Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1244: Ready to run

"You want an artifact, right? It depends on whether you can walk out of here and talk."

Luo Taoguan was very confident in the formation method, and believed that the spirit beast would not be able to escape here.

Thinking of the power of the spirit beast, he also specifically called the artifact spirit.

"Qi Ling, I know you have been watching, help me, give me greater authority, or use the power left by your previous masters to deal with it."

Luo Taoguan pleaded to the Divine Tool.

"Hehe, do everything possible to plunder my mother's authority, and I want my mother to help you and dream."

Destroying the Divine Tool Linghe he thought to himself, without a trace of reply to Luo Taoguan's meaning.


Luo Taoguan ignored him when he saw the magical tool of the miracle, and secretly scolded the magical tool as unsatisfactory, but he himself forgot that he had been stealing the right to use the miraculous bow.

"Sect Master, we have to break its barrier, otherwise the formation will have no effect on it." The peak master Yuyang Zhenren said.

"Its barrier defense is very strong, and the strength of one person is always limited. Go together, don't spread the attack, concentrate on attacking a little."

"I'll see where my arrow is attacking, you can use your greatest strength to attack that point."

Luo Taoguan received a clear message from others, and there was no extra action, so he directly pulled the Mie Shen bow and shot it at the alpaca.



Luo Taoguan's speed was very fast. He immediately pulled the Divine God Bow twice and fired two combos, one after the other, aiming at the same point.


In an instant, the formation space produced fierce vibrations again, and fragmentary grooves and several meters of spider web cracks appeared in the enchantment.

"God Slash"

"Black Moon Eats the Sky"


The others didn't have any sluggishness, and they didn't give the enchantment time to repair themselves, and the attack fell to that point instantly.

"Sizzle, Pu"

No longer Luo Tao crowned their expectations, the barrier was directly shattered into a little starlight and disappeared under their attack.


"Its barrier has disappeared"

Luo Tao crowned their faces with joy, but they were all old Yinbi who had lived for a long time. At the moment when the barrier was crushed, they all shot.

Long-range attacks on the entire spirit beasts greeted them. They didn't dare to fight in close combat. Up to now, they only knew that the enchantment was suspected to be one of the spirit beasts' supernatural powers.

They don't even know the other magical powers of the spirit beasts. If they encounter strange magical powers overturning the ship in close combat, it will be unsightly.

Luo Taoguan did not let go of this opportunity, and controlled countless lava fire dragons roaring at the alpacas, vowing to let the spirit beasts with yin and cold fire poison.

The alpaca turned a blind eye to these attacks, as if it was not the target of the attack.

Just when these attacks approached the alpaca for less than a few meters, another barrier appeared. This barrier was red and expanded directly as soon as it appeared.

Crowning Luo Tao's attack on them was like Shen Luo Tianzheng flying back. When it calmed down, the red enchantment was larger and more complete than the previous cyan enchantment.

Seeing this scene, Luo Taoguan and the others showed even more ugly expressions as if they had eaten their stool.

This is a fart, is there such a bully.

"Sect Master, we will leave this formation directly to the outside world, and seal it together with this unbounded formation."

Some people think that other magical powers of spirit beasts are not useful yet. Just a barrier makes them so troublesome. If other magical powers are also used, then they are not dangerous.

Someone immediately retreated, thinking of going to the outside world of the formation, and sealing it together with this unbounded formation and the spirit beast.

"This is a good idea, but someone has to stay behind to maintain this unbounded formation, otherwise we will all leave and the formation will be solved by itself."

Luo Taoguan also flinched, and Transsion Communication communicated with the elders and ancestors who were hiding in the dark. After getting permission, his eyes turned to the high level of Tianyi Sect.

The meaning is very clear, someone must stay to maintain this formation to trap the spirit beasts, so that they can complete the seal in the outside world.

Those who met Luo Taoguan's eyes lowered their heads, or moved their eyes away, obviously not willing to stay as a victim.

"Luo Xiaozi, let the old man come, you are still young, and all sacrifices are the biggest loss to the Tianyi sect. The old man can live in a few years, so the old man will finally give up the heat for the sect."

A seemingly ordinary old man appeared and said.

