Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1216: Birthday guest

"Your grandfather, I have practiced for more than a hundred years, and I have been unable to break through the foundation building period. I want to use external force to break through. However, as long as the elixir of the Zongmen is a little higher, it is used by people with high status or talent. Get me."

"I want to use my points to redeem a better pill from the sect, but for my points, even a fraction is not enough. Because of this, I try to learn how to practice pill by myself."

"As a result, I found that I was quite talented in practicing alchemy, so I wanted to develop a pill to improve my qualifications. After studying for a long time, I didn't have a clue, so I just practiced casually.

"As I practiced, the elixir pill was accidentally turned into a pill. There were three in total. I used one of them for experimentation to truly determine the effect of the elixir pill."

"It can be said that the birth of the elixir was an accident. Maybe it was God who saw me being pitiful and made up for it." Huang Jianzhi said nonsense with the same expression.

"Grandpa, once the pill of this level is formed, it must pass the pill. Grandpa, how did you escape the pill?" Huang Xuanqing asked curiously.

"There is no pill, don't ask me why, because I don't know, not to mention that there is no pill, there is no basic spiritual turmoil, it is similar to the formation of ordinary pill." Huang Jianzhi replied.

Huang Xuangu had puzzled expressions on their faces, and they didn't understand how the pill that had such an effect against the sky could not exist without the pill.

Seeing the grandfather's expression that he didn't know the situation, they didn't know the situation, and the parties didn't know what else they could do.

"Grandfather, the main elixir for practicing Tongxian Pill must be very precious and special. I am very curious what the main elixir of Tongxian Pill is, and where did Grandpa get so many elixir to practice pill."

Huang Caiyan's words resonated with Huang Xuanqing's two brothers. It would definitely require a lot of high-level elixir to practice the Tongxian Pill. As a grandfather, how could he get so many top elixir.

"This is a private secret, I won't tell you." Huang Jianzhi smiled mysteriously.

"Grandpa, did you dug a certain fairy's tomb, and the owner of this tomb was a top alchemist by chance before his death."

"There are a lot of manuscripts and elixir in his tomb. You have got all of him, and you have learned by yourself and accidentally practiced the elixir."

Huang Xuanqing's brain is wide open, the more he thinks, the more he feels possible, the more he thinks, the more excited he is. If this is true, then how rich the grandpa must be.

The grandfather who has a treasure, can he grind out more treasures from the grandfather, so there is no pressure.

When Huang Xuangu and Huang Caiyan heard about it, they also felt that this possibility was very high. Otherwise, how could the unsophisticated grandfather become a pill practicer.

Huang Jianzhi smiled but didn't answer, as if he did what you want, I don't care.

Huang Xuangu and the others saw the smile on the grandfather's face, and thought that the grandfather was tacitly meaning, thinking of this, they also let go of why the grandfather had such a change.

"Grandpa, shouldn't you give us a meeting ceremony?"

Huang Xuanqing felt that the grandfather had a great treasure in her body. He was very proud and not polite. He stretched out his hands very long, as if he wanted to meet him.

"I will not give"

"Grandpa, how can you be like this? The elders generally don't give a meeting ceremony to the younger ones who haven't seen him for a long time, and you are so proud, you can give anything you want."

"No, goodbye"

Huang Jianzhi was not at all sluggish, and after speaking, he stepped on the flying sword and flew away.

"Grandpa ran so fast, people who didn't know thought we robbed him."

Huang Xuanqing underestimated the grandfather's badness, stingy, disrespect for the old and so on.

"The grandfather used to be serious and talked less, but now it has changed a lot, but fortunately, the grandfather of Kailang is easy to get along with without pressure." Huang Xuangu responded.

"Maybe you have made a fortune, so people have changed. See if the ring on the grandfather's finger is gone, it should be an extremely precious space ring, and there are definitely a lot of treasures in it."

Huang Xuanqing's attention is now thinking about how to get more treasures from the grandfather, maybe he is fascinated by the pleasure of taking advantage of the grandfather.

"Brother Xuanqing, when did you become so fascinated with money, you dare to think about grandpa's baby." Huang Caiyan smiled.

"I don't change my wealth. All my belongings have been cheated away by my grandfather. Grandpa hasn't returned it to me now. I'm poor." Huang Xuanqing cried poorly.

"There are still seven days before Grandpa's 100th birthday. If you have time, please accompany Grandpa more. Once the birthday is over, you will soon leave home with Grandpa and go to Tianyi Sect."

"This time, I don't know how long it will take to come back. Before you leave, accompany Grandpa more to make Grandpa happy." Huang Xuangu reminded.

"I'm going to cook my specialties for Grandpa now."


Time passed, day after day, finally reached Huang Haofang's centenary birthday.

The gate of the Huang Mansion opened wide, and there was an endless stream of guests, either a business partner of the Huang family or a friendly guest from the Huang family. Out of courtesy, Huang Xuangu was arranged to greet the guests at the door.

Only important guests were received by Huang Taihua. Because Huang Xuanqing was the best cook, he was assigned to the back kitchen as the chief.

Huang Haofang is today's protagonist. He is very senior and doesn't need to do anything, just sit on the main seat and watch.

Although Huang Haofang is the protagonist today, there are two themes. Huang Jianzhi sits on the left theme, closing his eyes and looking sober.

Many guests came to congratulate Mr. Huang on his birthday, but their eyes were more of Huang Jianzhi, who stayed on the left theme.

Obviously some of them knew Huang Jianzhi's identity, and some even came because of Huang Jianzhi. Who made Huang Jianzhi one of the top cultivation sects in the world, the little deacon of the outer sect of Tianyi Sect.

"Grandpa, there are some families and important business partners who guessed what grandpa did you do when you came back, and they gave a lot and brought their own heirs."

Huang Taihua came to Huang Jianzhi and whispered in Huang Jianzhi's ear.

"There are really a lot of smart people, and you can give them the opportunity to test the spiritual roots with 300 pieces of low-grade spirit stones."

"If there is a third-rank spiritual root in the test, I want to go back to the sky with me, plus one thousand lower-rank spiritual roots."

For extra money, Huang Jianzhi would of course not be polite, anyway, he had already manipulated the Xiaodaogenshi, and there would be no second-grade Linggen or higher.

In doing so, the rare fifth and sixth-grade Linggen genius may be missed, but would Huang Jianzhi care?

Huang Taihua got the little Daogen Stone and wanted to say whether the fee was expensive, but when he saw the look from his father, he had nothing to say.

"Tian Family, Patriarch Tian Jihai sent a congratulatory gift, a 300-year antler, ten sea urchins, ten boxes of top-grade cocoon silk cloth,,,"

"Lai Family, Patriarch Lai Xiong sent a gift, one elixir of Shakui, one two-hundred-year-old ginseng, one thousand-year-old coral..."


With the sound of these two voices, the atmosphere on the scene changed subtlely. The Tian family and the Lai family are the other two families in Qingfeng Town. There will be competition where there are people, and the relationship with the Huang family is self-evident.

The guests at the scene also knew the relationship between these three companies, so the atmosphere at the scene changed slightly.

"I hope you are not here to make trouble, or don't blame me for sending you to **** in advance."

Huang Xuangu looked at the back of the Lai family and Tian family and his eyes flashed with chill.

"The two families that I don't want to see the least show up. The typical weasels give the rooster a New Year greeting. Although they are not afraid of making trouble, their father's 100th birthday can't..."

Huang Taihua was a little worried in his heart, but he still greeted him with a smile, and he still had to pretend to be a guest if he was a guest. ..

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