"It turns out that you came to see me when you encountered difficulties."

Huang Jianzhi heard that there was no emotional change in his face, as if he had long received news that the sect wanted to check the spiritual roots.

"Grandpa, Tian Yizong has been in a semi-closed mountain state since that crisis. Without instructions, it would be very difficult for the sect disciples to go down the mountain."

"This time the sect used the foundation stone of Tianpin Dao to test the spiritual roots of all people in the whole sect. It is obvious that they are coming to the elixir."

"We can't be tested, not to mention that people in the world can't wait to eat us, even Tian Yizong doesn't know what attitude towards us is."

"We don't want to be so passive. Grandpa, can you help us avoid this test?"

Huang Caiyan is much more polite than Huang Xuanqing.

She knew that Grandpa had lived in Tianyi Sect for more than 100 years, and was very familiar with Tianyi Sect. The so-called human beings are humane, snakes have snakes, and she believed that Grandpa would be able to help them.

"They want to test the spiritual root level, and our cooperation is that if we withdraw or avoid the test in advance, it will only make them affirm that we have ghosts in our hearts." Huang Jianzhi said nothing.

"Grandpa, do you have a solution?"

Huang Caiyan saw her grandfather's relaxed and natural attitude, and she was almost certain that her grandfather could help them.

"You take these two pills on the day of the test, and the pills will help you hide the specific spiritual root level for a period of time."

"When inspecting, you will show the fifth-grade spiritual roots that appeared in your initial inspection."

"In order to avoid accidents, you secretly pour this bottle of potion into the edible water source of Tianyi Sect at Random Peak. This bottle of potion can temporarily raise the spirit root level of others by one or two."

"The effect of the medicine will disappear after two or three days, because it temporarily raises the spiritual root level, there will be no side effects, you can use it with confidence."

Huang Jianzhi flipped through his hands, and the things Huang Xuanqing needed appeared on the desktop, a bottle of pill, a bottle of potion, the potion was colorful and dazzling, and you knew it was not a common product.

"Grandpa, why do you have so many weird pill, you created it, or you have it in the inheritance of the alchemist."

Huang Xuanqing was overjoyed when he heard this, and it was right to find the great grandfather, but the things that the great grandfather brought out were unprecedented, which made him suspect that these things were made by the great grandfather.

"Don't ask, it means you are stupid."

Huang Xuanqing's face turned dark, and she suddenly didn't want to pay attention to Grandpa.

"Grandpa, the cornerstone of the Heavenly Grade Dao is the top cornerstone of the Tao. Can taking the medicine pill really cover up the examination of the cornerstone of the Heavenly Grade Dao?"

Huang Caiyan thought of the foundation stone of Tianpin Dao, still inevitably worried.

"At this time, you can only trust me, grandpa, well, get your things and go."

Huang Jianzhi said that he drove people away, which was really ruthless. After driving away the two of Huang Xuanqing, he went lazily and leisurely.

"This is solved. Sure enough, **** is still old and spicy. Which peak do we choose to poison...inject the medicine?"

Huang Xuanqing asked.

"As long as it has nothing to do with us, any peak will do..."


"Host, Tian Yizong can't tolerate them sooner or later, why don't you let them be exposed earlier, let us have fun."

Alpacas are very aware of the greed of human nature, Tongxian Pill is the fate of heaven, and also the source of endless trouble, taking Tongxian Pill for a lifetime, don't think about being peaceful.

"Don't worry, wait, they are still weak."

Tianyizong's mighty test of spiritual root movement has begun, and spies from countless forces are also watching. Tianyizong's move is not exactly what they want to see.

As long as people are checked out, it is not easy for them to steal people.

As soon as the inspection was carried out, Kun Yangfeng started to move, and a disciple's spiritual root level was raised by two levels compared to the initial inspection.

It's okay if there is no movement. As soon as there is a movement, all the high-level staff of Tianyi Sect will be alarmed, and there will be results so soon.

