Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1233: Start of assessment

"Grandpa, you won't go to the Tianbao Hall to exchange for a restorative young medicine."

Huang Xuanqing saw that the grandfather who came back was much younger again, thinking that the grandfather went to Tianbao Hall not only to return the cornerstone of the trail, but also to exchange the pill for restoring youth.


"No? How come you are so young, grandpa?"

Huang Xuanqing asked curiously when the grandfather's face turned from fifty to thirty.

"You have nothing else in your mind except the pill." Huang Jianzhi said with contempt.

"Grandpa, have you broken through to the foundation building stage."

Huang Caiyan next to her thought of something and suddenly said with joy.

"It's still Xiao Yan'er's sensitive brain. That's right, I broke through to the foundation building stage and became the outer elder." Huang Jianzhi smiled.

"Elder Outer Sect! Doesn't that mean I have a small backstage in Tianyi Sect."

Huang Xuanqing was not at all surprised. In his heart, Grandpa was in control of the treasure of a top alchemist. With so many resources, he could turn a pig into a demon king, let alone a human.

Thinking of Grandpa becoming the outer elder of Tianyi Sect, although he was only an outer sect, he was still a small backstage, enough to prevent him from being bullied at the outer sect.


"Grandpa, why are you hitting me?"

Huang Xuanqing's little head was suddenly hit by the great grandfather, and he held the little head in both hands and looked at the great grandfather aggrieved.

"In the world of spiritual practice, you shouldn't have such thoughts, relying on mountains and mountains, relying on people...you will always be inferior to others."

"For the outer sect elder, it can be counted as a good position, but for the whole sect, it is a fart."

"If one day, I am gone, who can you rely on?"

"If Yana gets wronged in the future, what can you do?"

"Remember what I said today. In a cruel world, everyone is false. Weakness is sin. Only our own strength can believe it."

Huang Jianzhi seriously corrected the little great-great-grandson's thoughts.

"Grandpa, I was wrong. I shouldn't rely on anyone. I will keep every word of your grandfather in my heart, work hard to become stronger, protect Yan'er, and protect my family."

Huang Xuanqing heard every sentence of the grandfather's words that shocked people's hearts, especially when he mentioned Yan'er, he knew that he had floated recently, which was too wrong.

The grandfather's lesson is right. He can't rely on anyone. There are many people around him who he cares about. In the future, he will become the umbrella of the people he cares about.

Huang Caiyan heard her sweetheart say to protect her face so directly, she was moved so that her eyes were full of tenderness, and her heart was still sweet.

"It should have been this enlightenment long ago, but it is not too late now."

"By the way, something just happened at the outer door, you guys try not to hang out recently." Huang Jianzhi said, remembering something.

When Huang Xuanqing heard that something big happened at the outer door, they both looked at Grandpa with curious eyes.

"Outer Gate No. 301 Xiaoyaotian didn't know who was ruined. In Tianyi Sect, this has never happened before. This is slapped Tianyi Sect in the face."

"Now the entire sect outside the sect is carefully investigating suspicious personnel, vowing to find the murderer. You two have nothing to do recently, so try not to go out and hang out and wait for the recruitment meeting to arrive."

Huang Jianzhi couldn't stand the curious gazes of the two little great-great-grandchildren, so he had to speak and replied.

"Who is so bold, dare to beat Tian Yizong in the face at this time!" Huang Xuanqing said in surprise.

"If Tianyizong can't find the murderer who ruined the medicine field, it will have an impact on the ten-year disciple selection conference."

Huang Caiyan was also thinking about who was so courageous and dared to slap Tian Yizong in the face before the disciple selection meeting.

"I don't know if the murderer can be found, but you surely don't think of who is in charge of the small medicine field No. 301?" Huang Jianzhi smiled.

who is it? Did they know each other? Grandpa laughed so happily, could it be Grandpa's rival? Huang Xuanqing thought to himself.

"You have seen the person in charge, that is the old Wu Lai who asked you two to pick up the dung. He is very unlucky now. When he saw the medicinal field destroyed, he spurted blood and fainted."

"He said he had a **** disaster, why didn't he believe it, now it's all right, the retribution is coming." Huang Jianzhi smiled.

"It's him! Deserve it, he should be unlucky, I now hope that the murderer will not be found by the people of Tianyi Sect."

Huang Xuanqing clapped and screamed.

"If the murderer can be found, it is impossible for the law enforcement team to have no news at all until now. I have a foreboding that this matter will not be over, or find a scapegoat and show it to outsiders."

"Even if the murderer is found, Laolai Wu will not be well. He is destined to be abandoned by the Tianyi Sect. There is no way, the Dazong Sect is so cruel." Huang Jianzhi said calmly.

"Grandpa, your relationship with that Deacon Wu is not very good, will others suspect that grandpa is on you?" Huang Xuanqing asked a little worried.

"There are so many people who have a bad relationship between Waimen and Wu Lai. The people in the law enforcement team are not fools. They suspect that I am useless, and I did not do it." Huang Jianzhi said without hesitation.


As time passed day by day, as Huang Jianzhi said, the Yaotian incident did not stop.

This made the people of Tian Yizong sigh, no way, they haven't touched a trace of the alpaca until now.

The day of the Tianyizong's ten-year disciple recruitment meeting has finally arrived. The drug field incident has not had a big impact on the meeting. The entire vast square of Nuo Da is crowded with people who come to participate in the assessment.

"Go, the necessary assessment procedures are still to be passed, and I will wait for you outside."

Huang Jianzhi brought two great-great-great-grandsons to the periphery of the square and stopped, looking at the assessment area that outsiders were forbidden to enter, and left the two little great-great-grandsons to participate in the assessment.

Huang Xuanqing nodded to the grandfather, and took Yan'er into the square.




Several Inner Sect elders appeared, one by one stood on the high platform and looked at the densely crowded heads below.

They have long been accustomed to this kind of scene, standing there motionless, without saying a word, as if they came to complete the task.

Seeing the powerhouse of Tianyizong appeared, the densely crowded seekers below all held their breath and looked at the powerhouse on the high platform quietly. They knew that the assessment was about to begin.

Chen Ming, the person in charge of recruiting disciples this time, he looked at the elders around him with no expression at all, and he sighed helplessly.

Although it's here to serve as a face-to-face, but you at least give some expressions, OK?

There are also a few shameless elders hiding nearby, who have come to grab talented disciples again, isn't it? It's really getting too much.

"Ahem, old man Chen Ming, is the chief examiner in charge of assessing you. There have been many seekers this year, more than 300,000 people came."

"More than 300,000 is not a small number. I don't know how many dragons and phoenixes are among you, so I won't waste everyone's time."

"One column on the stage is the cornerstone of Taoism. Every thousand people line up to test the spiritual roots. I don't need to say the rules."

"The third-rank spiritual roots are qualified, and those who are less than the third-rank are eliminated, and there is only one chance. I hope that you can finally have three or four thousand people join the Tianyi Sect."

Chen Ming also didn't want to waste time, and directly arranged for every thousand people to come up for an inspection. As for how many qualified people there would be.

Of course he hopes that the more the better, but there are very few people who have spiritual roots, and even fewer of them have reached Rank 3 or above. In the end, he will be happy that there are three or four thousand people with so many people. ..

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