Savage ditch

In the dark night, Hu Bayi ate the barbecue in his hand but inadvertently looked up at the bright moon in the sky, his expression condensed, as if thinking of something.

Quickly put down the barbecue in his hand, turned around and took out the compass in the bag to check the terrain. Fatty Wang was roasting wild boar next to him, and he couldn't help asking curiously when he noticed Hu Bayi's movements.

"Old Hu, what are you thinking about."

"Fatty, do you know why this place was called Pengyuegou before." Hu Bayi observed the surrounding terrain and asked Fatty Wang instead.

"I do not know!"

Fatty Wang answered in a daze, and approached Hu Bayi in confusion.

"what does it mean."

"It's because when the moon rises to the highest point of the valley, I look up from here, and there is a glimpse of my eyes...just this Feng Shui, there must be a big tomb." Hu Bayi saw the confusion in Wang Fatty's eyes. , Just explain it carefully.

When Fatty Wang heard this, his eyes suddenly brightened, and his expression gradually became excited.

"Lao Hu, it was said in the half-book of your family's ancestors." Fatty Wang asked, looking at his friend, Annan's inner excitement.

"Look at the terrain, stable, vigorous, and swallowing mountains and rivers...just this Feng Shui, the emperor is not worthy, but it is more than enough to match a prince general or something."

"Old Hu,,, then, what is that?"

When Fatty Wang heard Hu Bayi's explanation, his face was full of excitement and joy. Suddenly he saw something out of his eyes, and the whole person pointed to something in the sky in surprise.

Seeing the surprise of Fatty Wang, Hu Bayi quickly turned his head and looked in the direction that surprised Fatty Wang.

"That's a shooting star,,, no, the shooting star fell in our direction."

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang suddenly panicked, and watched the meteors fly over them, can they not be afraid.

"Damn it, did we come to hunt for treasure and angered God, is this a punishment for us."

Fatty Wang watched the meteor flying towards them. Although he didn't know if the meteor would hit them or fell nearby, he looked at the meteor coming closer and closer with sparks, as if he had seen death.

"What nonsense, I don't think this meteor will hit us."

Hu Bayi grabbed the panicked Fatty Wang and forcibly calmed down, but the expression on his face told others that he was not at peace at the moment.


The meteor seemed to confirm Hu Bayi's words and bombarded him several hundred meters away from Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang.

The strong wind pressure spread to the surroundings, and the earth shook slightly because of the falling meteor. Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang blocked the leaves and other debris brought by the strong wind pressure in front of them with their hands.

"Lao Hu, we can actually see meteors outside the sky, and they have fallen hundreds of meters away from us."

Fatty Wang didn't know what expression he pointed at a deep hole a few hundred meters away. Because it was dark night, Fatty Wang and the two did not see the movement of the pit several hundred meters away.

"Huh,, this feels like I don't want to experience it again."

Hu Bayi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw the meteor falling not far away. Although the shooting star is very beautiful, it is not a good feeling that the shooting star comes from overhead.

"Lao Hu, it seems that I have heard others say that stones falling from the sky can be sold at high prices. It seems that God is not going to punish us, but to give us treasure."

"Old Hu, go, go, go, let's go and take a look."

After he was calm, Fatty Wang seemed to have thought of something, his eyes glowed involuntarily when he looked at the deep pit in the distance.

Hastily pulled Hu Bayi towards the deep pit, Hu Bayi also wanted to see what the meteorite looked like from outside the sky, and did not stop Fatty Wang's movements, Ren Fatty Wang dragged himself over.

"Fatty, it's better to be careful. I see from the book that meteorites are generally radiating. Let's just look at it from a distance. Don't get too close."

Hu Bayi saw that they were getting closer and closer to the pit, and couldn't help but grab Fatty Wang and said.

"Old Hu, the stone that fell from the sky is very valuable. The meteor can't fall anywhere, but it just falls in front of our eyes. This shows that it is a treasure given to us by God." Fatty Wang said nonchalantly.

"Fatty, most meteorites from outside the sky carry harmful radiation. We only need to take a look at it. I don't agree with you if you want to take it back." Hu Bayi said seriously, looking at Fatty Wang.

"This,,, this, OK, let me take a look at the head office."

When Fatty Wang saw Hu Bayi's serious attitude, he knew that it was impossible to take away the meteorite. Seeing a deep pit not far from me, I wanted to see what was falling from the sky.

Hu Bayi did not stop Fatty Wang's actions anymore, allowing him to get close to the edge of the pit.

"Old Hu, this,,, what is this."

Fatty Wang approached the edge of the pit and turned on the flashlight to shine towards the center of the pit. After seeing the object in the deep pit, his expression couldn't help being shocked.


Hu Bayi hurried forward. When he saw the huge sci-fi sphere in the deep pit, he was stunned.

"Old Hu, what is this? How could something like this fall from the sky? Will there be any monsters in it." Fatty Wang became nervous inexplicably.

"A monster is not a monster, I don't know. But I can see that this doesn't belong to our earth. This is from outside the sky, I'm afraid,," Hu Bayi also became nervous.

"Old Hu, I'm afraid of something..." Fatty Wang also became nervous because of Hu Bayi's tone.

"Let's retreat slowly. If my guess is correct, then we will encounter something more terrifying than Zongzi." Hu Bayi whispered to Fatty Wang to retreat slowly.


At this moment, the sci-fi-like sphere rotated a few times to release a trace of gas, the sci-fi sphere directly opened a door, and a figure floated out of the sphere.

At the moment when the sci-fi sphere was produced, the organs of Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang became chilly. Fatty Wang also vaguely knew what he was about to encounter. The moment he saw the giant sci-fi sphere moving and quiet, his body was frightened. Don't dare to move.

When Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang saw someone floating slowly in the air from inside a huge sci-fi sphere, their eyes were full of fear, fear, confusion,,,

Fly... He is flying, there are really aliens in the world, how can he look like us. What is the purpose of his coming to Earth, Hu Bayi, countless thoughts flashed in their minds.



Suddenly there were shouts and clamors in the distance.

"No, Yingzi, something went wrong."

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang both recovered from Yingzi's shouts and gunfire, but they saw the aliens floating in the air that were countless times more mysterious and terrifying than rice dumplings, and they were a little confused.

Regardless, Yingzi matters.

Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang looked at each other, then turned and ran to the gunshot. The speed of the two is extremely fast. I don't know if they are really worried about Yingzi or the aliens floating in the air.

"My day, I finally made it to the stage once, and you just ran away like this, which embarrassed me. So, you should come back."

Huang Jianzhi calmly stretched out his fingers and slightly hooked towards Hu Bayi who were running very fast.

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