Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 695: Evil feudalism

"Suck, Brother Zhi, we will be scared to death by you sooner or later."

When Hu Bayi saw the playful smile on Huang Jianzhi's face, he knew that it was an alien deliberately joking with them, but the joke really scared him.

"Brother Zhi, please stop making this joke in the future, we are not you, we will be blown up." Fatty Wang said with a pale face as if after a disaster.

"Hahaha,,, okay, okay, let's not joke with you in the future, see you all have your legs weakened with fright." Huang Jianzhi laughed unscrupulously.

"By the way, I'll ask you a question, what should I do if I run into a ghost."

Huang Jianzhi cast a glance at the passage, and asked Hu Bayi and others who stood up easily and naturally.

"Brother Zhi, you're not going to cheat us again, are there such things in the world?" Fat Wang thought that Huang Jianzhi was playing with them again, and didn't care too much about Huang Jianzhi's words.

"I didn't make a joke with you this time. I really saw ghosts. And there are still two little ghosts. Let me pinch and count them. Doubt, these two little ghosts are pitiful enough." Huang Jianzhi pretended to be a god. Said the stick.

"Brother Zhi, are those two little ghosts really nearby."

Hu Bayi saw that Huang Jianzhi didn't look like a fake, and looked around with a solemn expression. They could fight for the actual zongzi. When encountering ghosts without entities, they are really helpless.

"Brother Zhi, we won't talk about dealing with red-haired monsters before, but you must help us this time. We have no means to deal with ghosts."

Fatty Wang's expression also became tense, and Yingzi was even scared to hide behind Hu Bayi.

"You are nervous about wool, they are all poor children, not the kind of evil spirits you think."

Huang Jianzhi looked at Hu Bayi and the others speechlessly, turned his head to look at the virgin boys and girls in the passage, and floated over with a smile.

The two boys and girls were a little worried when they saw Huang Jianzhi floating towards them, but seeing the kind smile on Huang Jianzhi's face, they stopped inexplicably to see what Huang Jianzhi did.

"Children, I know you are suffering here. Take me to find your bodies. I will take you out and let you go into the soil for safety." Huang Jianzhi said softly and softly.

When Hu Bayi and others saw Huang Jianzhi talking to the air in front of him, they guessed that Huang Jianzhi was talking to a ghost. Thinking of the existence of the ghost, their faces turned pale and their hearts trembled.

When the two virgins heard Huang Jianzhi's words, they were a little happy to be able to enter the soil, and they kept spinning around Huang Jianzhi happily.

"Children, lead the way."

The two little ghosts didn't stay longer, turned around and walked towards the passage.

"You are really. You all said that they are two poor virgins. You are still scared to this degree. I have served you." Huang Jianzhi turned his head and saw Fatty Wang and Yingzi trembling, speechless. Said.

"Brother Zhi, we are not you, of course we are scared." The fat man said tremblingly.

"Okay, follow up. When you see their bodies, you will know why I say they are pitiful." Huang Jianzhi raised his foot to the steps of the virgin.

"Brother Hu, I'm afraid..." Yingzi was also terribly scared in her heart.

"Don't be afraid, let's follow up and take a look."

When Hu Bayi saw Huang Jianzhi's back, he thought about it and chose to follow. When Fatty Wang and Yingzi saw that Hu Bayi had said so, they also hurriedly followed Hu Bayi.

The virgin boy and girl led Huang Jianzhi four people around in the passage, and finally came to a secret room sealed by a big iron gate, and the two little ghosts went straight into the secret room.

"Brother Zhi, is this place?" Fatty Wang asked suspiciously.

"This is an airtight door with a vacuum environment inside, filled with coffins and other items." Huang Jianzhi replied calmly.

"Coffin! Brother Zhi, are there any valuable funeral objects in it?" Fatty Wang's eyes came out again.

"No, the two little ghosts just now are inside. Go and open the door."

Hu Bayi and Fatty looked at each other, hesitating.

"Don't worry, there will be no danger, even if it is really dangerous, I will take action."

"What kind of look are you guys, didn't you just play with you last time? You are really afraid that I won't make a move. Forget it, you back, I will open the door myself."

When Hu Bayi and the others heard Huang Jianzhi's shameless words, they stared straight at Huang Jianzhi with eyes that had been seen through early.

Huang Jianzhi was stared at by the eyes of Hu Bayi and the others, perhaps because of a guilty conscience, so he was not ashamed to let Hu Bayi and the others open the door, but he had no choice but to open the door by himself.

"Hey! Why are there so many coffins here!" Fatty Wang followed Huang Jianzhi and took a look. There were old and rotten coffins everywhere.

Huang Jianzhi ignored the surprise of Hu Bayi and the others, and went straight to the middle coffin, which was covered with a huge cloth.

Huang Jianzhi casually fanned the cloth, and the cloth was blown away by an invisible force. A well-preserved coffin with no trace of decay, with beautifully carved patterns, appeared in front of everyone.

"So the good stuff is here." Fatty Wang ran over excitedly.

"What excitement, I said that there are no valuable funeral objects, don't you believe it."

Huang Jianzhi ignored Fatty Wang, looked at the coffin in front of him, with a sympathetic expression on his face, stretched out his right hand to grasp the corner of the coffin lid, and carefully opened the coffin.

Huang Jianzhi looked at the corpse of the virgin lying in the coffin, shook his head helplessly, and let out a sigh.

Hu Bayi and the others looked at Huang Jianzhi and sighed slightly. They were all confused, wondering how this black-bellied and unconscionable alien would sigh.

When they looked at the situation inside the coffin with suspicion, they were all surprised, and Yingzi stepped back several steps.

"Brother Zhi, are they?" Fatty Wang looked at Huang Jianzhi.

"Well, they are the two poor virgins I was talking about. As for how to be pitiful, just ask Hu Bayi."

Fatty Wang turned his head and looked at Hu Bayi, who was looking at him with complicated expressions. Hu Bayi had to explain when everyone was looking at him.

"In ancient times, some high-ranking officials would use virgins to bury them, and in order to keep the bodies of virgins from decay, they would pour mercury into their bodies, so that they can ensure that the corpses will not decay for ten thousand years."

Hu Bayi paused, glanced at Fatty and Yingzi, and then said.

"But if you want to fill your body with mercury, you have to open a small hole from the top of your head and pour the mercury while you are alive. Because the person is dead, the blood does not circulate, and the mercury cannot reach every corner of the body."


"This **** feudal society, evil authoritarianism."

Fatty Wang was shocked, his eyes flushed with anger.

"Brother Hu, they are really too pitiful." Yingzi also said emotionally. ..

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