Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1231: Enter the outer door

"Tianyi Sect can still do this, but the appearance of the token is not unfair to many people. Those high-level people give the token to their family children, which is considered one of the benefits of Tianyizong to those high-level people."

"Trusted logistics is exposed, usually by those big families, and other people have no chance to get tokens."

"Sometimes, Tianyizong's token will cause a series of scrambles and fights. Tianyizong is blind to this situation?" Huang Xuanqing asked unclearly.

"You are still too young. There is absolute fairness in the world. If you embark on the road of spiritual practice, no one will have a few lives on his hands."

"The higher the cultivation level, the more indifferent to life. They all killed all the way for the promotion of resources. They did not kill, they came today."

"Tianyizong's high-level cultivation has so far, how much do you know about them, and what do they ignore? You can guarantee that you will not become one of them in the future." Huang Jianzhi said calmly.

Huang Xuanqing was silent, unable to answer a word for a long time.

"Grandpa, although Brother Xuanqing can't guarantee what kind of person he will become in the future, I believe Brother Xuanqing will have a clear conscience in everything he does."

Huang Caiyan spoke for Huang Xuanqing.

"It doesn't matter to him to have a clear conscience. He takes the Immortal Pill I trained, and no matter how many bad things I do in his life, he will not have a heart demon. As long as he doesn't die, he will be able to become immortal."

Huang Jianzhi said casually.

"Grandpa, apart from tokens, is there any other way for those who are unqualified in Linggen to join?"

Huang Xuanqing ignored the question of the grandfather's elixir and continued to ask.

"Yes, smash with a spirit stone, smash a tens of thousands of low-grade spirit stones, and you will be eligible to join the outer gate of Tianyi Sect." Huang Jianzhi replied.

"No, hundreds of thousands of lower-grade spirit stones can only enter the outer door, not even the inner door?" Huang Xuanqing said in surprise.

"Is there a lot of 100,000 lower-grade spirit stones? If I remember correctly, there are more than 100,000 outer disciples in Tianyi Zong, and hundreds of thousands of outer disciples also need spiritual stones to practice."

"Although Tianyizong has a few Lingshi mountain ranges to supply, it is also a good choice to occasionally get subsidies from outside."

"Hundreds of thousands of lower-grade spirit stones are exchanged for the status of a disciple of the Tianyi Sect. Many big families are still willing to fight for it."

"Of course, there are restrictions on the number of identities bought with spirit stones. Each year, there are one hundred places for large families outside to compete freely, and the top 100 high-priced ones will get it."

"The only person who smashed in with the spirit stone is the identity of the outer disciple. If you want to enter the inner door, you must rely on talent and hard work. Because of this, the person who enters the inner door is regarded as the real disciple of the Tianyi sect."

"The tens of thousands of disciples in the outer sect are mixed with dragon fish. Anyone can come in contact with them. Those who come in by relationships, those who come in by smashing spirit stones, those who come in by good luck picking up tokens, and even people from other sects come in."

"Unlike the inner door, the outer door has eliminated people every year, and there are newcomers every year."

"I was ready to take you through the back door when I went back this time. I didn't expect that your spiritual roots just reached the entry standard, which just saved me a lot of spiritual stones." Huang Jianzhi smiled.

"Grandpa, you said that the third-ranking spirit roots generally enter the outer door, so what conditions need to be met to be promoted from the outer door to the inner door?" Huang Xuanqing asked.

"There are many competitions in the outer door, such as seven-year competition, ten-year competition, etc. As long as you get the top ten in these competitions, you can directly enter the inner door."

"It's just that when you participate in these competitions, there are tens of thousands of people, and tens of thousands of people compete for ten places. Thinking about it, you know how terrible the competition is.

"Of course, if you reach the seventh level of Qi training within three years, you can also apply to enter the inner door." Huang Jianzhi replied patiently.

"Is there any other simpler and easier way?"

