Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1213: Subjugated princess

"Yes, it is possible, but the elixir through elixir seems to be constrained by the heavens and the earth, and the probability of becoming a pill is extremely low, and it may not be possible to achieve a single pill after one hundred furnaces.

"The cost price is too great, even if there are a lot of elixir, I dare not waste it so much."

Of course Huang Jianzhi didn't want too many elixir pill to appear. If there were too many, it would be difficult for him to do things with elixir pill.

"Uncle, the effect of the elixir pill is against the sky, and it is normal that the rate of pill formation is extremely low, but always try it. The elixir pill is really important to us."

"At present, Xuanqing and Xiaoyan have the highest spiritual roots in the family history. Whether our family can grow depends on how far they grow."

"They need resources to grow, and they also need elixir. The elixir can increase their chances of breakthrough and avoid getting confused."

"Uncle, the elixir pill you gave me, I will leave one of them, please be sure to practice another elixir pill, uncle, I will find a way to collect the materials for the pill." Huang Haofang asked.


The two of Huang Xuanqing were moved and heavy. Grandpa had too much expectation of them. They were deeply afraid that they would live up to his grandfather's expectations.

"Okay, I will figure out a way to train another elixir pill. This is the elixir needed to make elixir pill. Go and collect it."

Huang Jianzhi took out a prescription from his arms and handed it to Huang Haofang. Huang Haofang held his breath and took the prescription like a treasure.

"Uncle, is this really the elixir needed to practice the Immortal Pill?"

Huang Haofang was curious about what kind of high-level elixir was needed for the elixir, and was afraid that their Huang family would not be able to collect those high-level elixir.

As soon as he saw the result, he was stunned. The elixir on the prescription could be collected by the Huang Family, and they were not high-level elixir, they were all common and common low-level elixir.

This shouldn't be. The effect of Tongxian Pill is so defying, how can it be made with common low-level elixir? Is it because the uncle took the wrong prescription.

Huang Taihua and the others saw that Huang Haofang's expression was not right, and they also stepped forward to take a look. After that, they also looked at Huang Jianzhi curiously. This prescription is too common.

"This is not a complete prescription. I did not write many high-level elixir and main flavor elixir. The reason I did this is very simple."

"First, the Huang family can only collect these ordinary elixir at the moment, don't even think about the advanced ones."

"Secondly, for the sake of safety, it is enough for me to know the prescription of the elixir pill."

"It's not that I don't believe you, it's that the risk of elixir pill is too great, and I can't harm you." Huang Jianzhi said.

Others got Huang Jianzhi's reply, knowing that Huang Jianzhi was thinking about them, and they said they could understand and understand.

"The room I used to stay in is still there, you talk slowly, I will go back to the room and rest." Huang Jianzhi suffered from lazy illness again, and simply left at will.

"You have to keep in mind that the existence of the elixir pill must never be known to a second person besides us. Once the elixir pill is exposed, what awaits us is the disaster of extinction, and it is not clear."

When Huang Haofang saw his uncle leave, his face instantly became serious and solemn. He was afraid that his family was not rigorous enough, so he gave a serious warning.

Huang Taihua and the others immediately responded that they understood that they were not stupid. There were countless families in the cultivation world who had been annihilated because of their heavy treasures, and they didn't want to be the next one.

"Xuanqing, Xiaoyan, soon you will join the Tianyi Sect with your grandfather. Although Tianyi Sect is a top level cultivation sect, the sect is still not like home, and many things are not so smooth."

"You must listen to your grandfather's words, and communicate with your grandfather if you have troubles, and don't cause trouble for your grandfather, do you know it?" Huang Haofang reminded.

"I see, grandpa, we won't cause trouble to grandpa."

Huang Haofang heard the reply and nodded in satisfaction. Knowing that the little grandson and the uncle left the family for a while, he put away the Tongxian Pill, and wanted to wait for the little grandson to leave the day before giving it to him.

"Go back and rest, and spend more time with your grandfather."

"Taihua, I'll leave it to you to collect the elixir. These are common low-level elixir. It is not difficult to collect, but it also costs a little bit."

Huang Haofang sent all the younger generations away, and gave the prescriptions to his son at will. The prescriptions were not complete, they were all low-level elixir, and no one would care why the Huang family collected low-level elixir.

"Kageji, I ask you, can you hide the matter of the elixir."

Huang Caiyan returned to her boudoir, lowered her head and looked at her shadow very solemnly. Ying Ji is her protector and has always been hidden in her shadow.

The content of the conversation with the Huang family just now entered Yingji's ears verbatim. Huang Caiyan knew the seriousness of the matter. Once Yingji sent the news back, the Huang family might no longer exist.

"Princess, you know that, the subordinate is only loyal to you."

Huang Caiyan's shadow was distorting, and the shadows gradually converged, and an invisible human-shaped shadow half kneeled and replied respectfully.

"Can I trust you?"

Huang Caiyan learned from this protector very early that the protector clearly belongs to her biological father. In fact, the person who the protector really loyal to is her biological mother who died very early.

Her biological mother was a human being, or a subjugated princess. It was an accident to meet her biological father. Of course, these were all said by the protector. I don't know how many of them are true and how many are false.

Because of this, she had to be cautious. She was raised by the Huang family. This is her home. Even if she has a mission, she can't do anything to harm her family.

"Princess, your subordinates will never betray you, please trust your subordinates." Ying Ji said in a very sincere tone.

"Okay, I believe you."

Huang Caiyan had to believe that now what else she could do besides believing, she has no ability to stop any behavior of the protector, she can only bet that the protector is true.

"Princess, the subordinate has found the person who deceived Young Master Xuanqing, but the subordinate did not try to teach him."


"That person is not someone else, but the grandfather who has just returned from Young Master Xuanqing." Ying Ji replied.

"I will tease my great-great-grandson as soon as I come back. This grandpa is really interesting. Terror is more than interesting."

"A person with mediocre talent can practice a world-shaking pill like Tongxian Pill. Where do high-level elixir and master elixir come from?"

"This kind of Heaven-defying Pill will be baptized by the Heavenly Tribulation after birth. How can the great grandfather's cultivation level avoid the aftermath of the Heavenly Tribulation? This grandfather absolutely has a secret."

The more Huang Caiyan thinks about it, the more he feels that this grandfather is not easy, but all this is just a guess, and sometimes the guess is wrong.

"Princess, or else..."

"Don't do anything. He is the elder of the Huang family and won't harm the Huang family."

"Also, I am me, my mother is my mother, and the princess is what you call your mother. I am not a princess. Don't call me a princess in the future, just like Miss." Huang Caiyan said.

"Yes, miss"


"Qingfeng Town is too small, you will only stay where you are here. After your grandfather's birthday is over, you can go with me." In a room, the black-robed man looked at Huang Xuangu calmly and said.

"Well, once Grandpa's 100th birthday is over, I really should leave. It's just that Grandpa Second, you really don't go to meet Grandpa and Grandpa, they miss you very much."

The black-robed man is no one else, but Huang Haofeng who has been missing for almost 80 years.

Huang Xuangu thought that his grandfather would never forget the second grandfather. He hoped that the second grandfather would go back to see his family, even if he could meet him secretly.

"You know what happened to me. I can't meet them. If you meet, you will hurt them."

Deep down in his heart, Huang Haofeng wanted to meet his eldest brother and uncle, telling him about his eighty years of bitterness, but he really didn't dare to hurt his family. ..

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