Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1239: Alpaca is messing up

Chen Dongming half-kneeled on the competition arena with the Bing Rui spear, looking at Huang Xuanqing with complicated eyes. He lost, and he lost twice in a row by the same person.

If it was someone else, the fellow practitioners would compete in martial arts, and if he lost, he would lose, but he would lose to Huang Xuanqing in front of him. He was always aggrieved and unwilling, because Huang Xuanqing was a latecomer.

He and Huang Xuanqing were both freshmen who entered Tianyi Sect together five years ago. At that time, Huang Xuanqing was a fifth-rank spiritual rooter, and he was a sixth-rank spiritual rooter.

Moreover, he was the first of the eighteen sixth-rank spiritual roots. He remembered clearly that five years ago, Huang Xuanqing was only practicing Qi in the third stage, and he was already practicing Qi in the fifth stage.

In just five years, he broke through to the eighth level of Qi training. This cultivation speed was already the fastest for him with a sixth-grade spiritual root.

But Huang Xuanqing also broke through to the eighth level of Qi training, which made him very puzzled. How could Huang Xuanqing practice faster than his.

Five years, a small state a year, is this still a fifth-grade spiritual rooter?


Huang Xuanqing saw that the result had come out, and said politely to Chen Dongming with his fists.

"Junior Brother Huang, in just five years, you have surpassed me. If I were not present at the entrance examination, I suspect that you are not a fifth-grade spiritual rooter at all."

Although Chen Dongming was a bit unwilling, but if he lost, he lost. He sighed helplessly and stood up.

"Brother Chen, Linggen rank doesn't mean everything, I just work harder than others."

Huang Xuanqing knew that she was no longer a fifth-rank spiritual root, but this kind of thing could not be revealed at all, so she had to hide her embarrassment and smile.

"Linggen is inferior to me, but has caught up with me in just five years. What kind of unimaginable effort you have made, Junior Brother Huang."

"Junior Brother Huang, I don't lose injustice, but I won't keep losing. If you have the perseverance to practice day and night, so can I."

"From now on, I will spend all my time cultivating. I believe that with my sixth-grade spiritual root cultivation speed, I will soon surpass Junior Brother Huang you."

Chen Dongming was stimulated by Huang Xuanqing, thinking that he was really not working hard enough to be surpassed by Huang Xuanqing. If he wanted to defeat Huang Xuanqing, he had to work harder.

"Brother Chen, if I can beat you twice, I can beat you for the third time. I will not return the title of our first true disciple in this session."

Three years ago, Huang Xuanqing became a true disciple. In the three years since becoming a true disciple, Huang Xuanqing has been able to make a splash. The 18 sixth-rank spiritual rooters in the same batch were all picked by him, the fifth-rank spiritual rooter. .

Just to challenge the three evildoers, but the three evildoers have already become personal disciples. Huang Xuanqing wants to challenge them, which is a bit difficult.

As for the seniors who challenged to enter the door earlier than them, I'm sorry, Huang Xuanqing never thought about such stupid things.

"If you want to be the first true disciple, do you want to challenge those three evildoers!"

"Yes, you have picked all of our eighteen sixth-rank spiritual roots this year, and you will miss three of them. Your goal is to be the first of our batch of freshmen."

Chen Dongming didn't need Huang Xuanqing's answer. Judging from Huang Xuanqing's behavior over the past three years, this was already obvious. Huang Xuanqing wanted to compete for the first batch of freshmen.

"You really dare to think about it, but I don't hate someone with goals like you, but you have to defeat those three evildoers if you want to be the first person."

"The three evildoers became direct disciples very early, and the resources of direct disciples are even more abundant than our true disciples."

"In addition to their cultivation speed, it is almost impossible for you to defeat them. You are sure to attack the first person." Chen Dongming said.

"If you don't try it, how can you know that you can't." Huang Xuanqing said without concealing his purpose.

"Good luck and hope you can succeed."

Chen Dongming looked at Huang Xuanqing a few more times, then jumped off the competition arena and left.

Huang Xuanqing didn't care what the group of people watching the crowd commented on him, jumped off the competition arena and walked towards Kerr who had been waiting for him.

"Brother Xuanqing, you have become stronger again. It is easier for you to beat him than last time." Huang Caiyan said with a sweet smile looking at Huang Xuanqing.

"Normal operation, meaningless. We haven't visited Grandpa for a long time, Grandpa should miss us."

"Brother Xuanqing, you are sure that you are not thinking about the good things on Grandpa!" Huang Caiyan said with a smile.

"Who cares, I take it honestly."

Huang Xuanqing was thick-skinned, without a trace of embarrassment, and set off for the grandfather's place while pulling the Tong Yang daughter-in-law.

"If there were no external resources, it would be impossible for him to break through so quickly with fifth-grade spiritual roots. Which force would he be sent by, the Demon Cult, the Demon Race, or another sect?"

In the attic closest to the competition arena, Su Jitian looked at Huang Xuanqing's figure and thought to himself that Huang Xuanqing was very active recently. It would be impossible for him to notice Huang Xuanqing or not.

Although Huang Xuanqing can't threaten him now, there are many forces in the Tianyi Sect, and he is worried that the forces behind Huang Xuanqing will hinder him.

In addition to him, Gu Daojie and Wen Yinuo were also in the nearby attic. They also came to watch Huang Xuanqing. Looking at Huang Xuanqing, they also thought a lot.

"Grandpa, you have become younger again, have you broken through again?"

Huang Xuanqing took Yan'er to the grandfather's yard. When he saw the grandfather, he found that the grandfather was young to 26 or 27 years old. He suspected that the grandfather had broken through again.

"Well, the breakthrough to the middle stage of foundation construction, the medicine for restoring youth at the outer knock, has become like this."

When Huang Jianzhi saw the eighth-level cultivation base of the little great-great-grandson Ming, he was slightly satisfied with the ninth-level cultivation base. What was satisfied was not the cultivation base, but what was satisfied was that the kid had learned to hide.

"Five years ago, you just broke through to the early stage of foundation building, and you broke through to the middle stage so quickly, grandpa, did you eat some kind of elixir."

Huang Xuanqing intends to profit from the grandfather again.

"you guess?"

This is still a guess, it must be, Huang Xuanqing knew it when he saw the grandfather smile so cheaply.

"Grandpa, what kind of elixir and miracle medicine make you break through so quickly, is there any extra, let us both be blessed."

Huang Xuanqing rushed with interest.

"No, goodbye!"

With a light wave of Huang Jianzhi's hand, Chen Feng called out abruptly and rolled Huang Xuanqing and Yan'er out of the gate of the yard. When Huang Xuanqing came back to his senses, the gate of the yard was closed.

"Xiaopingzi, watch the two little **** at the door, don't let them mix into the yard." Huang Jianzhi ordered.

"Wow, ruthless!"

Isn't it important to benefit? Why is the reaction so intense? Is it appropriate to treat future generations like this?

"Brother Xuanqing, I am afraid it will be difficult for you to profit from grandpa in the future." Huang Caiyan smiled while covering her mouth.

"Hey, if you didn't catch it, you didn't catch it. We will come next time."


"Five years have passed since I narrowed my eyes. It's time to get up and do something."

The alpaca woke up from his sleep, his heart moved, and he realized that he had been asleep for five years.

"If you want to make a big wave, start with Tianyi Sect. It's time to announce the arrival of this beast to the world."

The alpaca thought about it and did it. It came to the front of the Tianyizong Mountain, the **** pupil swept away, and a strong deterrence completely suppressed the Tianyizong. ..

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