Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1215: Greedy enough

"This is the candy made with elixir, but why is there only three pieces?"

Huang Xuanqing got it and saw that it was no different from the sugar sold in the small streets and alleys, and smelled it, and there was a smell of medicine.

He was slightly relieved when he smelled the scent of medicine. There is no way. It is really the grandfather who is too bad. Although the grandfather will not harm him, he will definitely tease him and have to guard against it.

"I have less than ten yuan on my body. Three yuan would be fine for you. How many yuan do you want." Huang Jianzhi threw the plate to the little great-great-grandson after eating the fish.

"If you can really increase your spiritual power, of course the more the better, it's better to be like this. I add one more dish every day. Grandpa, you can also give me the remaining sugar."

Huang Xuanqing put the empty plate aside. Seeing the grandfather's reluctant attitude, he felt that there should be no problem with this candy, and wanted to see if he could get more candy.

"Although this candy can improve spiritual power, it is ugly. You may not be able to finish these three pieces. Why should I give you the extra to waste." Huang Jianzhi said.

"Since I came into contact with cooking, I haven't tasted dark cooking. This sugar is unpalatable. At most, it is at the same level as dark cooking, and it is still within my acceptance range."

"Grandpa, if I eat one without change, you give me all the remaining candy, how about it?"


Huang Xuanqing got the answer from the grandfather, he laughed, the candy was unpalatable, as long as he closed his eyes and swallowed it, he didn't touch the sense of taste, what he was afraid of.

Huang Xuanqing picked up the smallest piece of it, raised his head and opened his mouth directly, and the sugar was directly swallowed by Huang Xuanqing.

"Grandpa, I swallowed the leftover sugar..."

Huang Xuanqing swallowed it in one swallow, feeling no change, feeling that the effect of the medicine should not be so fast, so he decided to pay attention to the remaining sugar first.

"So rest assured, you are not afraid that I have added something strange to the candy?" Huang Jianzhi said with a smile.

"Grandpa, I only swallowed it because I believed you 100%. Grandpa, you won't really add anything strange to it."


As soon as Huang Xuanqing's voice fell, the effect of the medicine came, his face turned green, and his stomach felt uncomfortable for a while, it was a feeling of diarrhea.

"Grandpa, is it so cruel? I can administer laxatives to my younger generations. I, I'm still too young."

Huang Xuanqing felt very hurt. He was ready to get along with the grandfather, but the grandfather still put him together.

"You believe me so, why would I give laxatives? I haven't touched my hands or feet with this candy, but I didn't say that the effect of this candy is complete."

"This sugar not only increases spiritual power, but also triggers a very low probability of washing the muscles and marrow. Congratulations, you are very lucky, and the hidden effect is triggered by you." Huang Jianzhi laughed.

"It's really washing the tendons and cutting the marrow, not caused by laxatives?" Huang Xuanqing asked suspiciously.

"You'd better go to the latrine, wait a minute, I'm afraid you won't be able to wait."

Huang Xuanqing didn't hesitate when he heard it, and left quickly.

"Grandpa, where's Brother Xuanqing?"

After a while, Huang Caiyan came, and politely saluted her grandfather, and then began to ask Huang Xuanqing's whereabouts.

"He, he should be in the latrine with diarrhea now, it will not stop for a while, maybe he still needs a bath to come over." Huang Jianzhi smiled.

"Pull... belly?"

Huang Caiyan looked at Huang Jianzhi in doubt.

"When I used to practice pill, I accidentally developed a kind of magical candy. Although it tastes awful to death, the effect is good."

"It can increase a small amount of spiritual power, and it also has a chance to trigger the chance of washing the muscles and marrow. Xiao Xuanqing's luck is good, and the very low probability of washing the marrow is triggered by him."

"In addition to diarrhea, his skin will also excrete some unclean things. Maybe he has to take a shower before he can come." Huang Jianzhi replied.

"Wash the muscles and cut the marrow!!! This level of pill is not something that only Medicine Immortal Valley can make, grandpa can also do it, this is really..."

