Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1210: Suddenly no fragrance

"Believe it or not, that's your business."

"It smells good, it's from the kitchen, hehe... It's a long time in the future, I'll let you off first, I'll leave."

Huang Jianzhi wanted to continue teasing his great-great-grandson. He suddenly smelled a tempting scent. He thought that he would be long in the future, so he left the great-great-grandson and ran to the kitchen to see what good things were.

Huang Xuanqing saw this man who claimed to be his grandfather and left like this, making him stunned for a while.

He left, he just left.

What's the matter, how does he know that the direction of the kitchen is over there, maybe he is really my grandfather.

"No, I have to confirm it quickly, I have to go to my grandfather and father, but..."

Huang Xuanqing looked down at the rope tying him into a worm, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch. If he was really my grandfather, I would rather not be such a cheating elder.

Although he couldn't break free of the rope, he was still at the first level of Qi training, and suddenly bowed over, and he jumped to his feet.

One kick, one jump, and another jump to the place where his grandfather often stays, just like a zombie.

"Look at it, don't hurry up and help me untie it..."

Huang Xuanqing finally saw the guard patrolling the family, and seeing the guard's weird expression, the corners of his mouth twitched more severely.

But he hurriedly asked the guards to untie him, and he was anxious to find his grandfather to confirm whether that person was his grandfather.

"There is such a thing! He claims to be your grandfather, who is in the kitchen at the moment?"

Huang Haofang's expression became serious when he heard his grandson's words. At this time, his uncle should also be back.

"He smelled the delicious aroma coming from the direction of the kitchen, and rushed to the direction of the kitchen. He should be in the kitchen now." Huang Xuanqing replied.

"Go, call your father, he may be your grandfather, or the master will have time to tease you like this."

Huang Haofang walked out the door first, and Huang Xuanqing, who didn't know what his expression, also hurriedly followed. Huang Xuanqing had a bad premonition and felt that his unfortunate days were coming.

"Yo, long time no see!"

Huang Jianzhi was eating the fragrant chicken drumsticks in the kitchen, and when he saw the younger generations walking into the kitchen, he smiled and greeted with the hand that held the drumsticks.


"Grandpa, you really are back."

Although Huang Jianzhi has become much younger, Huang Haofang and the others can easily recognize that this middle-aged person is their elder.

"It's over, I can do whatever I don't want, my good days are over."

Huang Xuanqing was sure that Huang Jianzhi was really his great grandfather, and he burst into tears immediately.

Huang Haofang and the others were very excited, and before Huang Jianzhi finished eating the chicken legs, they invited Huang Jianzhi back to the main seat of the hall.

"Uncle, why are you so young? Have you already broken through to the foundation building period?"

Seeing that his uncle was at least twenty years younger, Huang Haofang suspected that his uncle had already reached the foundation building stage, and asked with a little excitement.

"No, I didn't break through to the foundation building period. This is what I used to exchange my points for some pills in the sect, but I feel that I should not be far from the foundation building."

When Huang Haofang heard them, they were a little bit disappointed. There are many benefits to breaking through the foundation construction period. It can not only help the family grow, but also get the status of the outer door elder in Tianyi Sect.

The elder of the Outer Sect of Tianyizong is also a small manager. With this status, as long as the Huang Family does not die, the Huang Family can survive in this cruel world steadily.

It is a pity that they ignore the talents of their elders.

"God rewards hard work, I believe the uncle will definitely break through to the foundation building period." Huang Haofang said.

"Let’s not talk about those who build the foundation or not. Have you done what I told you when I left twenty years ago."

"Let you bloom and loose leaves, you just bloom and loose leaves like this."

"Twenty years, with just one bloodline, plus a baby girl. You want our Huang family to be peerless." Huang Jianzhi said with a serious matter.

"Grandpa, I..."

Huang Taihua was ashamed when he heard the grandfather's accountability, but he didn't know how to explain it.

"Uncle, except Xuanqing, who has not accepted concubines, everyone else has accepted a few concubines. Even me...cough cough, it's just that there hasn't been any movement for so many years, and we are also very anxious."

