Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1235: The evildoer appears

Huang Xuanqing suddenly thought of something and looked back at Yan'er in the crowd.

He is the owner of the fifth-rank spiritual root and directly became an inner disciple, while Yaner's highest spiritual root is only third-rank, and the two of them want to separate the inner and outer sects.

The feeling of reluctance was spreading, but the thought of having grandpa at the outer door, he could freely enter and leave the outer door as an inner disciple, and the feeling of reluctance in his heart faded.

Huang Caiyan naturally saw the change in Huang Xuanqing's eyes. She knew what Huang Xuanqing was thinking, and the warmth in her heart slowly flowed.

"Brother silly, I will always be by your side."

Huang Caiyan smiled back and motioned to Huang Xuanqing not to care about her.

"If you are unqualified, please leave consciously. If you are qualified, please go to the waiting area according to their spiritual root level, and continue with the next batch."

Chen Ming didn't want to waste everyone's time and drove off Huang Xuanqing's batch and let the next batch continue to be tested.

"Ninety-nine batches, three fourth-grade spiritual roots, nineteen third-grade spiritual roots, the next batch,,,"

Then it was Huang Caiyan's turn.

"Huang Caiyan, the fifth rank of Dark Spirit Root, the fourth rank of Ice Spirit Root, the dual-line mutant spirit root,,,"

The appearance of the dual-line mutant spirit root caused small fluctuations in the people below, and now only this one has the fifth rank of mutant spirit root.

Huang Xuanqing looked at Tong Yang's daughter-in-law with a strange expression: What the hell, did Yan'er also take the Tongxian Pill?

But the grandfather didn't have any extra elixir pill for Yan'er. What was going on, there was something wrong with the foundation stone of Dao?

"Little girl, both types of mutant spirit roots are of such high grade, and the good fortune is not shallow. Go to the inner gate waiting area and wait."

Chen Mingduo glanced at Huang Caiyan, told her to go to the waiting area, and greeted the next batch to come up.

"Yan'er, what's going on? How did your spiritual root level change?"

As soon as Huang Caiyan arrived at the inner gate waiting area, Huang Xuanqing couldn't wait to approach and asked in a low voice.

Seeing Huang Xuanqing and Huang Caiyan's behavior so close, the other fifth-rank spiritual roots in the inner gate waiting area secretly kept an eye on them.

In the future, they will be brothers in the same class as well as competitors. Knowing more about other people's information is only good for them.

"I don't know, I am surprised that Linggen's rank suddenly becomes like this."

Huang Caiyan pretended to be confused, as if she didn't know what was going on.

"I don't know? Is it because the grandfather's cornerstone has a problem!" Huang Xuanqing said half-skeptically and dubiously.

"Brother Xuanqing, why do you think so much? I have entered the inner door now. Are you unhappy with Brother Xuanqing?" Huang Caiyan asked rhetorically.

"Happy, of course happy. If Grandpa knows that both of us have entered the inner door, he will definitely be happy. Now Grandpa may already know it." Huang Xuanqing smiled.


At this moment, a fiery red ray of more than ten meters high suddenly appeared on the inspection platform. The ray of light also contained other colors, but the other colors were much dim.

As soon as this phenomenon occurred, it not only interrupted the communication between Huang Xuanqing and Huang Caiyan, but also made the people on the scene speechless.

"Seven, Seventh-Rank Fire Spirit Root,,,"

The elders of the inner door in the neighborhood exclaimed when he saw this scene, the evildoer appeared, and the seventh-rank appeared before the sixth-rank appeared.

"Su Jitian, the seventh-rank fire roots, the fifth-rank earth spirit roots, and the fourth-rank wood spirit roots, well, finally a real evildoer has appeared."

"Congratulations, becoming the first promoted true student disciple."

Chen Ming didn't know how happy he was smiling at the moment, a big surprise, an absolute big surprise, it was an honor for him to be able to test a Seventh-Rank Spiritual Root.

"Very good, not bad!"

A deep and tight voice suddenly echoed in the air, and the sound was not loud, but everyone on the scene could clearly hear it, which came from the depths of the Zongmen.

When Chen Ming and the other elders heard this voice, they all bowed to the depths of the sect with respectful expressions. This voice came from their suzerain, and they were very familiar with it.

