Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1223: Protect shortcomings

"Don't you worry that grandpa grandpa and me and my second grandpa will harm the common people by practicing magic power?"

Huang Xuangu was amazed by the attitude of the grandfather, what the grandfather said was also in the top sect of the right way for more than a hundred years, more or less affected by the concept of right way.

Not to mention that it is not at odds with the people in the magic way, at least it is very tired of the people in the magic way. It can be seen from the attitude of the grandfather, it is obvious that he does not care about people in the magic way.

This is not a concept that a righteous person should have. It means that the grandfather's ideas are too open, or that the grandfather is too protective of their younger generations.

"If you want to do harm, do harm. In your grandfather and my heart, your survival is more important than the life and death of the common people."

Huang Jianzhi's face was very calm, as if he really didn't care about the life and death of the common people.

"Too, grandpa, you..."

Huang Xuangu couldn't believe that this was from his grandfather.

Although what the practitioners are pursuing is the Great Way of Longevity, maintaining the balance of the common people is nothing more than talking about it. Who cares about the common people is not for their own sake.

But the stability of the common people is what the righteous hypocrites want to see. They need common people to provide them with resources, coolies and fresh blood.

In their eyes, the Demon Cult is just a deadly enemy vying for their interests.

Harming the common people is quite an enemy of all righteous people. The grandfather does not care that his descendants do harm to the common people, and he thinks that his descendants are more important than the life and death of the common people.

It's really rare in the world to protect shortcomings like Grandpa, but I like it.

I feel that Grandpa's concept is very similar to that of Peerless Demon. If it weren't for the talent of the great grandfather, it is possible that the great grandfather would become the demon among the peerless demon.

I really want to pull my grandfather into the devil's way, but unfortunately I can't do that. My grandfather's talent has already determined that his grandfather is not suitable for survival in the cruel world of the devil's way.

"Peerless Demon? You can try this identity, or be a bad guy by chance."

Huang Jianzhi peeped shamelessly at the great great-great-grandson's thoughts, thinking of being a bad person, the corners of his mouth curled up without showing a trace, obviously he didn't know what bad idea he had thought of.

"Grandpa Grandpa, Grandpa No. 2 and I will not harm the common people. Although we pursue strength, we will not lose our minds by strength. We have a bottom line." Huang Xuangu said.

"It's best to have a bottom line, otherwise, the reincarnation of heaven, who is willing to let go." Huang Jianzhi smiled.

"Grandpa, what are the identities of those two monsters last night? Will it harm our Huang family?"

Huang Xuangu remembered that Grandpa Grandpa said last night that he recognized the identities of them and the monsters. At first he didn't believe it, but now he really recognizes him and Grandpa Second. The two monsters were probably known to Grandpa last night.

Although he didn't know how Grandpa met the two monsters last night, the monsters are not kind, they are very cunning.

He was afraid that his grandfather would be used by monsters. He believed too much in monsters, so he was stupid to help them count the money after being sold by monsters.

This was something he didn't allow. He had to figure out the purpose of the two monsters to see if it harmed the Huang family.

"Don't worry, they are good monsters. They have lived in Qingfeng Town for more than ten years. If they wanted to harm our Huang family, they would have been harmed."

"The Tian family is also unlucky enough to provoke them to ruin. You and Haofeng don't need to care about them, and don't need to understand their identities."

"They have a relationship with the Huang family, and even if someone provokes them, the Huang family will be fine." Huang Jianzhi said calmly.


Huang Xuan was very confused when he heard the words, how could those two monsters have a connection with the Huang family? He looked at Grandpa curiously, wondering what kind of connection the two monsters had with the Huang family last night.

"You don't need to know so much, you will know when you know it."

Huang Jianzhi didn't intend to let the Great Great-great-grandson know too much, perhaps because he was afraid that it would be no fun if the Great-great-grandson knew too much.

"The Huang family is in danger, will they take care of the Huang family?"

Huang Xuangu thought that he would leave Qingfeng Town with his second grandfather soon, leaving his grandfather and father at home.

