Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1193: Vitality

The Federation has developed at full speed for nineteen years, and Cucumber has also lived up to the expectations of everyone in the Federation. It has been running for three years, and in three years, too many changes have been made.

Tomorrow’s empire will have a veritable empire strength through the integration of resources and the infusion of various research results from the Federation.

Except for no one and immortal powerhouse, the high-end combat power and the number of defense headquarters are no less than any empire.

The federal home world is developing faster, with a population of more than 10 billion. Various boosters, energy agents, supernatural awakening agents, etc. are not known to the first generation.

Coupled with the breakthrough made by the two brothers Huang Tianyang a few years ago, it has promoted the upgrading of the Federation's local world, and the aura of the entire world has greatly increased. New Lingshishan mines are often discovered and used.

The twenty-odd celestial and human-level powerhouses at the beginning of the federation have become half-step human and immortal powerhouses one by one at the moment, and there is also one who truly breaks through the realm of human beings and immortals.

Fubotian had just made a breakthrough the year before. He was able to accumulate to the limit by his own strength, plus the epiphany that could not be found.

The epiphany cannot be imitated, it can only be said that the opportunity for Fubo Tian has arrived.

The birth of a new strong human being, let the power of the Federation expand again.

Obviously, the overall strength of the Federation has surpassed that of any empire.

Strategically enough to compete head-on with the two empires.

This has not yet counted Huang Jianzhi's hole cards, and this alone shows how far the Federation has grown.

The expansion of strength made the people of the Federation look forward to the big cake of Tianyuan Continent, but to Tianyuan Continent, they always belonged to outsiders.

Even if they use the name of the Empire of Tomorrow to stand firm in the Tianyuan Continent, at the moment they exposed, the five empires are a big hurdle, and all the forces in the Tianyuan Continent are a big hurdle. They need to wait for the opportunity.

And at this time, they were obviously about to see that the emergence of the magical medicine made the Tianyuan Continent magnificent, and the five empires made great efforts to compete for the magical medicine.

That magical medicine was also aspirational, bringing the powerful of the five empires to other principalities to devastate the land, the gods fought, the mortals suffered, and the strong of humans and immortals almost destroyed most of that principality.

This situation caused panic among the other forces in the Tianyuan Continent. The magical medicine was a mobile disaster, and no one wanted the magical medicine to take a disaster on their territory.

But the magic medicine is not as they wanted. I don't know if it was intentional or unintentional. The place where I stayed every time was the underground of some duchy's palaces.

The human and immortal powerhouses of various empires have also explored the habit of this magical medicine, and once they reach the place, they will grab the imperial palace with a giant hand that covers the sky and the sun.

These principalities are also unlucky enough. If they don't pay attention, the entire palace is gone, and they have taken the lives of their emperor's family.

The magical medicine ran for three years, and many dynasties were hit by poisonous hands. All the principalities and princes of the Tianyuan Continent were afraid, and they were deeply afraid that the magical medicine would bring them the disaster.

While they were expecting the magic drug to be arrested quickly, it would be fine for anyone to catch it, while they kept paying tribute to the five empires, hoping that the five empires would not do everything.

The tribute that can be sent is received, but whoever has seen the strong and immortal of the major empires has stopped, in order to catch the magic medicine, the major empires are about to jealous with each other, who cares about the lives of the weak.

Many forces have seen the five empires have such an attitude, they have been angry, and have jointly condemned them, but the five empires simply ignored them, which made them understand how weak people have no right to speak.

Many kings of the princes of the country have clearly seen the faces of the five empires, and they have no choice but to move out of the palace one by one.

The move of the magic medicine is also what the Federation most wants to see. This is not only consuming the power of the five empires, but also weakening the overall level of the Tianyuan Continent.

For them to clear other forces more easily in the future.

20th year

Cucumber seemed to know that his mission was about to end, and he emerged from the ground. The moment it emerged, a huge formation of heaven and earth rose from the ground.

