Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1232: Disaster of Blood

Upon arriving at the outer door, Huang Xuanqing first felt obvious physical and mental comfort. The grandfather reminded Huang Xuanqing that the concentration of aura here is not comparable to the outside world.

At a glance, there are soaring peaks. The most striking thing is that there are floating fairy islands surrounded by mist on Yunfeng, and these fairy islands are hovering around by constellations of stone stars.

The mountains and rivers here are not only extending in all directions, but also unscientifically flowing backwards and diversions to form an unimaginable water cycle beauty, cranes dancing, birds screaming, and tame monster pets...

"This is just average, the inner door scene is more spectacular and beautiful than this. As long as you become an inner door disciple, you will see beautiful scenery that others can't see."

Huang Jianzhi saw that the little great-great-grandson looked like a countryman who had just arrived in the palace and was so silly that he was so fascinated by the palace scene that he smiled and shook his head.

"That's it for the outer door, isn't the inner door an immortal world?" Huang Xuanqing exclaimed.

"Follow up, first take you to the area under my supervision. You will stay on my site for the time being. After you wait for the assessment, someone will arrange your specific whereabouts."

Huang Jianzhi led the way, and the two of Huang Xuanqing hurriedly followed. The outer disciples who passed by accidentally saw Huang Jianzhi. People who knew him generally greeted Huang Jianzhi. Those who didn't know nodded and said hello.

An old man with a rash appearance walked by Yujian, and Huang Jianzhi and his entourage suddenly disappeared from the corner of his eye. The Yujian stopped suddenly, and he still recognized Huang Jianzhi.

Even if Huang Jianzhi has become much younger, for him, he can recognize people who are extremely annoying.

Seeing the two younger generations around Huang Jianzhi, thinking that the sect recruiting disciples would soon begin, he immediately knew what Huang Jianzhi was going to do, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and the sword flew in front of Huang Jianzhi.

"This is not Deacon Huang, who became so much younger after half a year without seeing him. What kind of panacea was taken!" Wu Le said with a half mocking tone.

"Why, you are envious."

Huang Jianzhi said tepidly to the little character in front of him.

"I'm not you, Deacon Huang. Use the points you've saved for most of your life to exchange for nothingness."

"It seems that Deacon Huang, you are still old, knowing that you have no chance to move forward, and you want to remain decent when you die."

Wu Le made no secret of his sarcasm. He already thought that Huang Jianzhi was wasting a lot of points from the sect to redeem the pill to restore his youthful appearance.

Huang Xuanqing and the two saw each other swearing at their grandfather. They didn't know how bad the relationship between each other and the grandfather was, and they didn't wink when they looked at each other.

"Deacon Wu, instead of caring about other people's affairs, it is better to care more about yourself. Your face is very bad. Today you are afraid of a **** disaster." Huang Jianzhi smiled.

"You,, huh, you don't learn the Fa-rectification, and you learn to do things by the side. Don't use this method of pretending to be ugly, it's really unsightly."

"The two juniors by your side are good. The medicine field I am looking after is missing two picking manures. If you don't have a place to arrange for them, Deacon Huang, you can give them to me."

Wu Le first belittled Huang Jianzhi for nothing, and then attacked Huang Jianzhi with two people around Huang Jianzhi.

"Wu Laolai, anyone with a discerning eye can see that these two people have a strong relationship with me. You still use these two people to make trouble. Are you looking for death?"

Huang Jianzhi raised his head and looked at him coldly.

"Hehe... I won't play a life-and-death duel with you madman. The road is still long, so there is no need to be crazy with you."

Wu Le was somehow startled by the look in Huang Jianzhi's eyes, and came to realize that he was very angry with his behavior, and he was actually startled by the look in Huang Jianzhi's eyes.

Thinking of Huang Jianzhi, a madman who doesn't play cards according to his routine, he doesn't want to fight Huang Jianzhi too hard. He is also practicing qi at the 9th level, and his win rate is not very high.

Decisively left a few words of self-comfort and left.

"Grandpa, is he your enemy?"

Huang Xuanqing looked at the back of the other person leaving and asked.

"The enemy is not a nasty guy, you don't need to care about him, he will soon be unlucky." Huang Jianzhi smiled mysteriously.

