Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1240: Alpaca is in the play

"Despicable humans, come out and die quickly."

The alpaca’s trembling anger echoed in this world. The damage caused by sound waves not only caused many peaks and floating islands to be shocked, and many palaces of Tianyizong were also affected and collapsed.

In addition to the effects of foreign objects, many elders and disciples of Tianyi Sect were also injured due to the effects of sound waves, vomiting blood and vomiting blood.

In addition to being affected by the sound waves of the alpaca, the living creatures in Tianyizong's radius of thousands of miles were also deterred by the alpaca. Almost half of the living creatures fainted on the spot.

Those who didn't faint, in a trembling panic, they knew that Tianyizong had been approached by a terrifying monster.

If you can go, go as soon as possible. The farther you can leave Tianyizong, the better. The gods fight, the mortals suffer, and if they are affected, they will die in vain.

Tian Yizong was in chaos at the moment, almost all of the outer disciples passed out, and the situation of the outer sect elder Zhuji was no better.

Some people failed to keep their consciousness clear under the deterrence of the alpaca, and they stepped into the ranks of the disciples fainted, and the sober ones were unable to maintain their actions, and the outer door was considered abolished.

The situation in the inner court is much better. Those who enter the inner court are all elites, and only some weak disciples are in a coma. Most disciples can still stay awake under this terrifying deterrent.

"Boom Drum"

"Boom Drum"


The sirens of Tianyi Sect that hadn't been sounded for thousands of years sounded.

No one paid any attention to the siren. At this time, what siren sound was needed? Anyone who perceives knows that a terrifying monster is coming.

"How does this feel? I can hardly bring up any thoughts of resistance, as if life is naked on a fish board,"

"It's definitely a terrifying enemy. When did Tianyi Sect provoke such a monster. It shouldn't be, such a powerful monster, why is there no trace of it in my intelligence."

"What is this method, soul covering? Mental oppression? Or is it a spell or method that I don't know."

"No, you have to contact the people of Shengjiao and apply to leave Tianyizong..."

Although the people who had the status of the Tianyi Sect did not see the alpaca, the deterrence alone made them unable to resist.

They knew that the one who found trouble in the sky was absolutely powerful.

"Brother Xuanqing, are you okay!"

The moment the alpaca came, Huang Caiyan felt uncomfortable all over, feeling like a beast in a cage, losing any room for resistance.

She had never felt this way before, even if she had been fortunate enough to glance at a certain demon clan's great power, she hadn't given her such an uncomfortable feeling.

Dare to find trouble with Tianyi Sect, which already shows that the person who comes is not afraid of Tianyi Sect, which fully shows how strong the person is.

The instinct of the body always sends signals to escape from Tianyi Sect. It is conceivable that Huang Xuanqing still comes to look for Huang Xuanqing with suppressed instinct.

"I'm okay. I hate this feeling. My hair stands up and my body is shaking with fear, but what's the use of hating this feeling."

"I'm still too weak. Only at this moment did I know that without strength, life is not threatened all the time."

Huang Xuanqing clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and said with this pressure.

"Brother Xuanqing, we have only practiced for a few years, how can it be compared to an old monster who has practiced for hundreds of years and thousands of years."

"We are not as good as them now, but I believe that as long as we are given time to grow, we can surpass them sooner or later." Huang Caiyan comforted.

"Let's go to the outer courtyard to find Grandpa,,,"

"Don't, we'd better stay in the inner courtyard and don't do anything. Tianyizong is also one of the top twelve sects in the world."

"There are countless masters in the sect, who have experienced countless crises, and their survival so far has shown how terrifying the Tianyi Sect's background is. I am afraid that the power of the offender will not be able to get the slightest benefit."

"It's dangerous for us to go to the outer courtyard now. Grandpa's survival experience is richer than ours. Once Grandpa finds something is wrong, he will come and take us away in advance."

Huang Xuanqing thought for a while and decided to obey Yan'er's words and stay where they are. If Tianyizong really can't withstand the enemy, they stay where they are, so that Grandpa Grandpa can find it the first time.

"It seems that my **** has been holding back for a long time, and when I wake up, I make such a big movement. I hope it will stay a little longer and don't really ruin the Tianyi Sect."

