Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1214: Do you want sugar?

Huang Xuangu was silent when he heard this. He knew the reason why Grandpa No. 2 dared not meet with his family. Just as Grandpa No. 2 said, meeting with his family was harmful to his family.

"Your special physique was almost born for the purpose of practicing magic arts, but the path of the magic path is full of blood and killing, and you will lose yourself if you are not careful."

"There are not many people who practice magic arts that can die well. I don't know if it's the right way to take you down this road. If something happens to you, then I..."

Huang Haofeng regretted a bit in his heart. Eighty years of **** survival had long allowed him to recognize that the world of the Demon Path is a cruel cannibalistic world.

There are no rules, no systems, as long as you are strong, you can do whatever you want, naked and strong.

He was deeply afraid that this grandson would not be able to adapt to the Demon Dao World, and be swallowed by the Demon Dao World, turning into a monster that could only kill and kill.

"Second grandfather, I beg you to take me on this path. This is my choice, no wonder others."

"Power does not distinguish between good and evil. As long as I have a clear conscience, I will not lose myself because of power. Besides, the realm of cultivation is a world where the weak can eat the strong, and the lack of power is sin."

"I need strength, no matter what strength it is, as long as I can protect the people around me, it's enough." Huang Xuangu said.

"You will become stronger very quickly, because you have a special physique that is unique, but it's not enough to have a special physique. The magic path is thrilling and you need one more thing."


Huang Xuangu asked curiously.

"Elixir pill, the elixir pill that your grandfather accidentally trained."

"You know that the person in the practice is most afraid of the heart demon, and the person in the demon way is more likely to produce the heart demon than the person in the right way."

"The most feared thing about crossing the catastrophe is the heart demon calamity, but you can't pass it. Only the way will kill people and you can only guarantee that you don't have to worry about the heart demon in the future."

"I didn't expect that your unsophisticated grandfather unexpectedly practiced such a shocking medicine. It's incredible." Huang Haofeng exclaimed.

"At present, there is only one Pill of Immortality, which is still a gift for the 100th birthday from Grandpa. The Pill of Immortality is very useful. Grandpa has high expectations for my brother and may give the Pill of Immortality to my brother."

"Except for the only one left, there is no second one, and the grandfather himself doesn't know when he can practice the second one. It can be said that the Immortal Pill has almost no chance with us."

Huang Xuangu also knew the importance of the Immortal Pill to the Demon Cultivator, but there was only one Immortal Pill left, so he couldn't steal his grandfather.

"Your brother's spiritual root is not as high as yours, and your chances of growth are far greater than him. In addition, you are cultivating magic power, and you need to pass the elixir."

"If you can, wait for your grandpa to give the Immortal Pill to your brother, I'm stealing the Immortal Pill from your brother and give it to you."

Huang Haofeng knew that this would be very unfair to Huang Xuanqing, but Huang Xuangu had a greater risk of practicing magic arts. Thinking about it, he felt that Huang Xuangu needed elixir.

"No, if Grandpa gives the Immortal Pill to his younger brother, it will be his brother's thing, and I can't do anything to be sorry for my younger brother."

"If the second grandfather steals the Tongxian Pill without telling me, I will return it to my brother."

Huang Xuangu certainly disagrees with the second grandfather's approach, in order to prevent the second grandfather from stealing the elixir pill from him, he still reminded himself that he would make a return to the elixir pill.

"You don't want the only remaining Tongxian Pill. Then there is another way, that is, you find a way to get a complete Tongxian Pill prescription from your grandfather."

"I can control a high-level alchemist to practice elixir for us." Huang Haofeng said.

"is it safe?"

Huang Xuangu thinks this is okay, but the elixir is a big deal, so it must be kept strictly confidential, and he is worried that the alchemist controlled by the second grandfather is not safe.

"Don't worry, I don't leak anything, and there will be no news about the elixir."

Huang Haofeng's expression was very cold, and he had long been accustomed to killing people in order not to reveal the news of the elixir.

"The other two families in Qingfeng Town have been a bit dishonest recently. They may be preparing to do something unfavorable to our Huang family."

"If it wasn't for your grandfather's centenary birthday, Qingfeng Town should not have bloodshed, otherwise the two of them would have been slaughtered by me."

"Recently, I will stare at them. Once your grandfather's birthday is over, you can solve them so that you don't have to worry about leaving with me." Huang Haofeng said.

"Well, when Grandpa's birthday is over, I will solve them. Compared to this, what is more difficult is, what good way is there to get a complete prescription for Immortality Pill from Grandpa."

"You have figured out a solution for this, I can't help you..."


"Grandpa, look what I have prepared for you, Dangdang... braised aquid fish, is it very fragrant, grandpa, do you want to have a bite."

Only a day later, Huang Xuanqing came to his grandfather with a plate of fragrant fish with a friendly face, a feeling of filial piety.

"It's very fragrant, but you don't have any conspiracy." Huang Jianzhi asked with a smile.

"How come, you are my grandfather, I will only honor you, how can I have other ideas."

Huang Xuanqing smiled very sincerely, and he couldn't see that he had other thoughts at all.

"That's it, then I'll try it."

Huang Jianzhi didn't worry about the fish being treated with laxatives. Huang Jianzhi's current identity is Huang Xuanqing's grandfather. He gave Huang Xuanqing 10,000 courage, and Huang Xuanqing didn't dare to do anything against him.

"It's delicious, did you make it?"

Huang Jianzhi took a sip and found it unexpectedly delicious, so he couldn't help asking.

"Of course, in addition to practicing, the second thing I like to do is to study the methods of various dishes. I dare to pat my chest and say that no one in Qingfeng Town can compare to me in cooking." Huang Xuanqing patted Huang Xuanqing. Said his chest proudly.

"I didn't expect you to have a talent for cooking, which is amazing."

Huang Jianzhi took the chopsticks and tried to eat a piece of fish, but Huang Xuanqing avoided it by holding the plate.

"It's not about honoring me, how can I take it away."

Huang Jianzhi knew that this unlovable little mysterious son was about to make a move.

"The first mouth is filial piety, but the second mouth is not." Huang Xuanqing said with a smile.

"what do you want?"

"Grandpa, your great-great-great-great-grandson is going to die lately. Grandpa's birthday is approaching. I don't know what birthday present to prepare."

"Just want to ask grandpa if you have any extra good things on your body, so you can give me an emergency." Huang Xuanqing showed his tail.

"There is something, but one dish is not worth it."

"One dish every three days, the one that doesn't duplicate the same kind." Huang Xuanqing said on the terms.

"It's the same day, I'll give it to you."


Huang Xuanqing immediately agreed.

"Here you are, Intermediate Cultivation Cheats, I got it by accident, it's enough."

The secret book that Huang Jianzhi took out was actually taken from him by a greedy hapless man on the way back.

"Enough, enough,,,"

Huang Xuanqing was very excited to get the intermediate cultivation secret book. You must know that the Huang family is currently practicing the intermediate cultivation secret book-Qing Mu Jue.

Cultivation cheats are also divided into levels, a total of seven levels, from low to high: low, intermediate, high, high, super, handed down and **** level.

Your move is over, it's time for me to move!

"Xiao Xuanqing, do you want to eat sweets!" Huang Jianzhi asked while eating braised fish.

"Sugar, the kind of sugar sold outside?"

"How is it possible, my sugar is trained with elixir, which has the effect of increasing spiritual power, do you want it?"


Huang Xuanqing heard that it was a good thing, and immediately stretched out his hand happily, expressing an idea to hurry up. ..

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