Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 696: Capable man

"Okay, don't sigh, wrap them up with a piece of cloth, take them out and bury them, let them go into the soil for safety." Huang Jianzhi said aloud.

"Yes, yes, let's take them out into the soil for safety." Fatty Wang said as he looked around for wrapping cloth.

"Fatty, be careful later, don't touch the corpse with your hands. The corpse is very poisonous." Hu Bayi reminded.

"I see." After finding the cloth, Fatty Wang carefully wrapped the virgin boy and girl.

"Let's go out."

After Huang Jianzhi saw that the virgins were wrapped up, he took Hu Bayi and the others out to find a good place to put the virgins into the land for safety.

"The conditions are limited. We only have so much done for you. I hope you will rest in peace here." Hu Bayi and the others simply set up a tomb.

After Hu Bayi and the others set up the tomb, they left soon, and Huang Jianzhi followed Hu Bayi and the others slowly.

"Brother Zhi, where did you come from?" Hu Bayi glanced at the horse under Huang Jianzhi curiously.

"The forest is so big, it's not difficult to find a wild horse, let alone my alien means is something you can guess." Huang Jianzhi is addicted to pretending to be an alien.

"Yingzi, we still have something to do. When we get to the front, we will go straight to the county seat..."

Hu Bayi didn't know what to say about Huang Jianzhi's existence. Seeing Yingzi in front of him, he couldn't help but say.

"Why, don't you go back to the village?" Yingzi asked curiously.

"Not going back, we still have important things to do..."

Yingzi was not willing to leave the two of Hu Bayi, but was finally convinced by the two of Hu Bayi.

"When are you coming back?" Yingzi looked at Hu Bayi reluctantly at last.

"We'll be back when we are done,..."

"Brother Hu, remember to come back and drive..." At the end, Yingzi rode away at the fork.

"Ahu, that little girl seems to have a crush on you." Huang Jianzhi said amusedly as Yingzi was going away.

"Brother Zhi, you can't play a joke." Hu Bayi was taken aback and smiled.

"I'm not kidding, that little girl really fell in love with you, her eyes and heart can't tell lies, this is one of my abilities." Huang Jianzhi said with a smile.

Hearing what Huang Jianzhi said, Hu Bayi was silent.

"Lao Hu, your charm is so great, it didn't take long to meet, just put..."

"Fatty, don't talk nonsense, she will forget us after a long time." Hu Bayi didn't dare to get angry with Huang Jianzhi, but he was not polite to Wang Fatty.

"Well, where are we going next? I can trust you to take care of me in the next days." Huang Jianzhi said, preventing Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang from fighting.

"Brother Zhi, you are joking. We are the one who needs your care. If it weren't for you, the red-haired monster in the tomb might have taken us to the funeral." Hu Bayi said politely.

"Old **** is right. If it wasn't for your help from Brother Zhi, we might have really confessed in the tomb." Fatty Wang was also grateful.

"The red-haired monster seemed to have been wiped out by the alpaca, I was like..."

"That's also your pet, Brother Zhi. The pet rescued us and Brother Zhi. You saved us. I just hope that next time Brother Zhi, you don't scare us." Fatty Wang said with a smile.

"Don't worry, I won't scare you anymore, I am quite interested in taking risks by your side." Huang Jianzhi smiled.

In this way, the three of Huang Jianzhi were talking and laughing on the train back to Peking. Fatty Wang couldn't wait to take Huang Jianzhi to find Dajinya when he got off the train.

When I came to the place where Da Jinya was, I just saw Da Jinya was fooling foreigners. Huang Jianzhi and all three of them watched Da Jinya's performance with interest. After a while, Da Jinya succeeded in flicking.

"Master Hu, Fat Master, you are here, who is this brother?"

After finishing the business, Da Jin Ya hurriedly entertained Hu Bayi and Fatty Wang. After seeing the stranger, Da Jinya looked at Hu Bayi with curiosity.

"Jin Ye, let me introduce to you. He is our eldest brother Huang Jianzhi, a capable man. Thanks to Brother Zhi this time, we have a safe and smooth journey." Hu Bayi introduced earnestly.

"Master Huang, if you can compliment you by Master Hu, you must have special skills that no one else has." Da Jinya looked at Huang Jianzhi with colorful eyes.

"Hahaha,,, nothing, I just know some little magic tricks. These are not important, what is important is what we brought back." Huang Jianzhi said with a smile.

"Yes, Hu, Fatty, what did you bring back."

"We brought these back." Fatty Wang took out a pair of jade pendants and a mask from his bag with a smile on his face.

"This jade pendant looks average, but it's a pair at any rate, and it's worth some money. This,,, this is the mask on the zongzi's face. I didn't expect you to bring this back. This is much more valuable than the jade pendant." After the identification of the big golden tooth, an expression of excitement instantly appeared.

"I almost missed this mask. I only took the jade pendant. If it weren't for the reminder of Brother Zhi, I would regret it now." The fat man looked at Huang Jianzhi with rejoicing.

"Fat, you almost missed this mask. It was made by Jin. If you miss it, you will regret it for a lifetime."

"Fat man, Hu, when I go down to collect things in the future, can you two go with me, it would be nice to have a little bit of knowledge."

"If Huang Ye is not by your side in the future, then you don't know how many treasures you missed." Da Jinya hated iron and steel.

"You're right, you really should learn more, otherwise, if you miss something in the future, it will be useless to regret it." Hu Bayi nodded after hearing it.

"Oh, what you said, now there really is such an opportunity to learn. That's it, there is now an archaeological team that studies Western Regions culture."

"It’s funded by the Americans. They want to recruit someone who knows how to divide the golden acupoints to lead the team. I don’t know if you two are interested. If Huang Ye wants to go, I can recommend it again." At this time, Da Jinya suddenly Said.

"Archaeology, this is interesting, so please recommend it." Huang Jianzhi nodded with a smile.

"Fatty, I think this is a good opportunity. We can definitely learn a lot with the archaeological team. This time Brother Zhi will also go there. There is almost no danger."

Hu Bayi thought for a while and asked.

But I have a question, why did he, a U.S. citizen, fund our national archaeological team? "

"That's it. The sponsor is a U.S. Chinese, female, her father is very rich, and their father and daughter are very fond of expeditions. A few years ago, her father followed the expedition to explore the Western Regions and never came back."

"None of them came back. People from the celestial dynasty pay attention to returning to the roots of fallen leaves. She wanted to find her father's body, so she funded this archeology."

"That way you can understand." Hu Bayi nodded when he heard the words.

"Master Hu, I got paid for this inspection, it's US dollars." Da Jinya said again.

"Old Hu, US dollars." When the fat man heard of the money, his whole body was excited.

Hu Bayi thought for a while, and felt that this time was indeed a good opportunity to follow the archaeological team, it was safe and convenient, he could learn things, and he had a salary, so he could try it.

"What are you thinking about? Let's try it together tomorrow. With me by your side, what else do you need to be afraid of." Huang Jianzhi said casually.

Hu Bayi nodded when he heard the words. Huang Jianzhi was right. The state's management of the Western Regions is not strong enough. There may be any danger. There are aliens who follow at least not to consider safety issues. ..

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