"The Supreme Elder"

When the Nine Great Peak Masters and Elder Zhenchuan saw that old man, they bowed their heads and saluted him respectfully.

"No, you can keep anyone, but you can't keep you. You are one of the first disciples of Tianyizong's opening sect. You have followed the ancestors of the mountain.

"Your seniority is bigger than the other ancestors of Tianyi Sect. You can sit and watch Tianyi Sect grow up to the present, and give so much to Tianyi Sect. No one can sacrifice you at the expense of you."

Luo Taoguan heard the old man's request, but refused without even thinking about it. This old man was the only old man who survived that era. Wasn't he sacrificing him in the face of Tian Yizong?

"The old man's qualifications are limited. To live to the present is to make money but not to make money. The old man has survived countless evildoers."

"You also know that the old man can live within a few years because of the decay of nature and man. The old man is also a decent person. It is better to die in battle than to die in old age."

Lin Shushan, an old man who was extremely lucky to survive the old age, was in the middle of his out of orifice period. This was not his cultivation base during his heyday, because the cultivation base of the Five Decays of Heaven and Man dropped step by step to the middle of out of orifice.


"But shit, you are the sect master. Don't be indecisive. It's not the old man who stays here. Don't do anything to lose the Tianyi Sect. Give me control of the formation."

Luo Taoguan compromised and finally gave Lin Shushan the control of the formation.

"They want to seal you. The key to this formation is the person who controls the formation. Kill the person who controls the formation and the formation will be unlocked by itself."

"Now the control of the formation has been transferred to the old man who just appeared."

At this time, the spirit of the magic weapon to kill the alpaca said.

"Why remind this beast?"

Alpaca asked with a hint of interest.

"My old lady is happy!"

Alpaca: ...

"Hey, don't use sound transmissions, this sacred beast can hear it, and you are too naive to want to seal this sacred beast."

Alpaca ignored this somewhat arrogant artifact, and continued to play with Luo Taoguan and others.

"Oops, it's one of its magical powers to be able to listen to the voice transmission, you go, here is the old man."

The elder Lin Shushan, too, was anxious, afraid that the spirit beast dog would jump over the wall to deal with other people, so he quickly told Luo Taoguan and others to leave.

"Go, let's go together, this magma world has the outside world of flowers and flowers, so give this beast, break,,,"


When the alpaca yelled out, Luo Taoguan and others, who had not left in time, felt sweaty and horrified, and they all used their strongest defensive spells to run their entire body.

The boundless chill spread out from the alpaca, and the magma world of prison training was instantly sealed by ice.

In the stunned eyes of Luo Taoguan and others, the world of the Ice Age disappeared like a broken mirror, and the formation was broken.


The elder Lin Shushan, the Supreme Elder, squirted blood and fainted.

"The Supreme Elder"

Luo Taoguan and others were not injured. At the last moment, the ancestors showed up to help them block the chill, and they returned to the sky in front of Tianyizong Mountain.

It's just that the situation of the Supreme Elder Lin Shushan is not good, and the whole person is dying and becomes even older.

"Tian Yizong suffers from this battle!"

As soon as they came out of the formation space, the people in the thousand palaces and halls below saw it, and the spirit beast had not been taken for so long, and there were still high-level injuries. This is not a loss.

"The next Tianyi Sect is dangerous. I remember that this spirit beast seems to have a master. The strong one of the Tianyi Sect has only faced the spirit beast and this is the result. If the owner of the spirit beast takes action, wouldn't it be..."

"Yan'er, it's too dangerous to stay, or let's take my grandfather and go."

Huang Xuanqing remembered that this spirit beast seemed to have a master, and thinking that the spirit beasts were so terrifying, wouldn't the owner be even more terrifying, and worried that she wanted to take her family to leave Tianyi Sect.

"My memory, just thinking about the horror of the spirit beast, I forgot that this spirit beast has a master, go, let's go to the grandfather now."

Huang Caiyan felt a little regretful. Why had she forgotten that this spirit beast had said that it had an owner. It's too dangerous to stay in Tianyizong, you have to go to Grandpa to find a way to leave Tianyizong.

In this way, Huang Xuanqing and the two secretly ran to find Huang Jianzhi. ..

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