Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1200: Asteroid

"As long as he can be forced out of his entity, it is not difficult to kill him. Don't forget that we have nine people."

"As long as the moment he showed the entity, we seized that moment and attacked with all our strength, and it was enough to blast him into dregs." said the ancestor of the black dragon.

"Well, I force him to show up, you see the timing!"

The ancestor of the night felt that Huang Jianzhi was here to drag them, and the purpose should be to evacuate the personnel behind them. The personnel behind them were the enemy's weakness, and that matter would be easy to handle.

"I have seen through your purpose. Your real purpose is to hold us back and let your people retreat."

"We won't let you run away so easily. If you want to leave, you have to ask us if we agree, drink~"

The ancestor of the dark night made a big move, and the invisible power soared into the sky. Suddenly, an inexplicable heart tugging came from the sky, as if the feeling of a mortal with no power facing the catastrophe.

A second sun appeared in the sky. As the second sun gets bigger and bigger, the red light shining on the earth is more vivid and majestic than the original sun.

"Meteorite? No, no, it's an asteroid..."

Huang Jianzhi looked up and narrowed his eyes, and found that it was not a meteorite, but an asteroid that had been summoned by the opponent.

"You can see it. It took me a lot of effort to pull it down. The area is too large to budget."

"I'm sure that if no one stops it, it will definitely destroy all the territories you control."

The ancestor of the night is not sure that he can destroy the asteroid he pulled down. The enemy is very strong and may be able to destroy that asteroid, but he has to pay a great price.

He doesn't care about this, as long as the enemy destroys the asteroid, the entity will appear. The moment he appears the entity is the moment he is bombarded with scum.

The asteroid is a large-scale attack, and it is not a big threat to the ancestors of the night. They have a lot of hole cards, and it is easy to avoid the damage of the asteroid.

Asteroids are nothing more than props that force the enemy to show up entities.

"Your compulsion is higher than mine. I used to feel very magnificent when I pulled a small group of meteorites, and yours is even more powerful, directly pulling asteroids to attack."

"With this blow, the territory controlled by the Federation is almost gone."

Huang Jianzhi didn't want everything the Federation had done in Tianyuan Continent to be wasted.

Seeing that the asteroid had entered the atmosphere, he knew he couldn't be in a daze, his figure rose rapidly, and he slammed the asteroid with a normal punch.

"Hands on"

The nine ancestors finally waited until this moment, and each used their own tricks to attack Huang Jianzhi from a distance.


The asteroid that was crushed by the sky was exploded by Huang Jianzhi, and its fragments fell into the sky with sparks.

At the moment the asteroid was exploded, the attacks of the nine ancestors also arrived, and their momentum completely cut off Huang Jianzhi's path.

There is nowhere to escape, as if Huang Jianzhi will be swallowed up in the next second.

"When I think of a trick I used, I miss it inexplicably."

"Black Hole"

Huang Jianzhi has a trace of nostalgia in his eyes. In front of him, he drew a black hole as big as a basketball. The moment the black hole is created, no light can escape the black hole's engulfment.

Nothing but sucks, the attack of the nine ancestors was instantly swallowed by the black hole. Huang Jianzhi mobilized the direction of the black hole, preparing to **** up the sparkling meteorite fragments in the sky.

In a few seconds, the sky was cleared and the black hole was closed by Huang Jianzhi.

"This,, what kind of power is this, how can there be such a mighty power in the world..."

The ancestors of the dark night and they collectively fell into a state of horror. None of them expected the enemy to control such a terrifying power. This devouring force made it difficult for them to entertain.

"What to do, we seem to be unable to help him, attack him, he can hide in the void to avoid our attacks, or use such moves to swallow our attacks."

"All our attacks feel to him as a trifle. If we can't deal with him effectively, the nine of us who fall into the passivity are probably the ones who fall into the pass."

"And so far, he has not attacked us once."

The ancestor of the Ming Realm spoke a little flustered, it was because the enemy's abilities were too strong and secretive. The enemy had never attacked them before, and they fell into a passive state.

If they shot them, would they still be able to resist it!

After saying nine-to-one, there will be a pleasant feeling of bullying less. Whoever thinks that the enemy hasn't done anything yet makes them feel a sense of crisis.

"It shouldn't be, how could a strong person and immortal have such great power, is it..."

"Tianluo Realm"

Old Ancestor Dark Night flashed such terrible thoughts in their minds, and as soon as this thought appeared, it was gradually amplified.

Even if they didn't believe that there would be someone in the world who could break through that legendary realm, but the performance of the enemy made them feel more uneasy the more they thought about it.

What to do, if the enemy is really the legendary Celestial Realm, then these people are not in the mouth.

If not, the enemy's powerful strength and weird abilities have made them fall into a passive state, unable to escape, and continuing to fight is also a fierce battle.

It's hard, it's so hard!

But what they pray more for is that the enemy is not the legendary Tianluo powerhouse, or else it will really be cold.

"Hey, I see fear in your eyes. It's strange. I haven't done anything to you. Why are you trembling."

Huang Jianzhi touched his chin, looked at the other crowd in a wicked way and said.

"Your strength is recognized by all of us, and we are willing to recognize the existence of your sixth largest empire."

"Today's matter is our fault. We will double your compensation, so that today's matter will end here, how about?"

The nine ancestors thought to talk for a while, all felt that the risk of continuing was too great, because none of them knew Huang Jianzhi's specific strength.

"Have you figured out the status? Now it's not what you want to do. Now I have the final say, I said you die today, you must die today." Huang Jianzhi said domineeringly.

"Friends, it was us before..."

"Not negotiable!"

Huang Jianzhi waved his hand and interrupted.

"It seems that you must live and die. That's good, let us learn your tricks."

The ancestors of the dark night and they were also reached by Huang Jianzhi's firm tone, and they all violently wanted to see how powerful the enemy was.

"Teacher? No, no, I shot, you only have to be tortured."

"It's started, I'm here."

Huang Jianzhi's figure disappeared out of thin air, and the muscles of the nine ancestors were instantly tightened, watching the surroundings vigilantly.

"Be careful, get away quickly."

A hand appeared silently from behind an ancestor, and this scene was discovered by other ancestors who were vigilant.


It was too late. The ancestor named Fusheng still reacted too slowly. The big hand that appeared behind grabbed the nape of his neck and lifted the whole person up.

"Wh, what's going on, my strength, how can I lose control of my body."

The Floating Ancestor was one of the two immortal powerhouses invited. The moment Huang Jianzhi touched his skin, his eyes were full of fear pigment.

It’s too fast, everything is too fast, he loses the ability to resist in an instant, how does this make him not afraid

Tian Luo realm, can't be wrong, he is definitely the legendary Tian Luo powerhouse.

The floating ancestor thought to himself in extreme fear.

The other ancestors are also anxious. The Floating ancestor is also the peak power of human immortality, but such a character is as simple as an eagle catching a chicken when the enemy is caught. This has already marked the enemy's specific strength.

That's for sure in the Tianluo realm, one level higher than them. ..

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