Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1183: The sky is falling

"Are you a human or a ghost, a human being is strong, and it is impossible to be a real fairy. The attack of strangling the soul has completely submerged in your eyebrows, how can you have nothing at all."

Yong Yewang’s emotions were difficult to calm. He was frightened by Huang Jianzhi's situation. The enemy had nothing to do. It was them who was in trouble. How could this calm them down?

"If ordinary people and strong people are trapped in such a big formation, the ending may be the same as you expected, nine deaths a lifetime."

"Unfortunately, that is for dealing with strong people in the realm of humans and immortals. I never said that I am a realm of humans and immortals." Huang Jianzhi smiled.

"It is absolutely impossible. The Tianyuan Continent is more advanced than the small world, and there is no existence above human beings and immortals. How can there be people above the immortal in the small world."

"You are lying to me, there must be some artifact or secret in your body that blocked the blow, it must be like this."

Yong Ye Wang didn't believe that the small world possessed existence above human beings and immortals, not to mention the impossible things, even if it did, the small world would have counterattacked their Heavenly Origin Continent a long time ago, how could they still wait for them to invade.

"Marshal, we have no choice. Let's use the last move of the Kunxian Array. We are all ready to sacrifice."

At this moment, the generals all know themselves, they are not Huang Jianzhi's opponents in their peak state, and they are not Huang Jianzhi's opponents now that they are old and frail.

It is almost impossible to survive, but they don't want to let Huang Jianzhi this catastrophe go out. Even if they die, they have to seal Huang Jianzhi this big demon.

"you guys,,,"

King Yong Ye saw the unwavering eyes of the generals, and his emotions could not be restrained. The word "sleepy" is the key point for the sleepy immortal formation.

The last move of the Kunxian Formation is the seal, but the cost of this seal is the greatest, requiring them to control the nine lives of the large formation.

Nineteen generals must die at least seventeen. Eighteen as nourishment can activate the seal. The price is too great. The generals are not Chinese cabbage. If you die so many all at once, the Dark Night Empire will also hurt your muscles and bones.

But this is the only condition for initiating the seal. The Immortal Formation is like this. If you can't kill the enemy, you will hurt yourself eight hundred and kill a thousand enemies. This is also the insurance that the Immortal Formation can't deal with special people and strong people.

"Marshal, don't hesitate, let him go out, the threat to our empire is too great, for our empire, our sacrifice is worth it."

The generals have obviously done their best to seal Huang Jianzhi at the expense of themselves.

"I know!"

Yongyewang is the person with the highest authority in the control of the sleepy immortal formation, and he can protect himself from death.

He didn't dare to hesitate for too long. The enemy could do anything at any time. A little hesitation would add a little more danger. He agreed.

Immediately afterwards, he launched the Sealing Technique of the Sleepy Immortal Array.

Eighteen incomparably dark and ominous iron chains were directly differentiated from the darkness of the trapped immortal formation, stabbing them randomly into the body of the eighteen generals in the field.

The generals had been mentally prepared for a long time, did not resist, and let their ominous chains pierce their hearts to draw their lives and strength.

Among the nineteen generals, the luckiest one cried, not knowing whether it was for his luck to survive or for the sacrifice of his companions.

Within a few seconds, the eighteen generals turned into flying ash, and the entire sleepy immortal formation turned into a blood-colored world at no time. Eighteen ominous iron chains gained all of the eighteen generals, and it became even more ominous and weird.

Silently, Huang Jianzhi was trapped by an ominous iron chain, hanging in the middle of the scarlet space.

"I swear that you will never live on that day. This is not enough. Your world will also be looted. I want people in your world to bury my warriors."

King Yong Ye finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Huang Jianzhi being trapped in the middle of the Scarlet World by an ominous iron chain.

However, his inner anger was still illegally released. Too many people died on his side, and even he had lost most of his lifespan. He wanted to kill the enemy's world completely to vent his anger.

"The idea is good, but only if I am really sealed by you can you do it."

Huang Jianzhi's body shook, and the ominous chains that bound him were instantly torn apart.

"It seems that you can't do it!" Huang Jianzhi said with a smile.


Yong Yewang's expression shook, and he was hit by a huge backlash and spouted blood.

"you you,,,"

"What are you? I've been teasing you all the time, you can't see it."

"Poor frog at the bottom of the well, this kind of spicy chicken formation also wants to use it to seal me, you are afraid that you haven't woken up yet." Huang Jianzhi mocked.


Yong Ye Wang squirted blood again when he heard it.

"After staying for a long time, people outside may be a little worried and won't play with you."


Huang Jianzhi blasted out his fist at random, and the entire Scarlet World fell apart in an instant, and the general next to Yong Ye King was instantly swallowed by the fragmented world.

Huang Jianzhi and the Yongye King, who was once again backlashed and vomiting blood, reappeared on the huge battlefield.

Seeing Huang Jianzhi's unharmed figure, the human camp was completely relieved, and then carefully observed that there was only an old man who kept vomiting blood on the opposite side of Huang Jianzhi, and the other generals had disappeared.

With this situation and Huang Jianzhi unscathed, they had already guessed the situation, and they were all excited instantly.

"Big brother, he won." Huang Tianwu breathed a sigh of relief and put on a smile.

"World number one"

"World number one"

"World number one"

The second slogan rang out again.

"Marshal, this, you..."

The general who stayed on the battlefield to stare at Fu Botian and others recognized their marshal. Seeing the marshal's appearance and not seeing the traces of other generals, he knew that the thing he was most afraid of had happened.

"Escape, he is a monster, we are not his opponents at all, leave the soldiers below, escape back to the empire and say."

Yong Ye Wang forcefully stabilized his injury, and seeing the only surviving general in front of him, he did not hesitate at all, so he directly told him to flee, not even the 10 million soldiers below.

"Escape? Isn't it a bit late!"

Yong Ye Wang quickly pulled out the Space Scroll from his arms, preparing to tear up his escape, but Huang Jianzhi's eyes narrowed, and Yong Ye Wang and the general were directly frozen.

The body was motionless, except for the fearful eyeballs that kept turning, and even the language ability was blocked.

"Forget it, let's see you off!"

Suddenly, Huang Jianzhi had nothing to say, and he blew a sigh of relief at the immobilized Yong Ye King, and the two of them in fear instantly turned into fly ash.

When the King Yongye died, the more than 10 million Dark Night Empire Legion below was in a sudden chaos, and they all fled in the direction of the alien gate with extreme panic.

"Kill, don't let them go..."



People in the human camp don't need Huang Jianzhi's instructions at all. How can they be kind to the enemy and kill one by one.

The battlefield shook again, and the more than 40 million legions of the Star Federation vigorously chased and killed the defeated and fleeing Dark Night Empire Legion.

Empire of the Night

In the imperial palace of the emperor’s centralized power, there is a hall full of eternal lights. The eternal lights here correspond to the special characters of the Dark Night Empire, including the royal family and the strong,,,

At this moment, a Ming Sizheng who was in charge of the ever-bright lights looked pale and trembling at the more than twenty ever-bright lights in front of him.

He knew who the twenty-odd long bright lights corresponded to. At the beginning, a few of them were extinguished, and he reported it. There was not much response from the above. It may be that there are strong people in the small world, and it is possible to kill a few of them at the same time.

But it didn't take long before he saw that all the lights of the generals on the small world were gone, and the lights of Yongyewang were also gone. He knew that the empire was going to be shaken.

"It's over, the sky is about to fall."..

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