Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1236: Like things together

"Brother Xuanqing, you won't be irritated by them anymore?"

Huang Caiyan saw that Huang Xuanqing next to her looked at the two evildoers with different eyes, she couldn't help but joked.

"It's not exciting, but I have a foreboding that they will become my strong enemy." Huang Xuanqing felt himself.

"Right enemy? Brother Xuanqing are you going to compete with them? Yes, dare to compete for resources with the evildoer, it means that Brother Xuanqing has understood your position." Huang Caiyan said happily.

"It's all here, why don't you work hard, maybe I will be more noticeable than them in the future." Huang Xuanqing said.

With the passage of time, Tianyizong's ten-year disciple recruitment conference also came to an end.

Three true disciples appeared, namely Su Jitian, Gu Daojie and Wen Yinuo.

Wen Yinuo, a very beautiful girl, she was the last batch to appear, the seventh-rank water Linggen plus the fourth-rank Lei Linggen.

In addition to these three, there are eighteen six-rank spiritual roots, and they have also reached the title of true disciple, but Elder Chen Ming can't give it.

Sixth-rank spiritual roots also belong to the ranks of evildoers, and they are naturally valued. As long as they have passed the apprenticeship, they will naturally be promoted to true disciples within a few days.

There were more than 300 people in the fifth-grade Linggen, who belonged to the genius, and they were inner disciples in the first place.

Except for those above the fifth rank, there are more than 5,000 people in the remaining third and fourth ranks, which makes Chen Ming happy. The number of qualified people is more than he estimated.

Immediately afterwards, all the unqualified people were asked to leave the outer courtyard of Tianyizong, and there were only those who passed the third level of Linggen in the square of Nuo Da.

"All the spirit roots above Rank 5 come to me to receive your ID card. Tomorrow you will use this ID card to report to the inner courtyard."

"At that time, someone will arrange your whereabouts based on your spiritual root attributes. Of course, if you are not satisfied with the whereabouts arranged by Tianyi Sect, you can apply for a replacement."

"There are nine peak masters in the Tianyi Sect, and each peak master is in charge of a hospital. You can apply to be transferred to a hospital you are satisfied with. This is the privilege of the Tianyi Sect to give you the seeds of genius."

"In addition to the departments under the control of the nine major peak masters, Tianyizong also has many independent branches like Pill Training Pavilion and Pill Training Pavilion. You can also apply for these."

"However, I still recommend that you follow the arrangement of the sect. The arrangements the sect gives you are based on your spiritual root attributes."

"It is about your future growth. I hope you will be cautious in your final choice."

"As for the outer disciples, you don't need to be so troublesome. You can go to the outer door and wait for the registration office now. After registration, you will be outer disciples."

"Don't complain that I have a different attitude between outer disciples and inner disciples. This is how the world is, and the beginning is often everything."

"But it doesn't mean that you will not have the opportunity to surpass them in the future. Linggen is just a starting point, but does not express the final result. As long as you work hard, you will grow to the point where others look to you."

Chen Ming said what he should have said, and began to issue their identity badges to more than three hundred inner disciples and three true disciples.

"After the ID cards have been issued, you can leave freely. If you have any questions, there are some old students at the inner and outer doors nearby. You can ask them."

Chen Ming left on his own when he finished speaking, and some elders around followed also left, and some remained in place, scanning the group of qualified people with their eyes.

More than 5,000 qualified people saw Chen Ming, the person in charge, gone, and some related or arrogant people also dispersed, but most of them stayed where they were.

They are not in a hurry to leave. They are qualified in the same class. This place is like an exchange meeting. There is a long road to practice. It is good to make more friends.

It's just that the scene is slowly becoming polarized, with more than 300 inner disciples on one side, and an overwhelming number of outer disciples on the other.

Maybe it is because things gather together, the outer disciples tried to enter the inner disciple circle, but unfortunately they were all excluded.

