Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1192: Make a lot of fun

"It's still guessed by you. It's okay to want a magic drug to deal with the five empires. Wait for me in the lobby for a few minutes, and I will quickly find one for you."

After listening to his second brother's request, Huang Jianzhi got up and went to the kitchen for a round.

"Well, the magical medicine you want has been made, take it and use it." Huang Jianzhi took out one thing and stuffed it directly into his second brother's hand.


Huang Tianyang saw what was in his hand, and suddenly looked at Big Brother with black lines.

"Brother, can you be more serious, the magical medicine grows like this!"

Huang Tianyang didn't need to think about it, he knew that his eldest brother was either lazy or disgusting.

"What's wrong with Cucumber? As long as it has the properties that a magical medicine should have, then it is a magical medicine."

"Don't worry, something from my own hand is absolutely gorgeous. Don't look at it now. It's not activated yet. It hasn't been activated yet. It's even more magical than magical medicine."

"The method of activation is very simple. As long as you instill a little energy into it, you will have all kinds of phenomena of heaven and earth."

"Don't activate it here. I added something to this cucumber. Its scent will make people and beasts all around us lose their senses and kill each other."

"Almost all people below the Great Master will be recruited, and it can run, **** blood, and even attack people. With these alone, it will take years for people from the five empires to catch it."

"A few years is enough time for us to stand firm in the Tianyuan Continent," Huang Jianzhi said.

"Brother, you are sure that this is a magic medicine and not a monster."

When Huang Tianyang heard that his eldest brother had added so many things in, he immediately felt that the cucumber in his hand was a time bomb.

"In our eyes, it is a monster, but for the people of Tianyuan Continent, they can run, confuse the enemy, and protect themselves. They only think that this magical medicine has grown spiritual wisdom."

"There is no magic medicine that grows spiritual wisdom. Ordinary magic medicine can give birth to a strong person, while a magic medicine that grows spiritual intelligence can train two to three people who are strong and immortal."

"This is enough to make the five empires crazy to make big shots. Not surprisingly, their human and immortal powerhouses will also be dispatched, because getting this magic drug means that they have secured the position of the first empire."

"It can be said that this magical medicine is enough for the five empires to fight with all their strength, and there is only one ending with all their strength. It is inevitable that the strength is greatly reduced."

"The empire that finally got this magical medicine was even more miserable. They will surely let three half-step human and immortal powerhouses absorb the magical medicine and break through the realm of real human and immortality.

"This way, the breakthrough rate is the highest. Unfortunately, they don't know that they are ruining the lives of their pitiful half-step human beings." Huang Jianzhi smiled.

"That said, I suddenly felt that this cucumber looks very cute."

A small cucumber can solve so many things. Huang Tianyang looked at the cucumber in his hand more and more pleasing to his eyes.


"I don't think it's cute, but it tastes good!"

Huang Jianzhi took out the extra cucumber and chewed it. He thought it was good, so he took the cucumber from the kitchen and brought it back to the room, ignoring his brother.

Huang Tianyang didn't say anything when he saw it. He brought Cucumber to the Tianyuan Continent, carefully chose a suitable location, and then concealed his traces and went to the chosen place.

"I hope you can bring us unexpected surprises."

After Huang Tianyang came to the place wearing a black robe and a mask, he glanced at the cucumber in his hand, directly input energy and threw it out.


The moment the cucumber was activated, the world was shocked.

The boundless spiritual energy gathered and rippled, the sky was full of colorful clouds rolling, thunder converged and spread, and the peculiar smell spread out to the whole world.


The first to be affected was the nearby alien beasts, each with their bright red pupils looking for the neighboring creatures to tear and kill them.

As soon as Cucumber landed, something strange happened. Cucumber grew two calves and two small hands. Except for the hands and feet, nothing else grew.

As soon as it landed, it stood up and shook its head with both hands, as if to say that Huang Tianyang's fall hurt it.

It's just that it doesn't have a head. It shook it for a while, as if it knew that it had no head. He put his hands down on his chest and looked at Huang Tianyang.

Maybe it knew its mission, or knew who Huang Tianyang was. It didn't attack Huang Tianyang. Suddenly, it raised a **** to Huang Tianyang and went underground and disappeared.

"Sure enough, all I saw were fake magic drugs."

When Huang Tianyang saw Cucumber raised his **** to him, the corners of his mouth were slightly cramped. It really fits the older brother's style, and the magical medicine he created is so rude.

"You have to leave quickly. Such a violent vision of heaven and earth is very eye-catching."


At the moment the vision of heaven and earth was born, the five empires were aware of it at the same time.

They have experienced this familiar heaven and earth vision twice. This time, the heaven and earth vision is stronger than the previous two. It must be the birth of the best product in the magic medicine.

At this moment, every empire was unwilling to show weakness, and sent many top combat powers to compete in the past. A magical medicine represented a strong human and immortal, and the existence of a strong human and immortal was too important.

You can't let other forces get it, you can't get it, and you have to destroy the magical medicine. This is the idea of ​​each other among the five empires.

Other principalities and Hou Kingdoms also knew that the magical medicine was present, but they did not dare to compete with the five empires head-on, because the power gap was too great.

But ambition is always indispensable. Some thoughtful dynasties still send dead men to fish in troubled waters. Maybe they really found it cheaper.

Two days passed in a blink of an eye

Empire of the Night

"Your Majesty, I found that magical medicine. That magical medicine is not an ordinary magical medicine. It is a magical medicine that has no one in a million." Prime Minister Fang Luotian said excitedly.

"What, the magical medicine for the birth of spiritual wisdom, the news is true?" The Night Emperor stood up and asked with a half-happy expression and a half-serious expression.

"The news is true. The magic medicine will hide when it sees danger, and attack when it sees less threat. It's entirely the birth of spiritual wisdom that can do this." Fang Luotian said.

"It's really the magic medicine for the birth of spiritual wisdom. Obtaining it means that the empire can cultivate two or three powerful immortals, and the throne of the first empire will also be ours."

"The magical medicine is ours. Don't even want to infect our magical medicine. Let's go, accompany me to the imperial tomb and ask for the ancestors." The night emperor walked out.

Fang Luotian hurriedly followed up and asked the ancestors for this magical medicine. He felt that he should be able to cultivate two or three celebrities and powerful immortals. This magical medicine was worth the price.

Other empires are also in action. The Night Empire knows, and they also know that a magical medicine that gives birth to spiritual wisdom is too tempting, and it is worth their risk and contention.

For a time, the ancestors of the immortals of all empires set out with many powerful men.

"The five empires were ruthless enough to find the magical medicine. They directly flattened a restricted area. That unscrupulous magical medicine would also run away, bringing the human and immortal powerhouses of the empires to upset the dynasties of the Tianyuan Continent "Huang Tianyang said with a smile.

"That's not better. This trouble puts the attention of all forces in the Tianyuan Continent on the magical medicine, and who will notice us." Huang Tianwu smiled.

"Let’s make a fuss, the more you make a noise, the better, it’s better to make a fuss for four to five years, when our teeth should be exposed."..

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