He wanted to know if the two monsters related to the Huang family would take care of the Huang family. If they would, then he would feel more at ease.

"Don't think about it, they won't stay in Qingfeng Town for a long time, maybe they will also leave Qingfeng Town in the near future."

"Why, you are worried that you and Haofeng's boy will leave, no one in the house takes care of your father and grandfather." Huang Jianzhi smiled.

"Grandpa, how do you know that I'm leaving with Grandpa Second?"

Huang Xuangu asked with a look of surprise, he didn't show any intention to leave, how did Grandpa Tai see it.

"Qingfeng Town is too small, you are so anxious to destroy the Tian Lai family, you are not leaving, do you have other meanings!"

"If you want to leave, just leave. The outside world is very exciting. You don't have to worry about it inside the house, no matter if you go for a walk."

"Your father is unusual. Judging from his face, he quickly soared into the sky, and his achievements may be even higher than that of your two brothers." Huang Jianzhi said with a smile.

"Father, fly into the sky? Grandpa, can you believe in your physiognomy?"

Huang Xuangu knows his father very well. He has a first-grade spiritual root, five levels of qi training, and average talent. He really has a chance to soar into the sky.

"Although it is self-taught to look at and practice alchemy, it is my specialty anyway. If you don't believe it, there is no way."

Huang Jianzhi shook his shoulders and said, he was not wrong. The soul of Huang Taihua's grandson was different, and his luck became stronger and stronger, and he was obviously about to awaken.

"Grandpa, can you give me the complete prescription for Immortality Pill? You know how important Pill Immortality is to me and Grandpa Second."

When Huang Xuangu heard the word "Pill Pill", he directly left behind the second grandfather's vision. In his mind, it was obviously unrealistic that pill medicine was the real treasure.

As for the grandfather's saying that his father would soar into the sky, he chose to ignore it, because his father's talent was just like that.

Even if there is a chance, it can't change much. I'm talking about what chance will appear in the small Qingfeng Town.

He needs a prescription for elixir, the grandfather's practice of alchemy is self-taught, certainly not comparable to a genuine alchemist.

With the prescription, the authentic alchemist will definitely successfully train the Tongxian Pill. It's not that he doesn't believe in the grandfather's pill practice, but he is really professional or handed it over to a professional.

"I feel that I have taught myself, and the practice of alchemy is not as good as those professional alchemists. It's too naive, you think you can practice the Pill of Immortality if you have a prescription."

"Tell you, even if I spread the prescription widely, except me in this world, I can guarantee that no one can practice the Pill of Immortality." Huang Jianzhi vowed.


"A lot of things are unreasonable, unreasonable, and unclear. The prescription is not intended to be given to you, it is useless to give you, and it will only harm you."

"Grandpa, I know!"

Huang Xuangu knew that Grandpa wouldn't harm him. Grandpa said that other alchemists couldn't practice elixir of elixir, and there must be a reason. He chose to believe in Grandpa.

"Take it, three elixir pills, one for each of you and Haofeng, and the remaining one for your life."

"I haven't talked about one or two characteristics of Tongxian Pill, you will find out in the future."

Huang Jianzhi took out an exquisite bottle and threw it to the great-great-great-grandson.

"Grandpa, you..."

Huang Xuangu was a little stunned when he received the bottle. The grandfather didn't say that there were no elixir, why there are three more? This grandfather is really...

"Grandpa, thank you..."

"Let's go, don't disturb me cleaning up."

Huang Jianzhi drove the great great-great-grandson away.

"Knowing the monsters, and also recognizing me, it seems that the uncle has a lot of secrets,,, the elixir, is this the elixir?"

Huang Haofeng took the exquisite bottle that Huang Xuangu had handed over, and poured out an elixir pill from the bottle on the palm of his hand.

Looking at the white mellow pill on the palm of his hand, there was no medicinal fragrance and no spiritual fluctuations, he was a little doubtful whether it was the so-called elixir.

"Second grandfather, why don't you try one now?"..

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