Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1238: Five years in a hurry

"I was not the only one who came in, everyone else was there, just for safety, I didn't meet, or don't have to meet."

"You also know that we are all sent by our respective demon kings. Although we are all of the same kind of demon clan, who has served the demon king."

"If it wasn't for the relationship between my demon king and your demon king, I wouldn't necessarily come out to meet you." Ma Rongfei replied.

"It's not unreasonable that the monster race was defeated by the human alliance. It's just that they are not united. They are also wary of each other, even the same kind of us who are in the Tianyi Sect."

"If this continues, when will the Monster Race regain the Profound Dao Continent from the human hands?"

Huang Caiyan knew that the others should not come to see her, partly because of factional reasons, and partly because they were both guarding each other, fearing that they would be cheated by the same kind.

It's not that the Yaozu pitting the same thing has never happened. Once Tianyizong is pitted, there is no choice but to be used as a scapegoat.

"The affairs between the big bosses of the monster race are not something we can care about, we just do our own thing."

"Our mission of mixing into Tianyizong is almost the same, becoming stronger, becoming stronger, and finally mixing into the human powerhouse camp, becoming a pair of eyes of the monster race." Ma Rongfei said.

"Difficulty, there are countless evildoers in Tianyizong. If you want to stand out among so many evildoers, the difficulty is not ordinary." Huang Caiyan said.

"Of course it is difficult. Otherwise, how could we be here? We are all selected people, and our talents are recognized by our respective demon kings."

"No matter how many evildoers there are in Tianyizong, it may not be as good as us. Slowly, we will always reach the level we want." Ma Rongfei said.

"In addition to our monster race, there are other forces that have been mixed into Tianyi Sect, right?" Huang Caiyan asked.

"I have to ask. There is a fight where there are people. Needless to say, the demon sect, the internal traitors of the two ways of righteous and demon have become the norm."

"There are other authentic sects too, don't look at their superficial and friendly manners, but whoever wants to sit and watch each other grow bigger."

"Now Tianyizong Dragon Fish is mixed, don't reveal your identity, otherwise you don't know how to die."

"Also, don't trust anyone, even the same kind, because you don't know if he has been instigated by humans."

"The only person I can believe in Tianyi Sect is myself. This is my advice to you."

Ma Rongfei didn't know Huang Caiyan's true identity. He said so much to Huang Caiyan because the people behind him asked him to take more care of Huang Caiyan.

"Thank you"

Huang Caiyan saw that the other party really reminded her, and she nodded to express her gratitude.

"You have just entered the Tianyi Sect. You don't need to be anxious to express yourself. Take your time and strive to be promoted as a true disciple first."


Some secret

Sitting in the void, Huang Taihua opened his pupils. In the darkness, those eyes were unpredictable and dazzling like the starry sky, and there was a danger that could not be seen directly on his body.

"Miao, Miao, this elixir pill is so good, and where the elixir pill is sacred and refined, this is beyond the knowledge of this seat."

Huang Taihua has been united in his past and present life, and he has an extremely thorough understanding of everything. Compared with other family members who take Tongxian Pill, he has a more efficient use and perception of Tongxian Pill.

This is a mortal pill. He believed that it was an elixir practiced by an immortal. After taking the Tongxian Pill for just a few months, he had recovered the two levels of cultivation in his previous life.

Regardless of the fact that there are few two levels, it also depends on what realm it is.

This speed of recovery was unexpected to Huang Taihua. It was estimated that it would take at least ten years to restore to the two levels of the previous life. Whoever wants to complete it in a few months, the biggest credit is the elixir.

"The remaining power in this place has been perfectly integrated and absorbed, and there are three other places. After absorbing those three places, plus the unexpected effect of the elixir pill, I should be able to restore all the cultivation bases of the previous life."

"I thought that after absorbing the power left over from the previous life, he would be able to recover to the seventh or eighth floor at most. Whoever thinks that the elixir is so powerful, not to mention the improvement of the spiritual root, the roots and the understanding are also optimized."

"As long as I reach those three places, within two or three years, my strength will be restored."

"It's just that one of the three places is not easy to enter, and it hurts. Why did I make it so complicated in my previous life? It will take a few years."

Huang Taihua remembered that there was a place where he had his tomb. He had made the tomb himself. He asked him why he had made a tomb for himself. He might feign death to avoid the enemy, or it might be boring, who knows.

The tomb contains his legacy of power, as well as the treasures he has collected in his previous life, but his tomb has to be opened only once every ten years, and he is restricted to below the Jin Dan stage for those who can enter his tomb.

A strong person in the Jindan stage will be killed or rejected by the formation in the tomb if he breaks in. If Yuan Ying or above breaks in, his tomb may self-destruct.

Why he set up these for his grave, perhaps it is the habit of the strong.

The organs of the tomb were all designed by him, and he could enter regardless of the restriction of cultivation level, but the tomb was born once every ten years, so he could not be the master now.

Unless he now has all the power of his previous life. Wei Wei calculates that his tomb is still a few years away from the next birth, and he has to wait.

"I don't want to, let's take back the remaining forces from those two places, and control an existing force to provide resources for this seat."

"Maybe the resources are enough, without the last force, this seat can be restored to its heyday."

After thinking about it, Huang Taihua still feels that it is better to have power and special personnel to collect resources. Then he has time and resources to practice.

What's more, it is not his goal to restore the cultivation base during the heyday of the previous life. His goal is to surpass the previous life and reach a new realm.

This is inseparable from resources, and it is inevitable for him to control a power.

A certain wasteland, at a glance, scorched earth and deep pits can be seen everywhere, and the whole land looks as if it is fragmented.

"Second grandfather, you succeeded!"

After a catastrophe, Huang Xuangu came to the second grandfather with great excitement. He knew that the second grandfather had passed the catastrophe and became a strong Yuan Ying.

"Well, I succeeded. The Tribulation is simpler than expected. It hurt a bit at the beginning, but the more I got behind, the more I felt that Lei Tribulation was giving me a massage."

"This kind of situation shouldn't happen. Heavenly Tribulation is the most terrifying in the world. There is no one. But it just allows me to cross the Tribulation like drinking tea. There is only one possibility for this weird situation: the elixir."

"We all think of the Pill of Immortality too simple. The Pill of Immortality definitely hides some amazing secrets. Your grandfather must be hiding something not to tell us." Huang Haofeng said half-surprised and half-surprised.

"I don't know what grandpa is hiding from us, but I feel that grandpa has given us the world's largest treasure." Huang Xuangu said.

"Well, I now also think that the elixir pill is more important than anything in the world. No wonder that terrifying beast knows the elixir pill. Maybe only the real big man can understand the pill of elixir," Huang Haofeng doubted.

"Second Grandpa, what shall we do next?"

Huang Xuangu ended the topic of elixir, and asked how to go next.

"Looking for the treasure map, we only have the key to the treasure of the Taoist religion. Without the treasure map, we can't find the treasure of the Taoist religion."

Huang Haofeng arranged the next way and left with Huang Xuangu.

Time is hurried, and five years have passed in a blink of an eye.

Tianyizong, competition ground

"I lost again"..

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