"Junior, I have fallen in love with you, are you interested in becoming my apprentice..."

The elders hiding nearby appeared one after another and began to accept disciples, but the scope of their accepting disciples was within the circle of outer disciples, and inner disciples with higher spiritual roots wanted to accept them, but they didn't dare to get infected.

Because they knew that this small number of more than 300 people had already been booked by the major peak masters and elders of the truth, if they dared to accept it, they would be uncomfortable in the future.

Among the outer disciples, the fourth-rank spiritual roots are all excited. The disciple who becomes the inner sect elder can not only be promoted directly to the inner disciple, but also has an inner sect chief teacher and father as a protective umbrella.

Not to mention other benefits, there is no reason to refuse, as soon as the elder comes to ask, he just kneels down and worships.

It's just that among the more than 5,000 outer disciples, there are many fourth-rank spiritual roots, and only a dozen lucky ones escaped by the inner sect elders, which greatly disappointed the other fourth-rank spiritual roots.

"Brother Xuanqing, look at it, the two true disciples seem to be facing each other tit-for-tat."

The most noticeable thing in the scene was the three authentic disciples. Countless people wanted to get to know them, but they were driven away by the words "Go away" and "Keep away" before they even spoke.

Wen Yinuo is not as direct as the two men, but she can't get close to her if she tactfully refuses: I'm sorry, I want to be alone.

The three authentic disciples, Su Jitian and Gu Daojie, didn't show anyone a good face, so naturally they couldn't talk about it, and Wen Yinuo became the opponent they wanted to fight for.

Then the two confronted each other in order to get acquainted with Wen Yinuo.

"It's none of our business, let's go to the great grandfather." Huang Xuanqing said with a flat look.

"Brother Xuanqing, don't you stay and make some friends?" Huang Caiyan asked.

"No, how can you make real friends in this situation? If you are destined, good friends will always meet."

Huang Xuanqing took her daughter-in-law to find her grandfather after speaking.

"Grandpa, Yaner and I have entered the inner door."

"Oh, got it!"

Huang Jianzhi leisurely sipped tea, and calmly responded to the words of the little great-great-grandson.

"Sure enough, grandfather, you know that Immortal Pill can improve the level of spiritual root, otherwise you won't be so calm when you hear me becoming an inner disciple."

Huang Xuanqing saw the grandfather's expression of no surprise and no joy, and it was true in her heart. Regarding the elixir of elixir, the grandfather still had many things to hide from him.

"You will not talk about elixir in Tianyi sect in the future. Tianyi sect has a lot of great powers. Their hearing is very abnormal. If they hear you accidentally, you will cry." Huang Jianzhi Reminded.

"What, then me..."

"Don't worry, you can mention it by my side, no one can hear it." Huang Jianzhi said calmly.

"Huh, frighten me. Grandpa, you didn't tell me whether there are other effects of Tongxian Pill." Huang Xuanqing breathed a sigh of relief and continued to ask.

"Maybe, maybe not, who knows." Huang Jianzhi replied irresponsibly.

The corners of Huang Xuanqing's mouth twitched slightly. Seeing the expression of grandpa, he knew he was asking, and grandpa would not tell him.

"Grandpa, I don't have to ask about the elixir, what's the situation with Yan'er?"

Here, Huang Caiyan knew that the problem was coming.

Brother Xuanqing is so foolish, grandpa is not easy to fool, and the spiritual root problem is not handled well, grandpa would be very suspicious of her.

"Maybe there is a problem with the small piece of road cornerstone I rented."

No, it was solved like this. Is grandpa trying to cover up for her in a disguised form?

Huang Caiyan had originally thought about how to answer the next question from grandpa, but grandpa not only didn't ask questions, he didn't even care about the changes in her spiritual root level, and directly returned to the question of Dao's foundation stone.

This made Huang Caiyan feel very wrong, how could grandpa not doubt her at all.

"I think so."

Huang Xuanqing also believed. ..

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