Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1199: Virtual Dimensional Needle

"Death? Thinking too much, you can't give me death."

"If the Star Federation wants to easily control this world, it must clear the world's nine-tier high-end combat power."

"I was expecting to solve your nine-tier high-end combat power at one time, but unfortunately only about 60% of you came, which did not meet my standards."

"Or, you go back and gather some masters over again, I can wait for a while."

Huang Jianzhi scanned the dense crowd in front of him and said with a disappointed expression.

"It seems that you are not only a fool, but also a poor bug abandoned by your management. Not surprisingly, you should be a tool thrown by your management to hold us back."

"No one else showed up, you alone have explained everything, but it's a pity that we don't want to waste time on fools."

"kill him"

The ancestors of the dark night thought that outsiders knew they were coming, and they knew they were not opponents, so they sent fools to try to delay their retreat.

The Empire Alliance didn't want the outsiders to run away like this, and decisively signaled that a strong celestial man had killed Huang Jianzhi, and they continued to set off.

The celestial powerhouse who was signaled showed a sly wicked smile, and without hesitation, he flew towards Huang Jianzhi. He had already seen Huang Jianzhi displeased and wanted to tear the fool in front of him.

Huang Jianzhi calmly raised his right hand, pointed his index finger slightly at the strong celestial being, and a flash of light passed between his fingers.

The scene suddenly became quiet, and everyone who was about to set off also stopped at that moment, staring at Huang Jianzhi cautiously.

The strong celestial man looked down at the hollow in his chest and heart in a daze, his eyes full of confusion and incomprehension.

Why is there a **** cavity?

Why is the heart gone?

How did I get it?

Perhaps knowing that he is dying, he raised his head to look at Huang Jianzhi, full of unwillingness and dying fear.

"you you,,,"

It's a pity that people died before they finished speaking.

Perhaps it was Huang Jianzhi's attack with a special power that swallows vitality, which made a strong man of celestial breath die so quickly.

"So fast"

Many strong people and immortals were also cautious at this moment. The enemy's attack was very fast just now, and they almost didn't notice.

Enemies are also strong human beings and immortals, and they are not ordinary strong human beings. They are super strong and should be so much stronger than them. Each of them thinks this way.

However, there were nine of them, and the first trace of pressure in their hearts suddenly disappeared.

"Who are you? Outsiders should be reluctant to send a powerful person to be cannon fodder, what is your purpose?"

A strong human being on the enemy is enough to make them take it seriously, thinking that the probability of an outsider sacrificing a strong human being to hold them is too low, and suspecting what conspiracy the enemy is playing.

"My surname is Huang, you can call me Mr. Huang, I have already said the purpose, to clear you." Huang Jianzhi said casually.

"He's obviously fooling us, and we don't care about any conspiracy he has. Our purpose in coming here is to destroy them."

"In the face of absolute power, all conspiracies and tricks are fake."

"Kill him, let's take action together, and at the same time prevent them from having strong people hiding nearby, waiting for an opportunity to attack us." Shenguang ancestor suggested.

"Then shoot together"

No matter what fairness or unfairness is, the nine celebrities and the strong will have pleasure in dealing with the enemy.

The Nine Ways of Body Formation flickered and blocked all Huang Jianzhi's retreat. In an instant, their attack came, Jian Jue, Fist Intent, Fingering... all came to Huang Jianzhi.

The ancestors of the dark night and they saw Huang Jianzhi staying there motionless. Some people felt that the enemy was scared and stupid, and they didn't know how to defend. Some people felt that it was impossible for the enemy to give up resistance like this, and there might be some defensive strategy waiting for them.

No matter what the nine people thought in their hearts, they didn't dare to look down upon them. There was a slight distraction in the battle, and the situation of the battle might change.

When the attack arrived, all the attacks of the nine people were printed on Huang Jianzhi's body. As a result, the expressions of all the nine people changed drastically, and they all retreated violently.

The reason why their faces changed drastically was because all of their attacks penetrated Huang Jianzhi's body in one stroke, but the most critical problem appeared. They didn't hit the entity.

As if Huang Jianzhi's body was not in this space, all their attacks were missed, and the momentary emptiness of contact made them retreat quickly.

"What a tricky ability, that's why you are so confident facing us."

The ancestors of the dark night are very knowledgeable, and they naturally recognize that this is a rare ability that is unique to those with spatial abilities, but apart from a slight surprise, there is no panic.

"Don't think that if you have space ability, we can't deal with you, let's see how I break your space ability."

"Xuwei Shenzhen"

The ancestor Youss took out the Xuwei Shenzhen, one of the three major artifacts of the country. The length of the Xuwei Shenzhen chopsticks is long, and the patterns on it are very strange. As long as there are intelligent creatures looking at it, they want to take the Xuwei Shenzhen. For yourself.

This may be the invisible charm of the artifact, which is loved by everyone, and its function is to deal specifically with those with spatial abilities.

Really willing to bring out even the artifact.

As soon as the Xuwei Divine Needle appeared, the eyes of the other immortal powerhouses flashed greedy, but they were well hidden, and they thought they had not been discovered by the owner of the divine tool.

"go with"

Old Ancestor Yous shot the virtual needle into the void and disappeared, and his mind controlled the needle to attack Huang Jianzhi.

"Wh, what's going on, where is my magic needle?"

For a moment, the ancestor Youss eyes opened sharply, with an unbelievable expression on his face, he lost control of the artifact.

"what happened?"

The other ancestors waited to see the scene where the enemy was pierced by a needle, but when they waited, they saw the expression of Old ancestor Youss, and they all curiously said.

"My sense of the needle is broken, and the judgment is inexplicable, even I don't know what's going on." Old Ancestor Yous explained anxiously.

"Don't tease us, you are the master of the artifact, how can you lose your senses."

"Stop playing, kill him quickly, if you let him run, it will be in trouble."


"This is what you said!"

Huang Jianzhi felt that the enemy's reaction was a bit funny, and he shook the virtual needle in front of the crowd with his fingers.

"What is this, how did you do it?" Old Ancestor Youss asked tremblingly.

"you guess!"

Huang Jianzhi replied, holding the two ends of the Xuwei Shenzhen, and using light force, the Shenzhen was instantly broken.


"God, God needle, how can you..."

The artifact was destroyed, and the ancestor Yous suffered a severe backlash and vomited blood, and his eyes looked at the broken needle with disbelief.

The other ancestors also looked at the imaginary needle that was broken in two in amazement, and couldn't believe how easily someone destroyed the artifact.

"Is there any more, I think I can break a few artifacts like this." Huang Jianzhi provocatively said.

"Although I don't know what method he used to destroy the artifact, it must be one of his strange abilities, and he can't let him continue to be arrogant."

"We have to fight back, otherwise we will be played by the other side as nine enemies, which makes the world think about us." Shenguang ancestor said.

"Divine tools can't force him to show the entity, and the effect of other methods may be lower. If he keeps this state, we will only stand in a stalemate with him." Mingjie ancestor said.

"Everyone has weaknesses. It is not difficult to force him to show the entity. The difficult thing is that we have to kill him in his short-term entity state." The Old Ancestor Heiye said meditatively. ..

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