Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1218: Spirit Beast Clan


Huang Caiyan's first reaction was not to believe it. If a monster actually broke into the Yellow Mansion, her guardians would not have discovered it.

"Miss, I checked it several times with my spiritual sense. There is no shadow of a monster in the Huang Mansion, and there is no special abnormality." Ying Ji whispered to Huang Caiyan through the air.

Huang Caiyan got a reply from the protector, thinking that Brother Xuanqing might have made a mistake.

It's not a monster, and there is no other strange existence in the Huang Mansion. What caused Brother Xuanqing and the others to fight.

"Brother Xuanqing, can you make a mistake."

"If a monster came in, the Yellow Mansion would definitely not be so quiet. The guards didn't find any monsters, how did you find them?" Huang Caiyan asked curiously.

"That's right. It doesn't hurt people. It just snatches the dishes I made. It doesn't look like a monster is doing it. Could it be that the gangster is playing a prank."

Huang Xuanqing was reminded by Tong Yang's daughter-in-law, and felt that the probability of being a monster is too small. If there is a monster, it will not cause trouble or hurt people, but just grab food.

At this moment, Huang Caiyan also learned what happened from other demons, but she was even more puzzled.

Because the answer from the protector to her was still the same, no abnormality was found, and it was not artificial.

"Are you two sure that a strange animal robbed you of food?"

Huang Caiyan made a serious confirmation with the two back kitchen parties who were robbed.

"Miss, I'm 100% sure. As long as I look at that strange animal, I can't move my body."

"I thought I was going to finish it at the time, but I didn't expect that strange animal would not even look at me, and disappeared after eating the dish in my hand." Said Houchu passerby.

"Miss, I'm different from him. I saw the master, and the master asked me to give him the food, and I gave it, but in the blink of an eye, it was not the master at all, it was a strange animal."

"When I come back to my senses, that strange animal has finished eating the food. Miss, we compared it, and the one who grabbed our food was the same animal." Said the second passerby from the kitchen.

"Miss, I might have guessed what it was made of." Ying Ji transmitted sound.

Huang Caiyan made a vague gesture to let the protector continue to speak.

"Miss, the one who can hide my perception is either the monster master or the human master."

"Qingfeng Town is just a small place. The monster clan masters will hardly appear here, and we are also a member of the monster clan. If a monster clan master appears here, we will also receive news in advance."

"The possibility of a human being is also very low. There will be food at the banquet. There is no need to prank here. There is another possibility, that is, a spirit beast with magical powers."

"The spirit beast clan is said to belong to the monster clan, but it does not belong to the monster clan. They have magical powers since they are born. They are species favored by heaven, and their growth is by no means comparable to other species."

"But the world is balanced. Although spirit beasts are species favored by heaven, their numbers are so small that they are almost extinct."

"The spirit beast disappeared a long time ago. It may be a spirit beast with special supernatural powers if it can conceal my spiritual knowledge."

"Miss, if it is really a spirit beast, you must find a way to subdue it anyway. Spirit beasts can never be met. Everyone in the world wants to subdue a spirit beast."

"It's not just that the spirit beast possesses special magical powers. People who are rumored to be recognized by the spirit beast have the final opportunity to ask questions."

Ying Ji's tone was extremely serious, as if worried that her own lady didn't know the importance of spirit beasts.

"Oh, it turns out that spirit beasts in this world are so important."

"It's just that a month ago, I accidentally stepped on a secret space and shook the so-called spirit beasts to death."

"I hope that the spirit beast in the secret space is not all the spirit beasts in this world, otherwise, I can only pretend to be the spirit beast and become the only spirit beast in this world."

The alpaca overhears this and has a weird feeling, it won't really kill all the spirit beasts in this world, right?

"All the spirit beasts will not be so concentrated, there should be a few survivors, regardless of him, anyway, this alpaca is the most handsome one."

Alpacas are in narcissism...

"I know the importance of spirit beasts, but spirit beasts have strengths and weaknesses, plus weird magical powers, can we conquer it?"