In the ten-year disciple selection conference, how could the true high-level of Tianyizong be absent? Chen Ming and the others just showed up.

Secretly, the sect master, the major peak masters, and the true biography elders have also been paying attention to every move of the recruitment conference with their gods. The recruitment of disciples is related to the future of the sect. How could they not pay attention.

An evildoer appeared. Although the Sect Master of Tianyi Sect did not show up, his voice already represented his attitude.

"Sect Master, my disciple died early, and it has been a long time since I accepted an apprentice. I see him..."

"Go, go, he is the root of the fire spirit, which is in line with the secrets of my cultivation, he is mine."

"You old people who never die, grab a good seed if they appear, and you still have to be shameless."


There were a few more quarreling sounds from the depths of the sect, obviously because of Su Jitian. Chen Ming and the others understood very well that the major peak masters and the true elders began to pinch each other again.

The people on the scene also heard the voices from the depths of the sect, and saw Elder Chen Ming and their respectful looks, they didn't need to think about it to know that these voices all came from big people.

As the sound coming from the depths of the sect became lower and lower, until it ceased to be silent. They were still looking at Su Jitian with envy, they knew that Su Jitian was about to soar into the sky.

Su Jitian on the stage didn't seem to see everyone's attention to him, he was neither humble nor happy, his attitude was calm, and his temperament was different. It was obviously not what ordinary people should have.

"One is the true disciple, much better than our inner disciple, the seventh-level Linggen, you can't let people not notice him."

Huang Xuanqing has written down Su Jitian, not why, because Su Jitian is currently better than him.

"Brother Xuanqing, the spiritual root rank does not mean anything. I believe that Brother Xuanqing will be stronger and more powerful than him in the future." Huang Caiyan raised her small fist and encouraged.

"That's for sure, I will remain stronger, how can I protect my family." Huang Xuanqing said firmly in his eyes.

"Let me see if there are any surprises waiting for me in the back."

Chen Ming asked Su Jitian to rest in the waiting area for the true disciples, and continued without stopping. He wanted to take advantage of good luck to see if he could test out a high-grade spiritual root.

"Two fifth-rank spiritual roots, thirteen fourth-rank spiritual roots, and thirty-one third-rank spiritual roots, the next batch."


I don't know how many batches have been inspected, a shocking scene once again appeared on the high platform, the golden light soaring into the sky, a full 20 meters, taller and richer than Su Jitian's spiritual roots.

"Gu Daojie, single golden spirit root, sixth grade.. Tianling root,,,"

Chen Ming was even more excited. Tianlinggen turned out to be Tianlinggen, and Tianlinggen was more unique than other ordinary spirit roots.

The speed of cultivation alone is several times, ten times, or even dozens of times faster than the mixed spiritual roots of the same level.

Although Su Jitian used to be the seventh-rank fire roots plus two not weak civil roots, it is obvious that Gu Daojie's sixth-rank Tianling roots are even better.

"I'll go, and the inexhaustible Tianlinggen has also appeared. Could it be that I waited for the green leaf to make soy sauce."

The scene is full of seekers, naturally knowing the preciousness of Tianlinggen.

As soon as it appeared, it was the cheaters who added external cheaters. They practiced so many times faster than the ordinary spiritual rooters of the same level, not what cheating was.

"Sect Master, he and I have a bond of mentoring and apprenticeship..."

"Single golden root, this is the disciple God sent me, how can you shameless group grab it with me."


With the appearance of Gu Daojie, the depths of the sect began to be pinched up again.

"Quiet, I'm talking when the disciple recruitment conference is over."

As soon as the Sect Master spoke, the depths of the sect gradually ceased.

Gu Daojie seemed to have known that he was the root of Heaven, and Chen Ming announced the result not surprisingly.

He suddenly shifted his gaze to look at Su Jitian in the true transmission waiting area, showing a slight sneer.

Somehow, some people are enemies when they meet, and they don't like each other. Maybe it's because one mountain can't tolerate two tigers. Gu Daojie doesn't like Su Jitian very much.

Su Jitian looked at Gu Daojie quietly. Sometimes a man didn't need to communicate, and he knew what the other person was thinking with just a look in his eyes.


Su Jitian smiled. Although Gu Daojie's talent is worthy of his attention, it does not mean that he admits that he is inferior to Gu Daojie. ..

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