Huang Haofang is also very distressed. Apart from the uncle, he is also an elder in the family. Naturally, he wants to see a lot of descendants, but the Huang family seems to be cursed, and the sons are pitiful.

"Okay, we are cultivators, and we can live for some years. The problem of future generations can be solved slowly. This is not something we can get in a hurry."

"In other words, why didn't the great-great-great-grandson and the adopted girl come to see me? You didn't call them?" Huang Jianzhi asked.

"Summoned, coming soon." Huang Taihua said.

"Little great-great-grandson, knowing that I am your great grandfather, why didn't you say anything?" Huang Jianzhi chuckled and looked at Huang Xuanqing who was standing by.

Can I say that I really don't know what to say? Huang Xuanqing thought to himself in distress.

"Grandfather, the elders don't always give the meeting gifts the first time they see the younger generations. Why don't you see the meeting ceremony? All the younger generations' pocket money was cheated by the elders first."

"Doing this is a bit..."

Huang Xuanqing is still thinking about his pocket money.

"Xuan Qing, what are you talking about, that was your grandfather teasing you, why is it not big or small." Huang Taihua stared at his son and said.

"The ten low-grade spirit stones were obtained by my ability. If you have the ability, you can also use various means to get something from me."

"It's okay to cheat, kidnap, or snatch, as long as you can do it."

"Seriously, I have a lot of good things on my body, and getting one is enough for you to use for a lifetime." Huang Jianzhi said with a smile.

"Uncle, how can Xuanqing..." Huang Haofang didn't want Huang Xuanqing to offend his elders.

"It's okay, as a free time game, don't care about other things." Huang Jianzhi smiled.

"You can be kidnapped, really, but you can guarantee that you won't be angry afterwards!"

Huang Xuanqing is not a person who keeps himself safe, anyway, it is his parents, how about playing this game with him? Only the elders are allowed to pit the younger generations, is it not allowed that the younger generations pit the elders.

"I'm not so stingy. Being able to cheat me can only show that you are capable. Why should I be angry with you?" Huang Jianzhi smiled.

"What you said, don't be fooled by me, don't want to admit it."

"I said"

Huang Haofang and Huang Taihua had nothing to say when they saw this. If they liked to play, let them play well, and they would be happy.

Not long after, Huang Xuangu and Huang Caiyan rushed to the hall together. When they saw Huang Jianzhi on the main seat, their postures immediately straightened up.

"Meet Grandpa"

The two gave a big gift to Huang Jianzhi, and Huang Jianzhi didn't stop him. He turned out to be his junior, so he could bear this big gift.

Huang Xuangu had seen his grandfather several times before he was fifteen years old, so naturally he was less restrained. Huang Caiyan is different. She hasn't seen it before, so she is naturally somewhat restrained.

"He is the grandfather, what kind of person will he be, and will he have other opinions on the adopted person of me."

"If there are any comments, what should I do? I don't want to leave the Huang family..." Huang Caiyan started thinking about it in random ways.

"Good fellow, it's a good disguise. They are really two extraordinary juniors."

"Who said that the 35-year-old great-great-great-grandson belongs to an ordinary person, and his magical skills are not superficial, and his foundation is solid, but not all magical skills can achieve this effect."

"To be able to cultivate this level of magic, it seems that the Great Great-great-grandson is a person with a story."

"The other one is more interesting, half-human and half-demon, not to mention her own hidden demon power, the tiny amount of demon power sealed in her body, this is not what ordinary monsters should have."

"This girl is not easy. The demon power has awakened a long time ago, and there is a guardian. It means that she has known her own life and is still here, it's weird!"

When Huang Jianzhi thought of something, he looked at Huang Xuanqing on the side, and he suddenly lost his fragrance.

"Only you are the best, you can withdraw from the group!"


Huang Xuanqing:? ? ?

What kind of excitement did Grandpa Grandpa send, what group of retreats, and who is it? ..

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