"Spirit beasts are a special type of Monster Race, and they are quite special. It may be above the foundation stage or above the Jindan stage."

"With the unique magical powers of the spirit beasts, it is also possible to accidentally kill enemies one level higher than oneself."

"Moreover, the best talent of spirit beasts is to escape. This is also the reason why many masters who want to conquer spirit beasts can't conquer it."

"In short, we absolutely can't afford it now."

Huang Caiyan thought that there are many descriptions of spirit beasts in the biography. The most powerful thing about spirit beasts is their ability to escape and unknown magical powers.

Although her guardian is in the Golden Elixir stage, she is also a top-level expert in the world of cultivation, but the guardian secretly reminded her that she was not sure about this spirit beast at all.

Not only the unknown magical powers of the spirit beasts make the protector taboo, but the protector himself also vaguely feels something is wrong, and the whole person seems to be targeted by an unknown dangerous species.

"Well, it's an existence I can't afford."

When Huang Xuanqing heard it, the blood in his heart was immediately poured to the cold.

He is not stupid either, no matter how great the blessings of the spirit beasts are, he must have his life to enjoy it.

"Master Shen Beast, do you like the dishes I cook? If you like, you don't need to embarrass these people, I can make sure that you are satisfied with the whole process."

Although Huang Xuanqing gave up the idea of ​​subduing the spirit beast, there is still a trace of expectation hidden deep in his heart. If the spirit beast is obsessed with his cooking, will he leave him?

"Calling this beast as the sacred beast, this beast likes it very much, but you think that the beast can be tempted with food. Tell you, this beast is definitely not a foodie."

The alpaca raised his head and said with a proud face.

"However, the dishes you cook are still a little bit delicious, don't think about it, this sacred animal doesn't mean to praise you, just a little bit."

"It just so happened that the beast was hungry, and you were so polite again, so I reluctantly agreed, kid, do it, I'll wait."

One second before he said that he was not a foodie, the next second he directly agreed shamelessly, as if he was a foodie and would not want to be seen by others.

"Okay, please wait a moment, I will prepare my specialty dishes now, and I promise you to eat them and want to eat them."

Huang Xuanqing was happy as soon as he heard it. It would be good to eat goods. With his superb cooking skills, he believed that he would be able to conquer this spirit beast.

"Yan'er, you can chat with the lord of the beast to relieve the boredom, I will come as soon as I go."

Huang Xuanqing was deeply afraid that the spirit beast would sneak away, so he concealed his confession to Tong Yang's daughter-in-law, and took all the kitchen staff back to the kitchen to be busy.

"Miss, you can think clearly, are you sure you want to give him this spirit beast?" Ying Ji said in a complicated tone.

"No, this spirit beast is a foodie. If it is a foodie, it can't escape Brother Xuanqing's palm."

"In the cruel world of cultivation, Brother Xuanqing is guarded by spirit beasts, so I might be more at ease."

Huang Caiyan is very aware of how cruel the spiritual world is. She can't always care about the person she cares about. There is a spirit beast guarding her, and she is more relieved.

"Miss, although I don't want to say more, Miss you and him are almost impossible, not to mention that your biological father disagrees, even your identity will make you enemies in the future." Ying Ji reminded.

"That's why I hate my half-human and half-demon status. Why am I the daughter of a monster? If I don't stand by the side of the monster, the Huang family will,," Huang Caiyan replied helplessly.

"Are you thinking that this sacred beast does not exist? You use special sound transmission methods to communicate. Others can't hear it, but this sacred beast can hear it clearly."

"Half-human and half-demon, and there are strong Jin Dan stage protectors, your identity is not simple." The alpaca said rudely.

Huang Caiyan and her protector were startled, the secret method sound transmission could be heard, could it be one of the magical special effects of this spirit beast.

It doesn't matter if the guardian is a master of the Golden Core Stage. After induction, this spirit beast still has a wonderful look, as if the Golden Core Stage is dispensable in its eyes.

Big guy, definitely big guy, otherwise there won't be such an expression. Huang Caiyan's thoughts reached synchronization.

"Senior, don't make fun of the junior, the identity of the junior is not simple, in your eyes, it is just a small role that is not necessary." Huang Caiyan said politely and respectfully.

"The little girl can talk, so people can't find the slightest fault, this beast has a question!"

"As you are, you shouldn't be in this small family. Is there anything in this family that the monster needs?" the alpaca asked

"I need a reasonable identity to break into the top human power. Tianyi Sect is my goal."

Huang Caiyan might have guessed that this spirit beast is the kind of old monster that is not born. There is no point in concealing it. If the old monster wants to know, there are many ways.

She stated her purpose, and at the same time, she also knew that her brother Xuanqing might be in vain. An old monster of this level had a harder heart than anything, and cynicism was one of them.

"This sacred beast understands. To sum up the conversation between the two of you just now, this sacred beast already has a storyline here."

"You may be the illegitimate daughter of a certain Demon King. Because your blood is half-human and half-demon, you are most suitable to be a spy, and you have chosen this family carefully."

"Because you grew up in this family and received human education, you are the closest to this family. Maybe your biological father knows this."

"Afraid of your mistake, I will threaten you with the life of this family, so that you always remember your mission, little girl, this beast is right."

Alpaca felt that the development of the plot should be like this.

Huang Caiyan was silent for a while, and finally nodded.

"Little girl, it's not easy for you!"

"Senior, can you keep a secret for me?"

"Can't keep it, because the owner of this beast has also heard it. I won't talk to you, the owner of this beast is here, and the **** should also go. Bye bye."

The alpaca disappeared after speaking, not giving Huang Caiyan a chance to react at all.

"Master? Such a powerful spirit beast has a master, so what a master is it!"

Huang Caiyan and Ying Ji were shocked!

"Yingji, do you think my affairs are exposed?" Huang Caiyan asked.

"Probably not, these powerful people know that we are a member of the Monster Race, and they have already explained a lot of problems without killing us." Ying Ji said.

Huang Caiyan felt that it was the same. She didn't kill them, but she didn't take them seriously, and she didn't kill them. Exposing her identity is not unnecessary.

"Now that the spirit beast is gone, how should I explain to Brother Xuanqing!"


"Host, you are really too much. If this sacred beast doesn't come to you, you won't find this sacred beast."

As soon as they met, the alpaca kept complaining to Huang Jianzhi.

"I don't want to find it, I don't want to find it, lazy..."

Huang Jianzhi's irresponsible words directly caused the alpaca to get stuck.

"Uh, host, you're so cruel. You kicked this beast for so long, and you don't want to love it at all. At a loss, the beast thought that when you meet, you will make up for it with something good."

"It seems that this divine beast is thinking too much, and the host is still the host, still so heartless."

The alpaca is used to it, and my heart will not hurt long ago.

"How is your hometown?"

Huang Jianzhi asked, regardless of the emotions of the beast.

"Nothing has changed, but your family misses you a little bit." The alpaca replied.

"I have controlled the flow of time. The main plane should only have passed about three months. Are you sure you are not trying to lie to me to go home."

"What's wrong with three months? Either your woman or your sister always asks this beast when you will come back. This beast just ran out because it couldn't stand it." The alpaca complained.

"It turned out to be like this, it's okay, it's still enough for me to play for a while." Huang Jianzhi said irresponsibly. ..

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