Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1222: Clean up the portal

Grandpa! ! !

Huang Xuangu and Huang Caiyan were shocked, how could grandpa appear here, and there was such an inappropriate moment.

"The people in the magic road (demon clan) are not good people, so I have to find a way to let Grandpa Grandpa leave here safely." x2

Although the two brothers and sisters are curious about why the grandfather is here, the siblings are both taboo about each other's strength, and they all hope that grandfather will leave here soon.

"Uncle is much younger than before. It seems that the opportunity that uncle encountered is not as simple as I thought." Huang Haofeng thought calmly.

"It's unfortunate. I wanted to destroy the Tian Lai family tonight, so I would leave Qingfeng Town without any worries."

It turns out that the grandfather came out to destroy the Tian Lai family. Huang Xuangu and Huang Caiyan immediately understood the motive of the grandfather's presence here.

"But when I went to the Lai's house, the Lai's house was destroyed in advance. I rushed to the Tian's house, but I saw what I shouldn't have seen and heard what I shouldn't hear.

"The Tian family was destroyed by monsters, and the Lai family should have been done by people in your magic way. At present, apart from monsters in Qingfeng Town, only people in your magic way have this strength."

"What do you want to do? As soon as Qingfeng Town came to Qingfeng Town, two of the three major families in Qingfeng Town were destroyed. Do you have to do something with the last one, the Huang Family?"

Huang Jianzhi was cautious and skeptical, and he was obviously playing again.

"The Lai family was destroyed by you, you wouldn't kill people for the purpose of practicing magic arts, right."

Huang Caiyan heard that the Lai family, one of the targets, was preemptively destroyed by the people in the magic way. There is no reason to doubt whether the two people in the magic way in front of him killed people for the purpose of practicing some magic skills.

"We destroyed the Lai family, but it was not for the purpose of practicing magic arts. The Lai family is not worthy."

"It is because the Tian family provokes you to destroy the Tian Family Mansion. Why, can't we not do it?" Huang Xuangu replied calmly.

"It feels like you are all fooling each other, and the Tian Lai family are not fools. How could they provoke you monsters and people in the magic way respectively."

"Now that Tian Lai's family has been destroyed, only our Huang family is left. I want to know if you will do anything to our Huang family." Huang Jianzhi pretended to be serious and asked.

"Although we are members of the magic road, our bottom line is still there. We will not do excessive killing. We will leave Qingfeng Town later." Huang Haofeng said.

"If someone in the magic way has a bottom line, then they won't be called a person in the magic way."

"After you destroy the Lai family and come back to the Tian family, it is obvious that the Tian family is also one of your goals."

"Of the three major families in Qingfeng Town, two are your goals. If you say that the Huang family is not, why don't I believe it."

Huang Caiyan had to suspect that the people in the Demon Dao were directed at the three major families in Qingfeng Town.

"My generation needs you to believe that Qingfeng Town is the place of our human beings. You come uninvited, and you will destroy the crowd at every turn. What qualifications do you have to stay here?"

Although Huang Xuangu didn't know the purpose of these two monsters, he felt that it was too dangerous for these two monsters to stay in Qingfeng Town, and he had to find a way to drive them out.

"Do I know you? How do you feel that your voice is so familiar."

The two sides are about to quarrel, Huang Jianzhi interrupted and said in a hurry.

"No, the vocal cords have changed. Grandpa can still hear it" x2

Huang Xuangu and Huang Caiyan were surprised in their hearts.

"Well, I think I probably know your identities. If you don't play with you, I will go back first, bye."

Seeing that neither side was talking, Huang Jianzhi didn't want to play anymore, so he turned around and walked towards home.

"Second grandpa, grandpa won't really discover our identity, right?" Huang Xuangu asked suspiciously.

"How is it possible that we hide so well, your great grandfather can't recognize us, it should be your great grandfather who thinks that he shouldn't stay here for a long time, just find an excuse to leave."

