"How could this happen? How could the magic medicine vaporize for no reason? Could someone sneak into the imperial tomb and exchange it for the magic medicine."

"But the imperial mausoleum is the life gate of the empire, how could someone secretly change the magic medicine under the eyes of the two ancestors."

The emperor of the night would rather believe that the magical medicine was stolen by others than that the magical medicine would vaporize inexplicably, which was not in line with common sense.

But secretly changing the magical medicine under the eyes of the two ancestors, it is almost impossible. During this period, something he didn't know must have happened.

"Your Majesty, the ancestor knew that the moment when the magical medicine was vaporized, he couldn't swallow in one breath, and he vomited a mouthful of blood. At this moment, he is in retreat."

"Another ancestor checked the imperial tomb again, and found nothing wrong, as if the magic medicine really vaporized by itself." The dark guard said cautiously.

"It vaporizes on its own? The magical medicine that has grown spiritually vaporizes on its own. Does anyone believe it!"

"In the past few years, how much we have invested in this miraculous medicine. Over a hundred deaths and injuries were made to the strong man of the heaven and human level, and an ancestor was seriously injured. The high-end empire's combat power lost more than half of it.

"It was hard to get the magic medicine. I thought it would make up for our mistakes and increase our strength. As a result, our three half-step human and immortal powerhouses died suddenly because of the magic medicine."

"There are only half-step human and immortal powerhouses in the empire, and there are less than ten. Three were killed inexplicably like this. Did you say that I accepted it? Did the empire accept it?" The night emperor stared angrily. Shouted with eyes.

"Your Majesty, please calm down your anger. The minister will definitely find out the reason for the disappearance of the magical medicine, and give your Majesty an explanation to the empire." The dark guard said buriedly.

"Something is wrong, I always feel that the magic drug is a conspiracy, and someone is calculating us."

"The five empires are fighting for this miraculous medicine, and it has spread to a large number of principalities and vassals, causing most of the principalities and vassals of the Tianyuan Continent to drift away from the five empires."

"In the eyes of other empires, the magical medicine is in our hands. They will definitely not let us dominate the family. They will definitely fight against us, so that we will be excluded by other empires, and even treat us as enemies."

"No matter how you look at it, it's like a conspiracy. No, it should be said that it is Yangmou. The magic drug is born, and the five empires will definitely make a big move. No matter who gets this magic drug in the end, it will be squeezed out by other empires."

"Who has such a big hand, and what good will it do for him?" The Dark Night Emperor guessed deeply.

"Your Majesty, if all of this is calculated by others, then we should send someone to explain clearly to other empires. Someone uses magical medicine to deal with the five empires." The dark guard said.

"It's useless. You think they will believe that the magic drug will vaporize. They will only think that we are deliberately weak and paralyze them."

"Don't pay attention to them, it's just my guess that someone is dealing with the five empires. If there is no evidence to solve everything, do you think the people accept it?"

"Check, check to the end, I need an answer!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"


The other four empires also learned about the vaporization of the magical medicine from the spies arranged in the night empire, but how could they believe this reason?

He thought that the Dark Night Empire was afraid of their four great empires fighting against them, and deliberately found a reason to paralyze them, but they also accepted the willingness of the Dark Night Empire. In order to paralyze them, the three half-step human immortal powerhouses killed them when they said they were killed.

The four empires feel that the threat of the dark night empire is too great, and there is a magical medicine in it, and maybe two or three strong people will be born in a day or two.

They can't stop it, and it's even more impossible to unite and destroy the Night Empire. The grudges and hatreds between them are too many to explain, and it is impossible to put it down and put it down.

If they can jointly destroy one of the empires, then it is impossible for all of their five empires to exist for more than 10,000 years.

They are closely guarding each other, and being able to unite to suppress or fight against an empire is the best result.

"Second brother, there is a secret telegram from Minister Fu, the newest foreign gate was discovered in the territory of the Principality of Yunhai, and a new small world has appeared." Huang Tianwu came to the second brother's office and said.

"Preparing to start a war against the Divine Light Empire closest to us, a new small world has appeared, but it doesn't get in the way, but it's just right." Huang Tianyang raised his head and smiled.

"Indeed, we are only five principalities and fourteen princes from the Shenguang Empire, and the Yunhai Principality is between us and the Shenguang Empire."

"The appearance of a foreign gate in the Principality of Yunhai must have been known by the Divine Light Empire, and the Divine Light Empire will definitely **** this small world."

"We also snatch, so that we have a reason to go to war with them."

"Other empires are far away, coupled with the impact of the magical medicine incident, they will not risk confronting the Shenguang Empire. This gives us the opportunity to severely damage the Shenguang Empire." Huang Tianwu smiled.

"It came to mind with me. The Principality of Yunhai doesn't know whether it is lucky or unlucky, and a new alien gate is born."

"In the past, the Principality of Yunhai also had a foreign door to our world, but the people of Principality of Yunhai were well hidden, and were not discovered by the Shenguang Empire."

"It's a pity that this time the luck is very bad. The Principality of Yunhai didn't hide it. It became the fuse for us to start the war. Let's send troops. The goal is the Divine Light Empire. The small world is only a companion."

Soon, the legion that was always preparing for battle set out in the direction of the Shenguang Empire, and the Principality Hou Guo who was blocking the front was not reluctant, devouring and spreading one by one.


"The old immortal, knowing that they will not live long and staying honestly, dare to infect the small world. They really do not live or die."

"Alright, if you give me the site, how can I not accept it? With a new small world and the big site of the Empire of Tomorrow, the losses in the battle for the magic medicine are enough to make up for, maybe there are more unexpected resources."

"You can't consume too much with the Empire of Tomorrow. Capture the thieves first and capture the king. Kill the old immortal who controls the Empire of Tomorrow. The Empire of Tomorrow will not be attacked and destroyed."

"For the sake of insurance, you have to hire an old ancestor and a strong Nuogan to be foolproof."

The Emperor Shenguang did not hesitate too much, and just did what he said. For a while, the headquarters of the Shenguang Empire rushed to set off, and the seven generations of ancestors also set off with a strong man.

Tomorrow's Empire and Divine Light Empire are such a big movement, how could it not let all the forces in the Tianyuan Continent pay attention to this situation, fools can see that war is about to go.

It's just that no one is optimistic about the Empire of Tomorrow. They all feel that the Empire of Tomorrow is dead, and the empire that is short-lived will dare to fight the Wannian Dynasty. Isn't this looking for death?

The other empires also watched quietly, without other actions. The struggle for magical medicine over the past few years has made the relationship between the five empires very delicate.

Everyone is guarding against anyone, and the Night Empire is even more crowded out, all in a state of nervous tension, and they don't want to easily provoke other empires.

Although the small world is eye-catching, they don't want to break the sense of balance between them. They need time to regain their vitality.

The Tomorrow Empire and the Shenguang Empire both marched very quickly, and within a few days they destroyed the Principality and Marquis State that stood in the way, and the two sides of the alien gate faced each other at almost the same time.

"My ancestor gives you two choices, one is the way of life, and the other is the way of death. Those who don't want to die..."

The seven-generation ancestors of the Shenguang Empire were surprised to see so many powerful people in the Empire of Tomorrow. This is really something that should be done in a few years of development. This is really not a joke with him.

However, he often has countless wind and rain, and he can calm down no matter how surprised he is.

Seeing such a strong enemy, it was a pity to kill them, and he suddenly had the idea of ​​letting these strong serve the Divine Light Empire.

"Two choices? Haha, sorry, I have a third choice, which is to throw a pit and bury you."..

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