"It's over, my image is completely ruined, and I will definitely be hated by my sister in the future." Huang Xuanqing said bitterly.

"Cut, the little girl hates other people and will never hate you. That little girl has liked to stick to you since she was a child. She is more than just a brother and sister to you."

"Father also said that the fat water does not flow out of the field. On the face of it, she is our sister, but in fact she is your child bride." Huang Xuangu smiled.

"How can you have this kind of thought, Yana likes to cling to me, that's because I am her brother, so how can I entrain other feelings."

"You don't want to make arbitrary claims, such nonsense, how can I agree to this kind of nonsense." Huang Xuanqing shook his head fiercely and said.

"It's not her own person, so I'm afraid of it. Xiaoyan has this meaning, and the elders don't want to see that the Chinese cabbage raised by her family is cheaper for outsiders."

"It's not just right to be a child bride-in-law, or that you are willing to marry an outsider." Huang Xuangu jokingly laughed.


Huang Xuanqing's language was stuck, and his expression was tangled to death, obviously reluctant.

"It is not surprising that many families have child brides-in-laws. If you don't want it, the father doesn't want the fat and water to drain.

"Then I can too, although Yana doesn't like me, plus I already have a few concubines, but I can..."

"you dare"

Huang Xuanqing leaped as if his tail was stepped on by someone, and his expression looked like someone was trying to **** his beloved thing, staring at his elder brother anxiously.

"Okay, I won't be joking with you anymore, I'll make you anxious." Huang Xuangu smirked.

"Huh, old cunning uncle, I don't bother to dance with you, goodbye."

Huang Xuanqing saw the smirk on his elder brother's face, and immediately knew that he had been caught in his eldest brother's routine, and ran away with a frustrated sentence.

"Uncle? Uncle is thirty-five years old, or I am a little anxious, hey, really annoying brother."

Huang Xuangu touched his face. Although he was not a cultivator, he was well maintained. At first glance, he was a young man of about twenty-seven years old.

But the brother's uncle still hurt his soul a lot. He is also a person who values ​​his appearance very seriously, which is simply narcissism.

"Now that all the bulls, snakes, ghosts and gods are coming out, the one who cheated the younger brother should be a casual cultivator with a low level of cultivation, or else he wouldn't spend a lot of time to cheat ten low-grade spirit stones."

"Fortunately, it's just a deception, there is no other malice, otherwise I..."

"Great grandpa should be back soon, but grandpa's talent is too low, and I don't know how to help if I want to help. It's difficult!"


"Check, find out the magic stick that lied to my brother Xuanqing, and teach him a lesson."

In a dark place, Huang Caiyan is no longer as sweet and cute as she just saw. At this moment, her hair color is silver and her pupils have changed, not like a human being.

"Yes, princess"

A strange creature with an invisible figure emerged in Huang Caiyan's shadow, and the vague strange creature nodded, then sank back into Huang Caiyan's shadow and disappeared.


"It's really bad luck, grandpa's gift is not ready, so the spirit stone on his body is gone, and it makes Yan'er not want to see me."

"I really don't understand, is it possible that the way of the world has changed, and people will become bad when they get old, and even the junior spirit stones can put down their body and cheat."

Huang Xuanqing thought in the room that her grandpa's birthday was getting closer, she had not prepared a gift, and was cheated of all the spirit stones on her body. The more she thought about it, the more annoying.

"This... this content is too hot, if it is printed and sold."

Huang Xuanqing blushed and looked at the little yellow book in exchange for ten low-grade spirit stones. He couldn't stand it after reading only a few pages, and he cried out inwardly.

With a flash of thought, he felt that he could use this fine little yellow book to do business and earn spiritual stones. This content made him unbearable, and it would definitely be a big fire and make a lot of money.

The spirit stone is there, and grandpa's gift is still not there. The more he thinks about it, the more his heart is moved.

"You have a good idea. I have more than a dozen books here. Work together to make money. You two are eight."

As soon as Huang Xuanqing was preparing to act, some old unscrupulous man appeared in his room with a smile.

"you you,,,"


The moment Huang Xuanqing saw Old Bad, he was shocked and confused, and he had all kinds of emotions and thoughts.

Why is he here?

Where did he come from?

No, how can he dare to appear in front of me?

Huang Xuanqing's first reaction was to call someone, but before he shouted, Huang Jianzhi glared and passed out into a coma.

"What a bad boy."

Huang Jianzhi unceremoniously **** the great-great-grandson, and even his mouth was blocked. After all this, he snapped his fingers to wake Huang Xuanqing.

"Well, oh,,,"

Huang Xuanqing woke up to see this situation, completely stunned.

I was kidnapped. Believe it or not, I was kidnapped in my own home.

Huang Xuanqing's first reaction when he came back to his senses was to struggle, trying to let people outside know that the family is coming to an enemy.

"Don't struggle, I still have confidence in my bundling technique, hehe, kid, you didn't expect that I would come back with you." Huang Jianzhi gave a wicked smile from the villain.

He was able to conceal the fact that the guards of the family came in without disturbing his grandfather. He was definitely a master who was more powerful than his grandfather. What was his purpose?

Could it be the enemy of the family, but not very similar, did not feel the murderous intent.

He looked jokingly at what was going on with me. I became his toy. Did I meet that kind of eccentric old-timer?

When it's over, if you have a strange personality, it means you are mentally ill, or you have become mentally disabled after a long time of cultivation. When you encounter such people, I will definitely be ruined by him.

Huang Xuanqing didn't know how much his brain had filled at the moment.

"Boy, you seem to have thought of something bad." Huang Jianzhi said with a dangerous look on me.


"Sorry, I forgot that I sealed your mouth. There is no way. There are too many people tied up. It's a habit to gag your mouth first."

Huang Jianzhi is not afraid of Huang Xuanqing calling someone and unsealing his mouth.

"Senior, what is your purpose, why do you keep pestering me?"

Huang Xuanqing was very clever and didn't call anyone. The person in front of him was confident and unscrupulous. He looked like he was not afraid of the Huang family besieging him. He must have a strong cultivation base.

He didn't want to cause trouble to his family, he wanted to figure out the purpose of this predecessor first, and see if he could solve it by himself.

"I have no purpose, I just watch you for fun and want to bully you." Huang Jianzhi said rudely.

I provoke you to provoke you, I want to bully me when I look at me fun. I was so unlucky that I ran into a weird man with a mental illness.

Upon hearing this explanation, Huang Xuanqing burst into tears. He felt that today was his misfortune and encountered all bad things.

"Senior, there are so many people in the world. There are so many people who are more fun than me. You can go to them. I am a small person. Can you let me go?" Huang Xuanqing begged.


Huang Jianzhi said decisively.


"Because I am your grandfather, teasing you can make my mood a little more cheerful, and making fun of others is not good."

Huang Jianzhi looked at Huang Xuanqing with a smile and did not continue to conceal his identity.

"You... my grandfather, I don't believe it."

Huang Xuanqing didn't believe this nonsense. Although he hadn't met the grandfather, he learned something about the grandfather from his grandfather and father.

Grandpa Tai is a person who has very few words, and all care is in action and silently giving.

How could he be the great grandfather, which grandfather would tease his great-great-grandson in this way, lie to the great-great-grandson without telling all the spirit stones, and even read the little yellow book to the great-grandchild.

If he is really my grandfather, I will...I won't be cold in the future. ..

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