Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1245: Loophole

"Ancestor, how is the situation with the Supreme Elder?"

Luo Taoguan looked at the middle-aged burly man who was inspecting Lin Shushan. This burly man was one of the five ancestors of Tian Yizong.

Zeng Zhongnan, in the middle stage of distraction, he just protected them from harm when the formation was broken.

"There is no life-threatening, but the situation is very bad, too. The elder was able to live for seven or eight years. Now he is backlashed. It is very difficult to live in terror for two or three years.

Zeng Zhongnan checked, frowned and said.

"Damn it, why this spirit beast has never heard of it before. The chill that freezes everything just now is probably one of its magical powers. How can it have so many magical powers."

Hearing that Luo Taoguan clenched his fists, Tian Yizong had never been so passive before. Thinking of the chill that made him stand upright before, he was helpless.

If it hadn't been the ancestor who helped them withstand the cold just now, all of them might have suffered no minor injuries. Now the ancestor appeared, but he still couldn't be happy, and he always felt a trace of anxiety in his heart.

"In the Profound Dao Continent, all races have their own trump cards, not to mention the spirit beasts that have existed since ancient times."

"If they hadn't been strong, they would have been wiped out in the long river of history with the world's enthusiasm for them."

"Send the elder Taishang to heal his wounds. We can no longer fight with it. The cause and effect of the elixir pill is too great for us to bear."

Zeng Zhongnan pondered for a moment and made a decision that everyone hadn't expected. He compromised and gave up the coveted opportunity to become a fairy.

"Ancestor, is it too strong? We are not its opponents?"

Luo Taoguan was stunned for a moment, guessing that the ancestors might compromise, but the enemy was too strong and the ancestors had to give up the temptation to become immortals.

"No, the moment it broke the formation just now, its cultivation base aura leaked out, just like me, in the middle stage of distraction."

"I cooperated with another ancestor, and added Divine God Bow. Even if its magical powers are weird, I can be sure to beat it back by paying a little price."

"But how can we be sure that it is the strongest of the spirit beast clan, and how many other spirit beasts are like it, we don't know."

"In addition, the news that Tianyizong is hiding two elixir pill, facing the opportunity of becoming immortal, who can refuse, especially those old monsters."

"I don't want to be surrounded by wolves and evil tigers, so I can only give up the elixir pill. Can it track the elixir pill? Let it enter the sect to find the elixir pill and take it away."

Zeng Zhongnan has survived to this day because he has rejected too many dangerous temptations. He is very clear in his heart and has not been lost by greed.

"Ancestor, it's fine if you decide, we listen to you."

Luo Taoguan is not stupid. Hearing the words of his ancestors, he also struggled out of greed.

Of the five ancestors of Tianyi Sect, two of them went out looking for opportunities, and have not come back for a long time, and it is still unknown whether they are alive or dead.

Among the three ancestors in the clan, one of them is about to retreat from the dead, and has not been out for a long time. The possibility of sitting is very high.

The remaining two ancestors are the trump cards of Tianyizong, facing the spirit beast, the two ancestors can only fight back.

This made him awake no matter how greedy, he sighed, and let the elder Zhenchuan take the unconscious elder Taishang down to heal his wounds.

"In the middle stage of distraction, it is impossible. It is definitely not in this state."

Desperate Archer Spirit has gone through countless years and has seen countless evildoers, and its perception of the strong is better than anything else.

This is the skill that it relies on for survival, and it is also one of the conditions for her to choose the owner. She doesn't want her owner to be an unknown person.

Otherwise, wouldn't she lose face in front of other divine tools, and the divine tools have a good reputation, but she doesn't need much, just to suppress all the divine tools.

She also felt the moment when the alpaca exposed the mid-distraction breath, but she didn't believe it, she felt danger from the alpaca.

What can give her this feeling is by no means as simple as the middle stage of distraction.

"Although the middle stage of distraction is a bit low, it doesn't give you any hope. Later, how will you manifest to be more desperate."

The alpaca listened to Zeng Zhongnan and their exchanges openly, and didn't care about their compromise. If you want to compromise, you have to ask if you agree with it.

