"Ats, are you ready, let me send you to hell."

"Endless Karma"

As soon as Huang Jianzhi's words fell, a huge and invisible strange flame instantly enveloped the entire imperial palace.


"help me,,,"

"Oh no,,,"

The people in the entire palace struggled painfully and feebly on the ground, as if there was something burning on them.

"Hahaha,,, humans, shout as much as you want, I just like this kind of sound." Huang Jianzhi's drama broke out.

"Well, if you don't play with you, you should be wiped out."

The genius Huang Jianzhi got up in the next second, snapped his fingers at random, and the entire palace was instantly wiped out in the eyes of people all over the world.


People all over the world took a breath at this sight, and one of the empires of V5 was destroyed by one person.

"Xiaojie, your grandfather's old problem hasn't changed, just like to pretend." Qi Ya looked at Xiaojie cryingly and said.

"Just get used to it." Xiaojie seemed to be used to it.

"The old man is still so strong. Fortunately, I'm not by his side, or else..." Jin Fu Lishi seemed to have thought of something, and his body trembled.

"He should not be a human, he is a god..." Nitro muttered with complicated eyes.

"Damn, I didn't expect him to be so powerful, so hurry up and get rid of the people we sent to deal with him, don't leave a trace." People of all major forces are finally scared.

"What to do, the Yitian Tower Empire will be destroyed if it is destroyed, and it will be destroyed so simply. Will it be us next? What should we do." The remaining V4 became nervous and frightened.

"Cough cough, do you think it is enough for me to destroy an empire? No, I am not satisfied. Killing chickens and monkeys will kill you. If you are not afraid to the bones, how can I give up."

"V5 wiped out one, and there are four remaining. Let's solve it together. Don't beg for mercy. I won't let you beg for mercy."

"The war you started first, then I will be satisfied before it stops. I will give you three days to gather your army or the strong."

"I am waiting for you in the popular science desert, allowing you to use any means. If you can't kill me, then I will kill you all."

"The remaining V4, come and play with me, don't throw a lot of roses in the popular science desert in advance to sweep the ground, I might not be in the popular science desert at that time."

"In three days, we will see you in the popular science desert." Huang Jianzhi turned off the holographic live video at will.

"What to do, he insists on **** with us."

"What else can we do? Either he will die or we will die. No matter how strong a person is, he can't match the huge army and endless dead men. With our various powerful thermal weapons, I don't believe that he is immortal."

"Yes, he is still human anyway, even if he ignores biochemical, biological weapons, etc., but when he is always exhausted, it is difficult to catch him alive or kill him."

"Yes, immediately summon the army and the strong," the remaining V4 senior people all self-encouraged to summon the manpower.

"I am afraid that many people will die this time." Xiaojie said inexplicably.

"Xiaojie, that was what they asked for themselves. Uncle is not wrong in doing this. Xiaojie, do we want to help your grandpa?" Qi Ya asked a little expectantly.

"No, if Grandpa sees us appear, he will definitely beat us. Those people are not Grandpa's opponents. I believe Grandpa."

"Jin is very close to us, let's go find him."

Xiaojie watched Radar lead Qi Ya and the others towards Jin's place.

"Didn't you say that you can't kill the V5 completely, then what are you doing?" Nitro called Huang Jianzhi's call without understanding.

"Don't worry, I said that if you don't destroy it, you won't destroy it. I just clean up their armed forces. When I clean up all the troops or strong men they sent, it will be easier for your association to become independent." Huang Jianzhi smiled. Explained.

"Don't overdo it, some people just follow orders." Nitro said hesitantly.

"I know, I will give them a chance to choose." Huang Jianzhi finished speaking and hung up.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye, and the holographic video appeared in the sky above major cities as scheduled.

"Did you miss me? Yes, you must miss me because you want to watch the excitement, so it's good enough for you to watch it today."

"Look below, wow, how many troops and dead soldiers are these, some of them are still carrying dangerous weapons, they are amazing, it seems that the remaining V4 wants to kill me very much."