Cucumber was trapped, as if he had also accepted his fate, his hands and feet gradually dissipated, and a strong spiritual fog surrounded him, lying on the ground brightly.

"Finally caught you!"

The ancestor Hei Ye was full of excitement, and he finally sealed all the retreat of the magic medicine.

Seeing the magical medicine like this, I thought that the magical medicine knew there was no way to escape, and he was at the mercy of others, but he didn't care about it. He moved fast, because he was not the only one who was staring at this magical medicine.


The ancestor Heiye was about to grab the miraculous medicine, and a column of destruction energy with a diameter of more than ten meters was instilled in front of him, abruptly blocking his way.

"You don't die, you can't be so greedy. In the first two magical medicines, you robbed one of them."

"One plant was ruined by you. If you are getting this magical medicine, wouldn't it mean that you are going to pee on our heads." The ancestor of the Black Dragon Empire appeared and said.

"This is the first time I have seen the miraculous medicine grow like this. Although it looks a bit strange, it has a destiny for me." The ancestor of the Uth Empire showed up and said with a smile.

"Hehe, I say you have a relationship with all the good things I see. Why don't you say that Tianyuan Continent belongs to you."

The ancestors of the Mingjie Empire and the Shenguang Empire also showed up and stared at the magical medicine.

"It's not a good deal, whoever catches the magic medicine is whoever wants to stop me now."

The ancestor of the night knew that the real struggle was about to begin, and the magical medicine was right in front of him. These old boys didn't follow the rules.

"I've said it before, but what I saw is that the magic drug was not caught by you, but was simply trapped by the formation." The ancestor of the Yous Empire squinted and said.

"Speaking of speaking, in the end, it depends on the ability to speak, then it depends on who has the better skills,,,"

The empire ancestors stared at each other cautiously, and in the next second, they all rushed to the magical medicine, and the battle for contention broke out.


One day later, the results of the battle have already come out!

"The five empires were really blushing in the fight for that magical medicine. The celestial and powerful empires suffered countless deaths and injuries. The ancestors of the three empires: Youss, Mingjie, and Shenguang were seriously injured, and the ancestor of the Black Dragon Empire retreated halfway.

"The Night Empire became the final winner, but the ancestors of the Night Empire were also seriously injured. If it weren't for the slyness of the Night Empire, and secretly sent a strong person to join the battle, the result would be different." Huang Tianyang smiled.

"This is not better. Compared to other empires, I don't like the night empire even more. They think they will get the final victory, but they didn't expect unexpected surprises waiting for them." Huang Tianwu said.

"In three or four years, seven or eight principalities were destroyed, more than a dozen principalities fell, and Hou was killed and wounded countless. A small cucumber to this extent is also a legend in the cucumber world."

"Except for the Black Dragon Empire, it doesn't hurt much. The other empires' high-end combat power is seriously injured. It's time for us to show our teeth. How is our legion preparing?" Huang Tianyang asked.

"It will take a few days before we can fully enter the Tianyuan Continent and converge with the Imperial Legion of Tomorrow under our control." Huang Tianwu said.

"Very well, I have waited for 20 years, not bad these few days."


Empire of the Night

"Your Majesty, it's not good, Hou Yuda killed them violently."

"What, this is impossible. I have never heard of sudden death in refining magical medicine. What is going on, the magical medicine?"

The Dark Night Emperor stood up fiercely, sacrificed so many heavenly powerhouses, even the ancestor was seriously injured, and finally got the magic medicine.

As soon as he got the magic medicine, he immediately arranged for people to absorb and refine it. As a result, all the three and a half-step human and immortal powerhouses who refined the magic medicine were killed suddenly, how could he accept it.

"The genius doctor could not find out the cause of the sudden death. The genius medicine has already vaporized and disappeared."

"What are you talking about, my magical medicine vaporized and disappeared, I, I,,"...

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