.

The nineteen generals and the Yongye King moved to the corresponding positions and directly coordinated to launch a thunder strike.

At that moment, Huang Jianzhi's body seemed to be trapped by the immortal formation, standing motionless in place, and Yong Yewang and others were also motionless.

I saw Yong Yewang and others getting old quickly, losing a lot of energy in their bodies, and in the blink of an eye, they all became 70 or 80 years old.

A huge weird sword that pierced the sky appeared out of thin air, and the weird sword kept rippling in the trapped fairy formation, as if the trapped fairy formation was formed for this weird sword.


Yong Ye Wang's old face showed solemn killing, and he directly controlled the strange sword to pierce the immobile Huang Jianzhi's forehead.

After a few breaths, Huang Jianzhi closed his eyes and fell to the ground motionless. Upon seeing this, Yong Yewang and the others also sighed in relief and collapsed.

"Finally killed him, hahaha~"

"Come to the small world, the life span of the ninth floor is gone, hey~"


Yong Ye Wang and others saw Huang Jianzhi lying there motionless, some were happy, some were unwilling, and some were hateful,,,

"General Blue Wind, what are you going to do?"

Someone saw General Blue Wind walking towards Huang Jianzhi's "corpse" with hatred, and asked in doubt.

"Because of him, we became like this. He is dead, and the hatred in my heart can't be eliminated. I want to chop up his body and feed the dog."

"Yes, our brother died so many, how could we let him go so easily and chop up his body to feed the dog."

"Feeding the dog is not enough, cut off his head as a chamber pot."

Grand General Blue Wind's words were answered by all the generals, and King Yong Ye was not good at stopping the anger, so he simply did what they wanted.

"So you hate me so much, it makes me a little embarrassed."

Before General Blue Wind approached, Huang Jianzhi stood up cheerfully, moving his body while watching Yong Yewang and the others with great playfulness.

Yong Yewang and others took a big jump because of Huang Jianzhi's "resurrection". They looked at Huang Jianzhi with ghostly eyes, and they didn't believe that a dead person was resurrected.

General Blue Wind didn't dare to move in shock. Perhaps he felt that the distance between himself and Huang Jianzhi was a bit close, and he hurriedly moved to the distant companion.

"Impossible, how could you still be alive after hitting that trick." Yong Yewang said with panic in his eyes and his tone of voice was uncontrollable.

"Yes, I'm still alive, I'm not surprised, I'm not surprised," Huang Jianzhi smiled. ..

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