Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 1252: One Immortal and One Demon

"Ancient Divine Bead? It sounds very powerful. What is its origin." Seeing the uneasy appearance of the magical little spirit, the alpaca asked curiously.

"The origin of the ancient **** orb is very mysterious. It appeared earlier than ours. It is a **** with infinite power. There are countless rumors about it."

"Some people say that it is a product of the Dao of Heaven, and the people who get it are the lucky ones. As long as they don't fall, they have the possibility of becoming immortal."

"Some people also say that it is a divine object dropped from the immortal world, a thing of the immortal world, and a token leading to the immortal world."

"In addition, there are many rumors about the ancient **** beads, but no one can tell the specific origin of the ancient **** beads."

"The reason why I am not calm about the ancient **** beads is because I know one or two facts about the ancient **** beads."

"Ancient divine orbs can really make people become immortals. In the ancient times, there were two or three triumphant masters who learned something from the ancient divine orbs and rose to immortality in the daytime."

"There is also the end of the ancient times, I have also seen the battle of the fairy and demon in the evening."

"If there is an ancient **** orb, there will be an ancient magic orb. The **** orb and the magic orb are opposites. At the end of the ancient times, there were two lucky people who got the ancient **** orb and the ancient magic orb respectively."

"Almost at the same time, one of them became an immortal, the other became a demon, and they also sensed each other when they became immortals and demons, and they did not immediately choose to ascend."

"It's the battle between the fairy and the devil in the evening, which broke out with one immortal and one demon. That battle broke the Profound Dao Continent to pieces. I don't know how long it took. The battle stopped and they all disappeared.

"Together with the disappearance, there are the Ancient God Orb and the Ancient Demon Orb. No one knows their victory or defeat. No one dares to watch them. I am afraid that they will be affected if they get closer."

"The end of their battle marked the end of the ancient times. The reason why it was called the Twilight Battle of the Fairy and Demon is because they were the last immortal, the demon."

"From the end of the ancient times to the present, no one has become an immortal, and no one has become a demon. Even the strongest people in the Mahayana Crossing Tribulation period have become legends."

"I thought that the era was going to decline, but seeing this ancient **** orb, I knew that a new chapter in the Profound Dao Continent was about to begin."

Mie Shen Gong Xiao Ling knew that the Profound Dao Continent was about to be lively, and not only the Tongxian Pill was born, but also the ancient God Orb was born. This represented the appearance of people with great luck.

"This is a baby, if you make good use of it, you can cheat a lot of people."

This is Huang Jianzhi's first thought.

"Host, mine, I found it, without it, my spirit beast's identity would be unreliable."

At a glance, the alpaca can see that the host is thinking about this ancient **** orb, this is not good, it also has to play, without the ancient artifact, it will have fewer chances to play.

"Okay, what you find is yours."

It doesn't matter if Huang Jianzhi hears this. If the alpaca wants to play, just give it to him. He wants to cheat others, and there are ways.

"My lord, the ancient divine bead is a divine object that people all over the world dream of. Only the lucky ones have the chance to encounter it."

"The adult is obviously a person of great luck, don't you want to learn something from the ancient gods?"

Mie Shen Gong Xiao Ling guessed that Huang Jianzhi is very likely to be a strong transcendence, this level of strong desire to become immortal than anyone, because it is only one step away.

But what she saw, Huang Jianzhi almost didn't care about the ancient **** beads, she was surprised, didn't she explain clearly enough.

"What's so good about a broken bead? I don't like it."

Xiaoling Mie Shen Gong suddenly didn't know what to say, and it was fine if she didn't like her, and even the ancient **** orbs didn't like it, who was this.

"There is an ancient magical bead, should this beast tidy up the ancient magical bead," the alpaca thought.

"The ancient magic orbs seem to have been taken away by the once-first demon sect-Tiandao. As the division of the Tiandao religion gradually disappeared from everyone's sight, the ancient magic orbs also disappeared."

"But there are rumors that the ancient magic orbs are in the heavenly destiny treasure, so I don't know if it really is." Said the god-killing beast Xiaoling.

"Heaven Taoism, the destiny treasure, the destiny key! Well, this beast knows who has the key to unlock the treasure."

The alpaca remembered that it had seen the Destiny Key, and it was on Huang Haofeng. At that time, it didn't take it seriously that it took a few glances. It doesn't matter whether it is now.

"You know the fate key is there!"

Mie Shen Gong Xiao Ling suddenly didn't know what to say. There were Pills of Immortality, and Ancient God Orbs, and even Ancient Demon Orbs were at your fingertips. There was nothing this person and beast could do.

"Don't make a fuss, this god, the two great-great-grandchildren of the host are here again, this **** beast avoided it first." The alpaca disappeared after speaking.

"Grandpa, we are in trouble, the sect wants...who is she?"

Huang Xuanqing and the two quickly walked into Huang Jianzhi's yard. They were about to say something when they discovered that there were outsiders, and they immediately stopped talking.

Regarding the matter of Tongxian Pill, they would not mention it in front of outsiders even if they were stupid, but they just saw the hot body of Mishen Gong Xiaoling and the amazing face, Huang Xuanqing was also slightly taken aback, really beautiful.

"She is my daughter. She knows the existence of the elixir and is trustworthy. If you have anything to say, please."

It's okay for Huang Jianzhi not to say that, because it makes Huang Xuanqing's expressions wrong.

Huang Xuanqing frowned, and 10,000 grass-need horses passed by in his heart. Why didn't he know when the grandfather would treat women.

Suddenly, he can accept it, but why tell her about the elixir.

Doesn't Grandpa Grandpa know that he knows people, knows his face and doesn't know his heart.

Huang Caiyan focused her eyes on Mie Shen Gong Xiao Ling, she didn't know what she was thinking.

"I want to chat with my grandfather, I don't want outsiders to be there, can you avoid it!"

Huang Xuanqing looked at Mie Shen Gong Xiao Ling dryly and said.

Mie Shen Gong Xiao Ling smiled and nodded, knowing that he was still not trusted by the two of them, bowed slightly, and walked out of the yard.

"Grandpa, you won't be lost by beauty, how can you tell outsiders about such an important thing."

Huang Xuanqing couldn't help saying as soon as Mie Shen Gong Xiao Ling left.

"If I am obsessed with beauty, my children and grandchildren won't know how many." Huang Jianzhi said with a light glance.

"It's not really obsessed with beauty, why tell her this?"

"Don't worry, she won't talk about elixir." Huang Jianzhi smiled.

"Grandpa, why do you believe her so much, even if she doesn't tell the story about the elixir, but people are selfish."

"Faced with the temptation to become a celestial being, how many people can resist it, she might be rushing to the elixir pill, but it is not necessarily true." Huang Xuanqing said.

"Your grandfather, I'm not a fool. I dare to tell her about the elixir, and naturally I can guarantee that she will not betray us. Your worries are non-existent."


"Brother Xuanqing, Grandpa Grandpa won't harm us. Grandpa Grandpa says he can believe it, then we believe it, and we don't care about the origin of the treatment of the girl."

Huang Caiyan stopped Huang Xuanqing from saying.

"It's still Xiao Yan'er that makes people like it a little bit more, are you? There will be more training in the future."

Huang Jianzhi said with disgust.

"Grandfather, we are in big trouble when talking about important things. The sect has to re-examine the spiritual roots once again. If there is no way, we may not escape the possibility of exposure."..

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