Huang Jianzhi watched the alpaca performance quietly, without any intention of stopping it, as if what Tian Yizong would do next was not within his consideration.

Spirit beast! ! !

The middle and high levels of Tianyi Sect also found the alpaca for the first time. When they saw that it was a spirit beast that was causing the trouble, a hint of surprise flashed in their eyes.

The spirit beast that has been hiding from the world has actually appeared, and it is still looking for their troubles in Tianyi Sect. Is this a sheep entering the tiger’s mouth, or...

"I don't know Lingzun..."

"Little ants are also worthy to talk to this beast, get out,,"

For the sake of wishing himself alive, the alpaca speaks in a very loud voice, which is not only audible to the entire Tianyi Sect.

Its sound reverberates from thousands of miles around, but it is well controlled, so that its sound does not rupture the eardrums of the surrounding living creatures.


The leading Inner Sect elder wanted to ask about the purpose of the spirit beast's arrival, but he was directly stared at by the alpaca. Not only him, but also the many Inner Sect elders nearby were inexplicably vomiting blood.


A group of Inner Sect elders were dumbfounded. What kind of magical powers this was, and the stare made them all hurt.

They are all strong in the Jin Dan stage, and now they don't even know how they were recruited.


Another group of strong men appeared.

"Lord Luo"

"True Yuyang"

"Real Yan Lan"

The elders of the inner door saw the sect master, the nine peak masters and the true elders all appeared, and they suddenly became respectful.

"Leave it to us here. Go down and heal your wounds."

Luo Taoguan, the contemporary lord of the Tianyi Sect, has a noble temperament and it is impossible to describe Ling, his appearance is old and handsome.

At this moment, he looked solemn, he couldn't see the specific cultivation base of the alpaca, nor could he see how so many Inner Sect elders were recruited.

The inner door elders didn't hesitate at all, they all retreated to heal their wounds when they were ordered.

"Sect Master, we have to be careful. My heavenly eyes can't see through it. I am afraid it is not an ordinary spirit beast. It seems that it has more than one kind of magical powers."

Feng Qingyu, one of the famous female peak masters of Tianyi Sect, has a fiery figure that makes her tickle. Her most powerful thing is her eyes.

But facing the alpaca, her eyes stared wide and it was useless, and she had no choice but to remind the lord by sound transmission.

"Dare to come to the door alone, it shows that it is super fierce. Everyone, be careful, don't ignore its way."

Luo Taoguan didn't need others to remind him, he could see that this spirit beast was very simple, thinking that this spirit beast was so calm when faced with so many powerful people of them, his heart was disturbed.

"I don't know if Lingzun came to Tianyi Sect,,,"

Luo Taoguan was about to inquire about the purpose of the spirit beast's trip, but before he could finish his questioning, he was interrupted in anger by the playful alpaca.

"Stop talking nonsense, hand over the holy artifacts that our spirit beast clan has guarded for generations, otherwise this **** beast will destroy your Tianyi Sect."

"Huh? Holy Relic...?"

Luo Taoguan and the others couldn't understand what they said, what sacred object, what is their business.

People who had entered the Tianyi Sect had also heard it, and suddenly understood a little bit. Tianyi Sect should have stolen some sacred object of the spirit beast clan and provoke the old spirit beast monster to come.

The thought of being an unknown holy artifact of the spirit beast clan, people from other forces, instantly became hot in their hearts.

It is rumored that people who have been recognized by the spirit beast have the opportunity to finally ask whether this is related to the holy artifacts guarded by the spirit beast family for generations.

The more they thought about it, the more they realized it was possible. They all held their breath and concentrated on preparing to listen to specific information about this holy thing.

"Lingzun, please make it clear, what holy thing?" Luo Taoguan asked.

"It's still pretending, of course it's an elixir."

"You humans are so despicable. You actually took this beast to go out and steal into our forbidden land, stealing one of the two great sacred objects of our clan for generations and the only three elixir of elixir in the world."

"If the other holy object is not placed separately from the elixir, the other holy object may have been stolen by your humans."

The alpaca enters the play, and it is as angry as it is acting, and it looks like it treats humans as a great enemy. ..

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