Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1220: Alpacas want to rebel

"Host, your evil taste has escalated again. This time it's obviously a plan to cheat the younger generation, or the kind of meaning that the whole family will take it away."

Alpacas know Huang Jianzhi's personality best. Every world is not harming others, or on the road of harming others.

"How could I be that kind of person, they are now my juniors, I love them, it's too late!"

Huang Jianzhi knows who he is, but he never admits that he is, at best he thinks he is a bit cynical.

"Host, take this sacred beast, this sacred beast also wants to do things."

The alpaca chose to ignore Huang Jianzhi's words, thinking that the pitman was so fun, so he applied to join the team and be a evil beast.

"You can play very well by yourself, do you need someone to bring it?"

"I can pit them no matter how you pit them, as long as you don't hinder me, pit them as you like, and I don't even care about breaking the world."

Huang Jianzhi is not too big of a problem at all. He can do whatever he wants with the alpaca. It doesn't matter if the world is broken.

"Can't you interfere with the host? This range is very wide. If I don't want to interfere, I can find something for the Huang family in the most spare time."

The alpaca felt that the host was very dark, and said that he would give it power to mess around. In fact, the host was stingy to die and had a good time. He alone was enough.

"My god, I stopped restraining you a long time ago, so do what you want, not necessarily by my side." Huang Jianzhi said.

"This mythical beast's heart is broken. I need to look for high-level snacks for supplements to be effective. Host, this mythical beast will come back to you."

The alpaca felt so hurt. When they met, the host distracted it, which broke its glass heart.

But it's a sacred beast anyway, and it's fine after going outside for two days and returning, anyway, it's quite shameless.

Alpaca it's gone!


"What, that spirit beast has a master, and has already left with its owner!"

Hearing the words of the child's daughter-in-law, Huang Xuanqing stopped moving, and looked back at the good dishes prepared at the table. He felt like he was busy.

"It's a pity, I thought I had a great opportunity, but I didn't expect that spirit beasts had a mastery long ago. It really was a waste of my table of food."

Huang Xuanqing received a positive look from her child's daughter-in-law, and she could only think that she was not so lucky.

"No waste, I will digest this table of delicacies."

Huang Jianzhi came to the kitchen and threw himself on the food table without saying a word, enjoying the food to his heart's content.

"Grandpa, why did you come to the back kitchen? The dinner is over?" Huang Xuanqing asked curiously.

"It's almost over. I ran here only after smelling the tempting fragrance. Sure enough, most of the dishes at the banquet were made by the chefs under your command, and you made this table by yourself."

Huang Jianzhi said while eating bluntly.

Huang Xuanqing heard the words and looked at the child bride-in-law next to him. The meaning conveyed by his eyes seemed to be saying: How come the grandfather is like you, and his nose is better than a dog.

Huang Caiyan seemed to have seen the meaning in Huang Xuanqing's eyes, and she couldn't help but give Huang Xuanqing a white look.

"Grandpa, let me tell you one thing. After listening, don't get excited. We met the spirit beast just now."

Huang Xuanqing said about the fact that they encountered the spirit beast just now, thinking that grandpa would definitely be very excited, he waited to see grandpa's exaggerated expression.


Huang Xuanqing and the others were taken aback for a moment, and the grandfather said nothing, this attitude was too unexpected for them.

"Grandpa, you may not have heard clearly. I said that we met the spirit beast just now, the legendary spirit beast." Huang Xuanqing said in a louder voice.

"The spirit beast is just the spirit beast. Why do you say so loudly? I didn't hear it."

Huang Xuanqing cast a disgusted look, then buried his head and continued to eat.

"Grandpa, you can't not know the meaning of the spirit beast, but you know the news of the spirit beast, how can you be so peaceful,"

In the spiritual world, no one knows the existence of spirit beasts, but Huang Jianzhi's attitude does not seem to take spirit beasts seriously.

Not only did Huang Xuanqing couldn't figure out this attitude, but Huang Caiyan was also curious that this grandfather really didn't feel anything about spirit beasts.

"The spirit beast is just the spirit beast. I can't catch it, and I can't subdue it. What if I see the spirit beast, why should I get excited about things that are not related to me."

"Let's go, the banquet should be over, and the guests are almost gone, let's go to your grandfather." Huang Jianzhi had almost eaten, so he got up and went back the same way.

"Sure enough, we are still too young to make sense to our grandfather."

Huang Xuanqing and Tong Yang's daughter-in-law looked at each other, and both chuckled lightly, and also moved to keep up with the great grandfather.

The 100th birthday is over, the guests have also left, and the Huang family gathered together again.

"What, spirit beast!!!"

The family gathered together, and Huang Xuanqing shared what had happened just now. Compared to Huang Jianzhi, the others were shocked.

"Taihua, order to go down and let the mansion know that the subordinates of the spirit beast are tight-lipped. Although the spirit beast is just passing by and has a master, we still try to reduce unnecessary troubles."

After all, Huang Haofang was an old river and lake. Although it was spread out, few people believed that a spirit beast appeared in this small remote place in Qingfeng Town.

But the temptation of spirit beasts is great.

The Huang family is just a small family, this dangerous vortex must not be touched.

Huang Taihua nodded when he heard the words, called the butler to explain a few words, and the butler nodded knowingly and proceeded.

"Grandpa, this is a spiritual stone from the inspection of large and small families."

After Huang Taihua explained to the housekeeper, he took out the small root stone and the extra money he earned and handed it in front of Huang Jianzhi.

"Stay at home as an expense, I don't lack spirit stones."

Huang Jianzhi only took back the root stone, thousands of low-grade spirit stones without even looking at it.

Huang Taihua looked at his father, and got his father's acquiescence, so he took the spirit stones, which were their Huang family's income for a year or two.

They didn't hesitate to accept it, because they also learned from Huang Xuanqing that their elders might have obtained the treasure of a certain senior alchemist, and there is no shortage of spirit stones.

"Grandpa, when will you leave for Tianyi Sect?" Huang Xuangu asked everyone the most concerned question.

"Stay for another five days, five days later, I will take the two of Xuanqing back to Tianyi Sect."


One day passed

"Host, I'm back, I'm not surprised, I'm not surprised!"

The alpaca came back shamelessly.

"Don't show up randomly, the identity of the spirit beast will make Qingfeng Town gore."

Huang Jianzhi thinks that alpacas are very cute, and they came back one day away. This is absolutely true love. If the alpacas want to stay or go out to play, just do whatever they want.

"Understand, I will do things at the right time and at the right place, and I promise that it won't interfere with the host."

At this moment, the alpaca is thinking darkly: This beast is about to rebel, find a chance to cheat the host and let the host know that the beast is not easy to provoke.


Two more days passed

"Yuehei and high winds are a good day for murder and arson."

"The people they invited should have arrived. They should be cleared from Lai's house first, and the two are cleared. When Grandpa and the others leave, I should leave.

Huang Xuangu put on the night clothes and the evil ghost mask, and set off in the direction of Lai's house.

"No one in my outfit can recognize me, target the Tian family, set off..."

Huang Caiyan left the Huang Mansion secretly and set off for the Tian family. ..

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