Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 804: Can i beat him to death

"Xiaoyaozi, don't pretend, didn't you let your nephew from the distant house charge a high fee in front of the door to let others join the clan."

"One person has ten thousand real gold and silver, which is really not so much. Just like this, you really have made a lot of oil and water from up and down. You have deviated from the "Tao"." Xiao Meng thought Xiaoyaozi was pretending to be confused. , Said with a high-cold appearance.

"My nephew from far away? Senior Tian Mingzi, head of Xiaomeng, you have wronged our ancestry. I don't have any nephew from far away."

"We did not charge any fees for those who came to join our sect. As long as they are innocent and pass a few tests, they will have joined our sect."

"Senior Tian Mingzi, Xiaomeng head, are you deceived by someone at the door? There are not many people in this world who can come up with 10,000 real money."

Xiaoyaozi solemnly looked at Xiaomeng and the others, with a curious look in his eyes who would dare to pretend to be his distant nephew in front of the sect, or deceive in front of his biggest competitor.

"You really don't have a nephew outside the house?"

Xiao Meng and the others saw that Xiaoyaozi's expression did not look like a liar, and they felt that Xiaoyaozi's words made sense. Few people in this world used 10,000 real gold and silver to sign up to join the human sect.

As soon as they entered the human sect, they were targeted by someone with a heart. Who is such a bold person who pretends to be the human sect in the human sect base camp, who dares to cheat in front of them so that they can't see through.

"I swear with my Dao heart, I really don't have any distant nephews. I can lie to you and dare to pretend to be my non-existent relatives in front of the sect, which makes me very depressed."

"Come on, ask the mountain patrol disciple and the gatekeeper disciple if any suspicious people have appeared." Xiaoyaozi ordered.

"Master, I have all questioned, and no suspicious people have appeared." After a while, a Renzong disciple came back to report.

"So did the disciple see the appearance of contacting the head of Xiaomeng?" Xiaoyaozi continued to ask.

"Master, this,,, no." The human disciple lowered his head nervously.

"Check, let me see who dared to use the name of the people to cheat."

When Xiaoyaozi heard the disciple's report, his eyebrows frowned slightly. Someone dared to deceive by using the name of the sect. This was something he couldn't bear, so he directly ordered the disciple to go and investigate.

"Yes, Master."

"The head of Xiaoyaozi, someone in this world who can cheat in front of me and Master without being discovered by us has never appeared before."

"Today, I found one in front of Guizong's door, not to mention how difficult it is. From the side, it can be seen that Guizong is more attractive to the strangers and strangers of the world than our Tianzong."

Xiaomeng saw a series of actions by Xiaoyaozi, and she was a little embarrassed to think that she and her master were deceived at the door of Renzong, and that Xiaoyaozi was fooled.

Although she and Master came to Renzong for a purpose, the visitors were guests. Today, she and Master were almost fooled by a liar and turned into a villain.

Unconsciously, she became disgusted with that liar. If I met the liar next time, she didn't need to say anything, she said it first.

"No matter how simple he is, it's wrong to dare to cheat in the name of Renzong. This happened in front of our Renzong. I will try my best to explain to the two of you." Xiaoyaozi said slightly.

"Xiaoyaozi, this matter can be set aside first, you should know the purpose of our trip." Tian Mingzi went straight to the subject and said.

"I only guessed that you and the head of Xiaomeng, Tian Mingzi, came for immortals, but I really don’t know the specific purpose." Xiaoyaozi naturally knows that Tianzong is here to grab immortals, but he hasn’t been so easy yet. The cards are showing up.

"Xiaoyaozi, although we are divided into Renzong and Tianzong because of our different ideas, we all belong to Taoism, and immortals belong to Taoism. I think our Tianzong is more suitable for immortals as a foothold." Tian Mingzi didn't make any mistakes, directly Explained the purpose.

"Senior Tian Mingzi, Xian Daozu’s choice of foothold is not something I can intervene. Although you and I belong to Taoism, we are mortals after all. How can mortals intervene in the decisions of immortals." Xiaoyaozi’s tone is polite, but Everyone can hear what he meant by refusal.

"Xian Dao Zu, this is a good name. We will change our name to immortals like this in the future. Xiaoyao head, we really don't have the ability to intervene in the choice of Xian Dao Zu, but we are qualified to meet Xian Dao Zu."

"We are all Daoist children, and the head of Xiaoyao won't let us meet the ancestor of the Immortal Daoist." Xiao Meng made up his mind and saw the fairy talking first.

"Let me first ask about what Xian Dao ancestor meant, and see if Xian Dao ancestor is willing to meet with you, come with me."

Xiaoyaozi also knew that there was no reason to reject Xiaomeng and the others, so he could only take Xiaomeng and the others to the room where Huang Jianzhi lived.

Xiao Meng and Tian Mingzi followed Xiaoyaozi closely, and their hearts slowly began to become tense. They soon saw the legendary fairy.

What does the fairy look like? What is the character of the fairy? What do you want to say when you see the fairy? How does the fairy view their Tianzong,... In a short time, Xiao Meng and Tian Mingzi have weak nervous thoughts in their hearts.

"Why did you fall asleep? Didn't you let you take care of Xian Dao Ancestor? Where is Xian Dao Ancestor now?"

Xiaoyaozi came to Huang Jianzhi's residence, saw that there was no one in the room, and asked the disciple who took care of Huang Jianzhi's daily life with dissatisfaction.

"Master, we don't know what's going on. We fell asleep in a daze. It was because of your footsteps, Master, that we woke up and found that the ancestor of Xian Dao was gone, we..." The disciple lowered his head in panic and said.

"Sleep in a daze, you can't make such a low-level mistake, it may be that the ancestor of Immortal Dao deliberately let you sleep over. Find, go and find the ancestor of immortal Dao." Xiaoyaozi said for a moment after thinking.

"Don't look for it, I'm roasting chicken in Houshan, take them up." At this time, a peaceful voice reached Xiaoyaozi's ears.

"Come with me, Xian Daozu agrees with you."

After hearing Huang Jianzhi's voice, Xiaoyaozi immediately said to Xiaomeng and the others, and led them to the back mountain.

"Shao Shao, you smell it, it's so fragrant, this is definitely the fattest hen I have ever roasted. Come, Shao Sha, I'll give you a big chicken leg." Huang Jianzhi took off a big chicken leg and handed it to the tree. The quiet young commander.

"Well, it is impossible for you to take off your veil and eat a chicken leg. It seems that this roast hen can only be enjoyed by me alone." Huang Jianzhi put the chicken leg into his mouth in the next second.

At the moment, the young commander's eyes flashed a gloomy look. Who had seen such a stingy fairy and said that he would give her a piece of chicken thigh to eat, but did not wait for her to react.

Without even a second, the chicken leg that the fairy handed her instantly squeezed into the fairy's own mouth.

What is this, he raised a chicken leg, said a word, and the chicken leg ran to his mouth, which clearly didn't mean to divide her chicken leg.

"It's really fragrant,, Shao Shao, what a delicious chicken thigh, it's a pity that you don't eat it, it's okay, I will help you digest it." Huang Jianzhi took a bite of the chicken thigh and said with an intoxicated expression on his face.

"Can I beat him to death." At this moment, a rare thought appeared in the young commander's heart. ..

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