"Lingzun, there is no need between us..."

"Shut up, this sacred beast does not want to listen. Today, either this sacred beast will kill you, or you will kill this sacred beast."

Zeng Zhongnan: ...

At the same time, Huang Xuanqing and the others also came to Huang Jianzhi's yard.

"Grandpa, this is the situation in Tianyi Sect, why are you so leisurely."

As soon as Huang Xuanqing entered the yard, he saw the great grandfather lying on the Tai Sui chair with his eyes closed and rested, his whole body exuding the smell of salted fish. What did he say?

"Cultivation is a combination of work and rest. What's wrong with me? I'm all a layman. Isn't it good to live a layman's life?" Huang Jianzhi said slightly with his eyes opened.

"Grandpa, you haven't seen the situation in front of Zongmen Mountain?"

"I see it, isn't it because the spirit beasts come to find the elixir, and see you panic." Huang Jianzhi said, no longer responsible.

"Grandpa, don't panic, we two have taken the Immortal Pill. If there are no other Immortal Pills in Tianyizong, then the two of us will be dead."

"We have seen this spirit beast. It is the one that came in and out of our house on Grandpa's birthday. It has an owner, and its owner is probably nearby."

"It's so strong, let alone its owner. Tianyizong can't stop it. Let's escape, and there are still a few people who secretly leave Tianyizong."

"We are mixed in, no one will find us." Huang Xuanqing said impatiently.

"Don't be stupid, that spirit beast used its magical powers to track the elixir to this place, and it will notice it one step away from the Heavenly One Sect."

"It's better to stay, maybe there is a way to stop the spirit beasts in the Heavenly Sect." Huang Jianzhi said calmly.

"This this,,,"

Every word of the alpaca spread thousands of miles, and Huang Xuanqing naturally heard that the spirit beast came to the door by magical powers, which made him even more panicked.

If you leave Tianyi Sect, you may be found in the next second, but if you don't leave, Tianyi Sect may not be able to stop the attack of the spirit beast.

"No, if the sacred beast finds the elixir through magical powers, then on grandpa's birthday, there will be an elixir in our house. Why doesn't the beast take away the elixir?"

Huang Caiyan thought that grandpa would send a Pill of Immortality to Grandpa as a 100th birthday gift. With the addition of Grandpa's body, how could this spirit beast not find the Pill of Immortality.

This is a loophole that needs to be made up. It is not good for girls to be too smart, which will prevent me from making big plans.

Huang Jianzhi didn't panic when he heard this. For people like him, it's never difficult to flicker.

"This is the elixir pill I trained, not the elixir pill guarded by the spirit beast clan. Although the effect is similar, the two are still a bit different."

"The Immortal Pill I made is an ordinary pill that everyone sees. As long as you don't eat it, no one will find that it is an Immortal Pill."

"Maybe the spirit beast did not find the elixir pill at the time for this reason. Now the spirit beast is found by magical powers, there are two possibilities,"

"One kind is guarded by the spirit beast clan. There are really two immortal pill that are hidden in Tianyizong."

"On the other hand, before I practiced the Immortal Pill, there was nothing unusual, but after taking it, the effect is the same as the Immortal Pill guarded by the spirit beast clan."

"Your bodies have been transformed by the Immortal Pills. Maybe this spirit beast is because of the magical aura from your body. I misunderstand that it is the Immortal Pills guarded by their clan."

Huang Jianzhi felt that the reason he was looking for was not perfect, but it shouldn't be a problem to deal with two younger generations.

"If it's the latter, what should we do? Even if Tianyizong forces the spirit beasts back today, wouldn't Yan'er and I be able to leave Tianyizong for the rest of our lives in the future."

Huang Xuanqing didn't care whether the Tongxian Pill was trained by the grandfather, he thought the worst possibility, if it was the latter said by the grandfather, wouldn't he and Yan'er be stared at by the spirit beasts forever.

"No, in two or three years, you will almost completely digest the elixir, and then the magic in your body will disappear."

"So you hope that Tianyi Sect can persist for two to three years. After you finish digesting, that spirit beast will not be able to find you." Huang Jianzhi said. ..

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