Huang Jianzhi shifted the camera to the popular science desert. In an instant, a dense cluster of dead soldiers and troops appeared on the video, as well as a large number of capable people.

"Now I'll give you a chance. I'm in a hurry to leave now, otherwise I will do it, and you won't have a chance." Huang Jianzhi floated high in the sky and said calmly to the dense crowds in the desert.

"Huang Jianzhi, you should surrender. You are also a human being when you are strong. It is impossible for you to defeat all of us." The strongest leader with mental abilities shouted to Huang Jianzhi in the sky.

"The opportunity has been given to you, you don't want it, then I will send you on the road."

"Earth Burst Star"

Huang Jianzhi randomly simulated an ability, and the huge and extreme attraction was instantly generated, and the surrounding sand was forcibly sucked by the high-altitude energy ball.

The crowd in the popular science desert didn't respond quickly, and they were all sucked in. Even those with special thought ability didn't hold on for a few seconds before they got involved.

A few minutes later, the entire desert disappeared, and a huge planet appeared high in the sky. With a wave of Huang Jianzhi, the entire planet swept across the sky until it disappeared in front of everyone.

People all over the world were horrified and speechless when seeing Huang Jianzhi's method, and the people of V4 had already panicked Liushen Wuzhu, and they were all afraid of Huang Jianzhi's existence.

"It's so boring, forget it, don't bother with V4."

Hearing Huang Jianzhi's words, the scared Liushen Wuzhu V4 was relieved. Afterwards, they all decided everything about the R&F family. They opened their eyes and closed their eyes.

"That's the end of the good show. There shouldn't be anyone stupidly making trouble for me. That's it, goodbye." Huang Jianzhi didn't care about the shocked expressions of people all over the world, so he turned off the live broadcast and went to find Xiaojie.

"Oh, Xiaojie, suspicious,, Jin, you are going there again. When you see your father, don't you say hello." Huang Jianzhi saw Jin who was staying next to Xiaojie about to sneak away, and couldn't help being funny. Said.

"How come, seeing you, my father, I'm already so touched that I can't speak, I'm ready to..." Jin Jian escaped, couldn't escape, and could only cope with it with tears and laughter.

"What are you going to prepare for a fight?"

"Wait, I don't..."

Huang Jianzhi didn't wait for Jin to finish, so he forcibly brought Jin into the small world, pressed Jin on the ground and rubbed it several times, and finally dragged out the lying gold and threw it aside.

"Xiaojie, come here, I have something to say to you."

"Grandpa, what are you going to say." Seeing Jin's tragic situation, Xiaojie came to Huang Jianzhi with a little fear.

"Xiaojie, I am leaving."

"Grandpa, you want to..."

Xiaojie already felt something, his face showed a reluctant expression.

"Well, the time is up, I should go."

"I have had a great time during this period. Although you stupid grandson often gives people headaches, you have also grown a lot." Huang Jianzhi patted Xiaojie on the shoulder and said.

"Grandpa, can you not leave." Xiaojie said expectantly, clenching Huang Jianzhi's hand.

"No, grandpa's heart belongs to the stars and the sea, how can you stay. Not to mention, you have to be strong, grandpa is not dead, but to travel to other worlds."

"If you want to see Grandpa, you can break through the boundaries of this world. Maybe you will see Grandpa and go." Huang Jianzhi easily broke away from Xiaojie's hand and disappeared completely.

"Uncle, have you gone." Qi Ya and the others also showed reluctant expressions.


"Hey, the old man is gone. How far away is I from the old man? I haven't even entered the Dark Continent. The old man has gone to other worlds. It's so popular."

After seeing Huang Jianzhi's departure, the lying dead Jin Fulishi instantly recovered to be a okay person, lowered his head and muttered.

"He left, the world outside the world..."

Nitro saw the text message Huang Jianzhi had sent him before he left, and his eyes flashed.

In the dark continent, the moment Huang Jianzhi left, a lazy alpaca suddenly raised its head.

"Asshole, am I superfluous? I have forgotten me. Damn it, the host waits for me"..

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