Huang Haofeng didn't hesitate, and was ready to put the Pill of Immortality to his lips. He didn't worry that there was a problem with the Pill of Immortality. He believed that the uncle would not harm them.

When the Tongxian Pill came to his mouth, he was about to open his mouth and swallow it. Suddenly, he instinctively reminded him that he could not take the Tongxian Pill here. He believed his instinct and instinct to stop taking it.

He wondered why he had this feeling. He looked at the elixir pill and thought for a while, thinking that he was worrying, and then moved to his mouth, but this strange feeling appeared again.

Huang Haofeng had to stop taking the Immortal Pill, suddenly his mind flashed, and Huang Haofeng thought of a certain possibility.

"Second grandfather, what's the matter?"

Huang Xuangu couldn't help asking when seeing the second grandfather behaving strangely.

"I have a strong hunch that if I take the Tongxian Pill, it is very likely that I will break through on the spot, and then I will face the catastrophe."

Huang Haofeng's intuition is getting stronger and stronger, feeling that this elixir will make him break through on the spot, which is definitely a good thing for him.

It's just that he hasn't been fully prepared to face the catastrophe, and because others are in Qingfeng Town, it is not convenient to cross the catastrophe in Qingfeng Town.

"Really, the elixir of elixir can really make your second grandfather break through!!!"

Huang Xuangu was very excited. From the Qi training period to the Golden Core Stage, there is no Heavenly Tribulation. Only when the Golden Core Stage is above, each great realm breakthrough will have a Heavenly Tribulation.

Grandpa Second is now at the peak of the Golden Core Stage, and the next breakthrough is the Nascent Soul. Nascent Soul is definitely the overlord in the world of cultivation.

In the world of spiritual practice, it is a big calorie from the Golden Core Stage to the Nascent Soul Stage. Almost nine-tiered Golden Core Stage powerhouses in the world are struggling on the edge of the Nascent Stage. Obviously only one step away, they have become the world.

He understands the situation of Grandpa Second. Grandpa Second’s talent is very good, but it takes at least decades of accumulation to break through from the peak of the Golden Core Period to the Nascent Soul Period.

Regardless of how long decades are long, this is the realm of comprehension, and there are people who have been closed for decades or hundreds of years. His second grandfather is less than a hundred years old, and he is at the peak of the Golden Elixir period.

Although there is an organic element, but in just one hundred years of cultivation to the peak of the Golden Core Stage, it shows how high the talent of the second grandfather is.

A single elixir can save decades of time, this elixir is definitely a unique existence in the magic medicine.

In addition to the other special effects of Tongxian Pill, it is not an exaggeration to call the Tongxian Pill the No.

"Well, my intuition is very accurate. I have lived until now by avoiding dangers by intuition, and being able to pass through the elixir will allow me to break through."

"It's not the time to make a breakthrough. I'm not yet ready to face the tribulation. Although there is an elixir of elixir and I am not afraid of the evil spirits when crossing the tribulation, the tribulation is not so easy."

Huang Haofeng hadn't survived the catastrophe, but he knew the power of the catastrophe, and there was nothing he could do. He didn't know how many people died under the catastrophe. He wouldn't be able to cross the catastrophe easily before he was ready.

"I can't take it now, but you can. Try one. I will protect you."

Huang Haofeng handed Huang Xuangu the Immortal Pill in his palm, motioning him to take it and see the effect.


Huang Xuangu didn't hesitate, he took it and swallowed it, and soon the effect came. Huang Xuangu's face turned red, and he quickly sat cross-legged to practice the elixir.

A strong life energy lingered in Huang Xuangu's body, and a mysterious blue light enveloped Huang Xuangu's whole body, as if he was evolving Huang Xuangu's body.

The surrounding spirits rushed into Huang Xuangu's body. Although Huang Haofeng was shocked by the movement, he still put out a formation in time to cover Huang Xuangu's movement.

Huang Xuangu’s mind at this moment seemed to be intoxicated in the dreamy world of stars, he saw the sea under the setting sun, the iceberg world of endless snow storms, the dead bone forest,,,

When he came back to his senses, he felt his body light and at ease, as if his body was liberated.

"Xuan Gu, how is it?"

Huang Haofeng asked expectantly when seeing the movement on Huang Xuangu's body disappeared.