Huang Xuanqing felt that there should be other easier ways to enter the inner door, and asked the grandfather.

"One, there is merit, and it is great merit. If you do something meritorious to the sect, the sect will naturally upgrade you to the inner sect beyond the standard when you see it."

"Second, spiritual roots, as long as it is verified that you are a fifth-grade spiritual root, you will directly enter the inner door. If you perform well, you will have a chance to teach you true disciples or direct disciples."

"It seems that two months from now will be the day when Tian Yizong recruits disciples once every ten years. You can try it."

"Tianyi Sect recruits disciples every ten years. Many Inner Sect elders will show up. If a certain Inner Sect elder recruits you as disciples, you can also directly become Inner Sect disciples."

Huang Jianzhi told everything he knew.

"The competition is cruel..."

Huang Xuanqing thinks of his own conditions, it is difficult to enter the inner sect in a short time, and compete with hundreds of thousands of outer sect disciples, the pressure is even greater.

"Don't be arrogant, you two don't necessarily go to the outer door." Huang Jianzhi smiled.

Huang Xuanqing thought Grandpa was comforting him and stopped talking.

Huang Caiyan is much more relaxed. She knows her specific Linggen level, and she can decide whether to go to the inner door or the outer door.

There was less communication along the way, time passed slowly, and there were more and more pedestrians around.

Among the pedestrians are practitioners, luxury carriages of large families, flying warships of the royal family, and other children and teenagers who have come to participate in the examination of Tianyi Sect.

As the Tianyi Sect is getting closer and closer, the flying magic weapons of the mortal families and other royal families have all fallen. They all know that in addition to their own people, other outsiders are forbidden to fly. This is the rule.

"There are too many people, you can hardly see the end."

Huang Xuanqing stood on the body and looked into the distance, and found that the front was gradually blocked by the crowd, and the crowd behind him could not see the end. He had to sigh that there were so many people who came to participate in the examination of Tianyi Sect.

"These are all family members who came here. There is nothing fuss about. It's just that too many people block the road ahead. It's troublesome. You have to give up these three-headedness. Hold me tight and let's go."

Huang Jianzhi directly abandoned the three heads and flew towards the gate of Tianyizong with two little great-great-grandchildren with flying swords on their feet.

"This is the gate of Tianyizong, it's so spectacular..."

Huang Xuanqing watched two white towering pillars as big as mountain peaks stand upright, with no end in sight, two horrible stone statues of unknown creatures sitting on both sides.

Looking inside, a ladder that leads to the sky does not know where it leads, and there are faintly floating fairy islands in the vague mist.

"The front leads to the place where the elder disciple of the inner gate of the Zongmen cultivates and lives. It looks vague and close in front of you. But the reality is thousands of miles away, and there are many formations. You can't get in without a token. "

"We go to the outer door. The outer door has to go through the side door. There is a teleportation array at the side door," Huang Jianzhi registered his identity and took Huang Xuanqing to the other side.

"Grandpa, why are there so few people?"

Huang Xuanqing looked around and found that few people came and went, so he asked without understanding.

"This is not the main entrance. Tianyi Sect has more than one import and export. You will know how many of them in the future. We are only one of them." Huang Jianzhi replied.

"This is the teleportation array, but what is the strange mirror floating on the teleportation array?"

Huang Xuanqing saw the teleportation array, which was very dazzling, but he was even more curious about the floating mirror on the teleportation array.

"That's looking at the demon mirror, in case the monster enters the Tianyi Sect, let's go, we should go in."

Huang Caiyan is confident about the hidden magic weapon on her body, but looks at the demon mirror with some worries beforehand.

Following the grandfather into the teleportation formation, she was secretly relieved when she found that there was no movement in the demon mirror.


Huang Jianzhi and his party sent to the outer gate of Tianyizong.

"This is the outer gate of Tianyizong. It's... so beautiful."..

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