Without hesitation, all the high-level leaders rushed to Kunyang Peak quickly. Naturally, this could not hide the chess pieces of other forces. The chess pieces were all trying to figure out who the tested person was.

"Ke Youtian, who is this disciple, ask him to come out and show us."

Luo Taoguan quickly rushed to Kunyang Peak with other senior officials, and couldn't wait to let Kunyang Peak Master Ke Youtian bring people out for them to see.

"You all come here!"

The Kunyang Peak Peak Master Ke one day was not as excited as Luo Taoguan and the others, on the contrary, he was more complicated. Hearing the command of the Sect Master, he waved out more than 30 disciples.

"Ke Youtian, what are you doing? Asking you to bring out that disciple whose spiritual root level has been improved, and what do you call so many disciples over."

Before Luo Taoguan spoke, the other peak masters were anxious, urging Ke Youtian to hand them over.

"They are all disciples whose spirit root level has improved!" Ke Youtian said complicatedly.

"what did you say?"

"Ke Youtian, are you kidding us."

"Stop making trouble, hand them over."

The other peak masters suddenly felt that Ke Youtian was playing tricks on them. There were only two people taking the Immortal Pill in Tianyi Sect, how could there be so many people.

"I didn't mess with you, the cornerstone of the Heavenly Quality Dao is there. If you don't believe it, you can see for yourself."

Ke Youtian didn't say much, and asked the 30 or so disciples to go up for inspection on the spot, and the results all complied with Ke Youtian's words, and their spiritual roots were all one or two higher than the initial inspection.

"How is this possible, why are so many people appearing all at once?"

"Aren't there only two people who take the Immortal Pill, what's the matter with these people."

"How can an irreversible spiritual root..."

Luo Taoguan and the others were all shocked, this was completely beyond their expectation, so many people were found out inexplicably, how could they not be surprised.

"Ke Youtian, what's going on?" Luo Taoguan asked solemnly.

"I don't know what's going on. As soon as less than 10% of the people were tested, more than 30 people popped up, and people are still being tested one after another."

"Sect Master, there may be things we don't know are happening in the sect."

Ke Youtian said under pressure.

"Wait, wait for the specific number of people to come out and talk about it!"

After a few days, the comprehensive inspection of Tianyi Sect was finally over, and the results came out. The other peaks of Tianyi Sect were nothing unusual, only Kunyang Peak was very abnormal.

A total of five hundred people have been tested and found that the spiritual root level has risen. This news can't be concealed at all. After being spread up and down in Tianyi Sect, those five hundred people have also become the focus of attention and protection.

"Ke Youtian, only you, Kunyang Peak, have this situation. You, the peak owner, don't know anything. You can justify yourself!"

As soon as the result came out, Ke Youtian was unlucky enough to be held accountable by other peak owners.

"Sect Master, I really don't know anything. I asked those five hundred disciples, and they didn't know how their spiritual root level got up."

Ke Youtian felt that he was wronged and knew nothing was wrong, but so many peak masters targeted him alone, which was too much.

"The spiritual roots will not rise for no reason. It should be the two people who take the elixir pill knowing that we are looking for them and don't want to be found by us. I don't know what method was used to raise the spiritual root level of so many people."

"I don't know if these five hundred people are temporarily raising the spirit root level or for a long time. If it is for a long time, the two people who take the Immortal Pill will find them anyway."

"Observe the five hundred people carefully. It is possible that two of them are taking the Immortal Pill."


The five hundred people were not only staring at the Tianyi Sect, and the chess pieces of other forces were also staring, but to disappoint them, they only stared for three days, and all the five hundred returned to their previous spiritual root ranks.

This makes many people dumbfounded, the feelings of these five hundred people are just a cover.

But they are not depressed. This situation can only show that the two people taking the Immortal Pill are still in the sky.

In the blink of an eye, half a month later, Huang Xuanqing received the task from the sect to him, and Senior Brother Chen Dongming received Feng Leizong to exchange and study disciples. ..

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