"The grandfather is true. The Pill of Immortality can really eradicate dark diseases and eliminate demons. The body is relaxed and comfortable, and even the devil's fetus is calm, without any evil, resentment, anger and other secondary energies."

"If it weren't for my demonic fetus, I would feel like I was not a man of demons at all, and my cultivation base had broken through from the late stage of foundation construction to the peak of foundation construction."

"It seems that I am more than simply breaking through to the peak of the foundation period. The Tongxian Pill feels that 90% of the medicinal effect has not been digested by me, and it is hidden in my veins and flesh and blood."

"Tongxian Pill is still nourishing my body and strengthening my magic fetus. Within one year, I feel that I can break through to the Golden Pill stage in just one year."

Huang Xuangu didn't expect the effect of Tongxian Pill to be so powerful, he directly pushed him to this point, which he couldn't even think of, and the smile on his face couldn't stop thinking about it.

"Good good good"

Huang Haofeng was also an excitement. He was only thirty-five years old, and he hadn't cultivated magic for more than ten years. He thought that he had a special physique and was very good, but he didn't expect this elixir to be even more awesome.

In one year, it takes one year to be the strongest in the Golden Elixir period. Are there any 35- or 6-year-old strong in the Golden Elixir period, but there are fewer than five in history.

All of them have become top bosses, and they have left their own legends in the Profound Dao Continent.

Thinking that the younger generation would grow to that point in the future, Huang Haofeng didn't know how happy he was.

"Second Grandpa, at the last moment, I seemed to have an epiphany. During my epiphany, I saw a lot of things, one line and one thing in the world, and even the back of the gods and demons that cannot be looked at was fortunate to glance at them."

"In this epiphany, I found my own way and clarified my goal. The Immortal Pill really helped me a lot." Huang Xuangu raised a confident and firm smile.

"Hahaha... to find your own way, this is a good thing, a good thing..."

Huang Haofeng was so happy when he heard that his younger generation had found his own way. There was nothing more important than finding his own way.

"Second grandfather, the Tongxian Pill is so defying, is it really made by grandfather?"

A hint of suspicion appeared in Huang Xuangu's eyes.

"Why do you care so much, just know that he is our elder."

Huang Haofeng has a lot of speculations in his heart, but these are the secrets of his uncle, and it is better not to know too much about the secrets of the elders.


"You gave Xiao Xuanqing the Immortal Pill I gave you!" Huang Jianzhi asked calmly.

"Uncle, I take the elixir pill for me, and Xuanqing still has a long way to go. He needs elixir pill," Huang Haofang replied.

"I have served you. There are two elixir, one for you and Taihua, and one for each of you. For the younger generations, you just leave it alone. I'm here."

Huang Jianzhi shook his head, left a medicine bottle on the table and got up and left.

"It seems that the uncle really has the treasure of a certain top alchemist, so that's good, the younger generation will hand it over to the uncle, and I will be relieved."

Huang Haofang looked at the medicine bottle on the table with a smile on his face.


"Xuanqing, Caiyan, in Tianyi Sect, you two must listen to your grandfather and don't make trouble for your grandfather."

"I know, I know, we will listen to Grandpa."

Huang Xuanqing didn't know how many times he heard his father's grandfather talk about these words. He had no choice but to nod and agree.

At this moment, Huang Caiyan was very worried, she still cared about the two magicians that night, and was deeply afraid that they would be disadvantageous to the Huang family.

But it was useless for her to care. She was leaving. She couldn't stay. Her biological father didn't allow it, and her biological father refused to send masters to protect humans, which made her very worried.

"Yona, what's wrong with you?"

Huang Xuanqing saw that Yan'er spoke very little, so she asked if she thought something was going on.

"Nothing, wondering what Tianyi Sect would be like?"


"Uncle, Xuanqing and Caiyan are pleased to you." Huang Haofang and his son said reluctantly.

"Don't worry, I will take care of them!"

After a short goodbye, Huang Jianzhi set off with Huang Xuanqing and two of them.

Huang Xuangu saw Grandpa taking his younger brothers and sisters off, and went back to the house and left a letter, leaving Qingfeng Town with Grandpa Second.

"Second grandfather, what's the matter?"

Huang Xuangu, who was leaving Qingfeng Town with Grandpa Second, suddenly saw Grandpa Second blocking him with one hand and looking around with solemn eyes, which made him also vigilant.

"To the effect, we broke into a trap set by others. This formation is not correct. This is not a formation. What is this?"..

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