"Although this excuse is a bit ostentatious, it's okay. If Grandpa wants to leave, we will pay close attention to the monsters and let Grandpa leave first."

Huang Haofeng fixed his eyes on the two monsters in front of him, in case the two monsters do anything to his uncle.

"Kageji, watch them two closely, don't let them do anything to grandpa."

Huang Caiyan thought the same way. She didn't think Grandpa would recognize her, she felt that Grandpa would just find an excuse to leave this dangerous place.

Huang Jianzhi's back disappeared. Huang Xuangu and Huang Caiyan were still facing each other, and they didn't know how long they had been facing each other.

The two parties may feel that the possibility of a fight is very low, and they will leave with each other's mind.

"Leave them to me, and I will find out what they want to do in Qingfeng Town!"

"Miss, please rest assured, the subordinates will find out their specific purpose for coming to Qingfeng Town!"

Everyone left, but both of them were deeply afraid that each other's coming to Qingfeng Town would harm the Huang family, and they were secretly investigating each other's purpose of coming to Qingfeng Town.

Soon, the news that Tian Lai's family had been destroyed spread throughout Qingfeng Town, and the people in Qingfeng Town were panicking, who did it.

If the two families were destroyed overnight, would it be the Huang family? Many people know that the elder of the Huang family has returned.

The Huang family was originally the first family in Qingfeng Town, and with the highest elders who came back, it didn't seem to be a problem to destroy the two families.

Few people suspected that it was a man or a monster in the magic road. If it was a man or a monster in the magic road, Qingfeng Town would not only destroy the two families. The blood flowed into a river is the reality.

The possibility of Tian Lai’s family being wiped out by the Huang family has gradually been magnified. Even the Huang family denied it. Anyway, the people in Qingfeng Town think it was the Huang family.

"I did it. Keeping them will only be a scourge."

Huang Haofang and his son were worried that the destruction of Tian Lai’s family was a dangerous signal, so they went to the uncle at home, but when they heard the uncle said that he did it, the big stone in their hearts fell.

At the same time, they were extremely happy that Qingfeng Town was finally in charge of their Huang family.

"Grandpa, are you looking for me?"

At noon, Huang Xuangu was called alone by Grandpa Tai. When he saw the grandfather, Huang Xuangu wondered what the grandfather was looking for.

"That person was you last night!" Huang Jianzhi said in a hurry while sipping tea.

"Yesterday, last night, grandpa, what are you talking about?"

When Huang Xuangu heard it, his eyes were slightly enlarged, and his heart trembled. He wouldn't really be recognized by the grandfather.

"You were the one who wiped out the Lai family last night, and the one next to you was the boy Haofeng." Huang Jianzhi said calmly.

"Too, grandpa, you..."

Huang Xuangu was shocked. He really couldn't figure out how Grandpa Grandpa knew. It was enough to recognize him. How could even Grandpa Second be recognized.

"That boy Haofeng is really true. He has disappeared for so many years and led you to the path of the magic way. You have no children for so many years because you have practiced magic skills."

Huang Jianzhi put the tea cup down and looked at the great great-great-grandson calmly, as if he was being held accountable.

"Grandpa, how do you recognize me and Grandpa Second?"

Huang Xuangu saw the grandfather's attitude, and knew that the grandfather had already affirmed their identities. He couldn't deny them even if he wanted to deny it. He was curious how the grandfather recognized them.

"The reason for recognizing you, this is my secret about your grandfather, I won't tell you."

"Grandpa, aren't you angry?"

Huang Xuangu saw a smile slowly appearing on the grandfather's face. He was a little surprised. Grandpa is a righteous person, so he doesn't feel very angry at the two younger generations who have walked into the magic way.

"What are you angry about? It's because you practice magic arts. I'm not the old and stubborn ones. I clean up my door when I see younger generations who practice magic arts."..

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