Huang Caiyan is also a person who has read a lot of information. The spirit beast is rare and popular, so she took the initiative to avoid the sight of people in the world. She wanted to subdue a spirit beast, which everyone in the practice wanted.

It's just that she can't guarantee the specific strength of this spirit beast. If this spirit beast is extremely powerful, she just doesn't want to cause trouble to grab an order.

If she offends, it's not that the entire Huang family is destroyed.

"Miss, you have to give it a try. If you wait for it to go, you will miss a great opportunity that you can't find."

Ying Ji is reminding her young lady that this spirit beast can shield her spiritual consciousness, and if the spirit beast is gone, she can't find it even if she wants to find it.

"Yan'er, what are you in a daze? I want to see if it turned out to be man-made, or if a monster actually broke in."

In the voice-transmitting dialogue between Huang Caiyan and the protector, Huang Xuanqing saw the child bride-in-law in a daze.

"Brother Xuanqing, I will go with you."

Huang Caiyan thinks that this spirit beast does not hurt people and only grabs food. It should have a good temper. If he likes to eat dishes made by someone he likes, then he can be tempted with food.

"Yes, but you must stay by my side and don't mess around."

Huang Xuanqing felt that this was his home, and the Huang Mansion was not that big. If it was really dangerous, the guards should be able to resist it and let Grandpa and the others come.

The group of people set off toward the looted location.

"Master, look, miss, this animal robbed us."

As soon as Huang Xuanqing and the others arrived at the place, they saw the alpaca lying unscrupulously on the walking man.

"There is no dangerous breath, is it really an ordinary animal, but this animal, why don't I know it."

Huang Xuanqing was very confused inside, and felt a sense of disobedience, saying that it was an ordinary animal, but how could ordinary animals hide so many guards from entering the Huang Mansion.

"Miss, there is no demon, it is clearly right in front of you, but the divine sense cannot sense its existence. It can be confirmed now that it is a spirit beast."

Huang Caiyan received an excited voice from the protector, and she looked at the alpaca with sharp eyes.

"Brother Xuanqing, be careful, it may be a spirit beast."

"Spirit beast? What Dongdong, why haven't I heard of it?"

Huang Xuanqing hadn't been out of Qingfeng Town several times, and he really didn't understand spirit beasts.

"Brother Xuanqing, didn't I find a lot of books outside to show you, are you sure you read it?"

"You asked the caravan to find the books. I don't have time to read them. I'm all busy cultivating."

Huang Caiyan shook her head helplessly. Those books contained many biographies. She just wanted Huang Xuanqing to learn more about the outside world.

Who knows that Huang Xuanqing is either busy cultivating, or is busy studying cooking, and doesn't even look at it. Helplessly, she can only briefly introduce Huang Xuanqing what a spirit beast is.

"What, Yan'er, don't lie to me, spirit beasts are really so precious." Huang Xuanqing said in disbelief.

"Brother Xuanqing, really, when did Yan'er fool you?" Huang Caiyan nodded.

"Opportunity, great opportunity, am I the son of destiny? It's not enough for a very arrogant grandfather to take me to fly, and he also sent me a spirit beast, which means I want to subdue it."

Huang Xuanqing feels that she has been favored by the goddess of luck recently, so she leaned on him for any good baby.


The alpaca replied with contempt.

Huang Caiyan's face changed, and the spirit beast spoke.

The monsters in the Qi training period are called monsters, and they have a certain degree of wisdom.

Only in the foundation-building period are they called monsters, their wisdom is about the same as that of normal people, but few can speak, and they are not fluent.

People who can speak fluently are generally above the Jin Dan stage, and they can all be transformed into human forms.

Of course, there are many monsters of different races, and there are also some special monsters that can transform into words and speak before the Golden Core period.

"Yan'er, did you hear that, it scolded me for an idiot."

"No, Yan'er, you know that I don't read much. Tell me what level of spirit beast can talk."..

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