Huang Caiyan has nothing to say, this is really a grandfather with mediocre talent, and everything he makes is shocking.

"Could it be that the grandfather's talent is not to practice, but to practice alchemy. Only by practicing alchemy by self-study can produce the sweetness for washing the muscles and marrow at will, and there is nothing the grandfather can't do."

This heartfelt voice is from Huang Xuangu. He was just outside the yard, and he heard such a burst of news as soon as he approached the yard. He felt that he almost didn't know Grandpa Grandpa.

"Xiao Xuan Gu is here, what are you doing outside, come in." Huang Jianzhi saw the great great-great-grandson outside and called him in with a smile.

"Xiao Xuangu, I haven't seen you in twenty years. You are a lot more mature and stable. But I am very unhappy. You are in your thirties, so why don't you have an heir."

Huang Jianzhi waited for Huang Xuangu to come in and ask him for peace, and asked him knowingly.

"Grandpa, I will try my best to give birth to a child."

Huang Xuangu knew that he was an ordinary person in the eyes of his family, and his life span was not that long. He was anxious about the issue of heirs, and he could understand it.

It's just that the magic skills he cultivates are very special. It's not that simple to want to have heirs. There is no way, he can only perfuse his grandfather.

"You don't like men!"


Huang Xuangu was stunned. How could Grandpa Grandpa have such a brain hole, because he had no children, so he suspected his sexual orientation.

"Grandpa, stop joking, my sexual orientation is normal." Huang Xuangu became a little embarrassed when he saw the little girl snickering while covering her mouth.

"Grandpa, can you tell us your story? It's better to practice alchemy. I'm very curious about how grandpa you become a talent by self-taught."

In order to change the subject, Huang Xuangu also started by understanding the grandfather's past in order to obtain a complete prescription for Tongxian Pill.

"Grandpa, I'm here, hey, eldest brother and Yan'er are here. They are all just right, you can see how I am different."

At this time, Huang Xuanqing ran over and directly interrupted his elder brother's actions.

"Isn't it just a diarrhea, a bath, a change of clothes, and a casual breakthrough to the second level of Qi training, what can be different." Huang Jianzhi said with unceremonious contempt.

"Grandpa you, forget it, don't talk about you, big brother Yan'er feels like you are not surprised at all, don't you believe that I really broke through the second level of Qi training."

Huang Xuanqing directly ignored the bad grandfather and asked others for compliments.

Huang Xuangu and the two also showed happy smiles for Huang Xuanqing. You praise Huang Xuanqing one by one.

"Grandpa, take it and say yes, the rest of the sugar will be mine." Huang Xuanqing was satisfied with the praise of her elder brother and Yaner, and her little hand stretched out to ask for something from Huang Jianzhi.

"I'm afraid of you, here you are." Huang Jianzhi gave Huang Xuanqing a few candies again at random.

"Come, you have a share, good things come."

As soon as Huang Xuanqing got the sugar, he immediately divided it on the spot, and even the eldest brother had it. Although the eldest brother is an ordinary person, the grandfather said that ordinary people can strengthen their health by eating.

Apart from giving it to grandpa and father, there is extra sugar, which can be given to elder brother.

"Grandpa, are there any other treasures on you?"

The smile on Huang Xuanqing's face doesn't know how sincere he is. He knows that grandpa is very bad, but there are definitely a lot of good things about grandpa.

As long as he is shameless enough, he believes that all the treasures on Grandpa's body belong to him.

"Xuan Qing, you can't do this to Grandpa Grandpa, you are like this, I can tell Grandpa and Father to go." Huang Xuangu said solemnly.

Huang Xuanqing calmed down as soon as he heard it, but his eyes kept rolling, not knowing what he was paying attention to.

"Grandfather, how did you practice a heaven-defying pill like Tongxian Pill?"

Huang Jianzhi understood that the two great-great-grandchildren were greedy for his things, the younger greeted his many treasures, and the older greeted him for the elixir prescription. Is it true that the family does not enter the house? ..

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