Huang Xuanqing and the two saw the grandfather's confident look. Although they were very curious, the grandfather didn't want to say more, and they didn't ask much.

Continue to follow the great grandfather's pace, and soon they came to a small medicine field.

"This is the small medicinal field No. 281. It is one of the many small medicinal fields outside the gate. It is planted with common low-level elixir. It is the place where you grandfather I will take care of."

"There is a small yard where your grandfather and I usually live on the hill over there. There are many empty houses in the yard. You can choose one to live in."

Just after Huang Jianzhi had finished speaking, the two or three outside disciples who were busy in the small medicine field also saw Huang Jianzhi and his party, and the leading disciples quickly put down their hands and rushed over.

"Deacon Huang, you are back." The disciple said respectfully.

"Xiaopingzi, I have worked hard for you when I was away. Looking at the growth of the elixir, you have paid no attention to taking care of it."

The young man in front of him was one of the outer disciples who came to help him take care of Xiaoyaotian. He was half his subordinate, and the relationship was average.

No way, these outer disciples didn't come to mess around, or they clocked in and went to work every day, and they changed new people in a few years, and the relationship was normal.

"This is our duty, no hard work, no hard work," Xiaopingzi said politely.

"He is one of my assistants. You should go with him to rest in the yard where I live. Tell him if you have any needs."

"Xiaopingzi, the two of them are descendants of my family, please take care of them, and I will go to the Outer Gate Tianbao Hall."

Suddenly, Huang Jianzhi remembered something, and gave the two little great-great-grandchildren to his assistant to look after him, and went to the outer Tianbao Hall alone.

"Brother Pingzi, do you know what Grandpa Grandpa is doing in Tianbao Hall?"

After Huang Xuanqing was half-familiar with the grandfather's assistant in a few words, she wondered why the grandfather was going to the Tianbao Palace.

"Tianbao Hall is a place for appraisal, task collection, points exchange and so on."

"I remember that Deacon Huang went to Tianbao Hall to rent the cornerstone of the trail using his points. Now, Deacon Huang should go to Tianbao Hall to return the cornerstone of the trail."

Xiaopingzi thought for a while and wanted to answer

"Are there many points for renting the cornerstone of the trail?" Huang Xuanqing asked curiously.

"A lot, the points for renting the cornerstone of the trail are at least earned by your grandfather after working in the sect for more than 20 years." Xiaopingzi replied.

Huang Xuanqing: ...

After returning to the cornerstone of the trail, Huang Jianzhi thought for a while, and raised his Ming Mian's cultivation level by one level, and directly appraised his qualifications in the Tianbao Hall.

Immediately he was promoted from the little deacon of the outer door to the position of elder of the outer door.

At the beginning of the foundation period, he may be the weakest elder at the outer gate, but he is stable for a while at the outer gate.

Outer Gate No. 301 Small Medicine Field

"It's too low-level, I don't have any appetite, it is so, that mythical beast stepped on it..."

The alpaca spoiled a small medicine field and disappeared.

"Deacon Wu, no, it's not good, you, your medicine fields are all destroyed."


Wu Le, who had just returned, was preparing to practice, but his assistant suddenly ran over in a panic. Upon hearing this, he was also anxious and hurried to the small medicine field he was taking care of.

"It's over, it's over, it's all over,,,"

Seeing the ruined medicine field in front of him, Wu Le was about to collapse and sat down paralyzed.

Wu Le knew that his life was over. Even if the murderer was found, the destruction of the medicine field would be irreversible. The person in charge of him would be held accountable anyway.

There are too many deacons in the outer door, and there is more than one staring at him. Now that he has committed a crime, the pack of evil wolves will not make him feel better.

He now roughly knows the consequences of his own. The light one is demoted to a deserted place to provide for the elderly, and he will not leave for his whole life.

"Deacon Wu, there was just a news from the Tianbao Palace that Deacon Huang has been promoted to the elder of the Outer Sect."

"what did you say?"

Wu Le said with wide eyes.

"Deacon Huang has broken through to the foundation building stage, and he has become the elder of the outer door." The assistant replied.


Wu Le took a big squirt of blood, narrowed his eyes and fainted.

Wu Le was in a coma for an instant: This is the disaster of blood and light, my day~..

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