Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 805: Taoism is incomplete

"There is smoke over there, and the young commander of the Yin Yang family is also there, indicating that the ancestor of Immortal Dao is there."

When Xiaoyaozi saw the young commander standing on the top of the tree in the distance, he judged the position of the immortal ancestor, and hurriedly led Xiaomeng and the others to fly over.

"Wait here first, I'll report it."

Xiaoyaozi took Xiaomeng and the others to a distance of one hundred meters from Huang Jianzhi and stopped. After speaking to Xiaomeng and the others, he walked towards Huang Jianzhi respectfully.

Xiao Meng and the others had seen the immortal's back in the distance, but the immortal was facing them, not allowing them to see the true face of the immortal. They couldn't help but become nervous when they thought that they were about to meet the real immortal.

"Xian Dao Zu, the head of Tianzong Xiaomeng and her master I have brought, do you want to invite them?" Xiaoyaozi asked.

"Everyone is here, just let them come." Huang Jianzhi said without looking back, continuing to nibble on the chicken.

Seeing that Xian Daozu agreed, Xiaoyao hurriedly waved to Tian Mingzi and the others. Tian Mingzi and the others saw Xiaoyaozi's beckoning motion, and they sorted their clothes and walked towards Xiandaozu.

"Taoist Tianzong's disciple Sun pays homage to Immortal Daozu."

Without any hesitation, Tian Mingzi and Xiaomeng directly regarded Huang Jianzhi as the ancestor of the Taoist ancestor, bowed their heads three times, bowed their heads and waited for the immortal decree of the ancestor of the Taoist Tao.

"That's it, don't look up, guess who I am?"

Huang Jianzhi turned around and saw Xiao Meng and the others kneeling on the ground with their heads down, and looked at Xiao Meng and them playfully.

Tian Mingzi and Xiao Meng originally thought that the first reaction of Xian Daozu would make them stand up and talk, but who thought that Xian Daozu would play the game of guess who I am, it made them a little lost.

"Why are you all stunned, we met before, don't you have any impression when you listen to my voice?" Huang Jianzhi asked depressedly.

Xiaoxiao and Tian Mingzi lowered their heads and heard Xian Daozu say that they had met before, which made their eyes flashed. When they met with Xian Daozu, why didn't they know.

"When you see your state, you know that you have forgotten me as a passerby. Look up and see if we have met before." Huang Jianzhi smiled.

"It's you,,,"

Xiaomeng and Tian Mingzi looked up to see Huang Jianzhi's face clearly, and they were shocked in their hearts. Isn't this the liar who cheated them in front of the Sect.

Unexpectedly, he turned out to be an immortal, no wonder he dared to cheat in front of the human sect, so that they didn't notice anything wrong, it turned out that he was a superior immortal.

"Yes, it's me, it's me, did you think that if you meet me again, this liar, you don't care about it, first beat me up and say, right?"

"You must have thought about it this way, now I am right in front of you, do you want to beat me up first and say." Huang Jianzhi looked at Xiao Meng and them playfully.

When Xiao Meng and Tian Mingzi heard what the ancestor of the immortal Dao had said, they suddenly became a little bit arrogant. Who would have thought that the one who would cheat them would be the immortal, and want to beat the immortal. Isn't this a death court?

"Xian Dao Ancestor, how dare we beat you? This is an unruly thing. Who would have thought that when Immortal Dao Ancestor you play the world, you will pit your two disciples." Tian Mingzi said with a sad face.

"Who pitted you, I'm just looking for you to play with. Also, you are already very rebellious. You have used true yuan to form air pressure to push me to the ground, not to mention, and ignore me when I leave. You make me embarrassed. "Huang Jianzhi said dissatisfied.

Tian Mingzi and Xiao Meng heard the dissatisfaction of the immortal ancestor, thinking of the situation at the time, they suddenly became a little nervous, and the immortal's anger was not something they could bear.

"Xian Dao Zu, what's going on?"

When Xiaoyaozi heard Xiaomeng and the others pushing the ancestor of the immortal Dao to the ground, he immediately looked at Xiaomeng and them curiously.

"It's no big deal, that is, I pretended to be your nephew from afar and wanted to cheat some pocket money, but unfortunately I didn't succeed. Get up, I don't like others to bow down to me."

Huang Jianzhi's dissatisfied face instantly turned into a smile, and the rapid change of his face felt incredible.

"Xian Dao Zu, the younger generation has a few questions I would like to ask."

Xiao Meng was also surprised at how fast the fairy changed his face. She always felt that the fairy was different from what she had imagined, but she didn't care about it. Instead, she stood up with her master and humbly asked the ancestor of the immortal.

"Ask whatever you want, but if you want to eat the roast chicken in my hand, I tell you there is no way."

Huang Jianzhi saw Xiaomeng's eyes scanning the chicken in his hand weirdly, and he was scared to hide less than half of the remaining chicken behind his back.

"Xian Dao Ancestor, what is Dao?"

Xiao Meng's eyes were full of curiosity and looked at the fairy, and even Tian Mingzi and Xiaoyaozi were also eager to get the fairy's answer.

"As soon as I came up to ask such a profound question, I tell you, I don't know." Huang Jianzhi said indifferently.

"Xian Dao Ancestor, how could you not know, didn't you become immortal through Dao?" Xiao Meng and the others felt that Immortal Dao Ancestor must know the answer, but they just didn't want to tell them.

"Innocent, immortal is the end of Tao? Don't be so superficial, OK? If you want to know what "Dao" is, you have to understand it by yourself. Others may not necessarily be your own Tao." Huang Jianzhi said casually.

Xiaoyaozi nodded their heads secretly, it is true that immortality is not the end of Tao, Tao must rely on their own comprehension.

"Xian Dao Ancestor, the younger generations are struggling to pursue immortal fate, but the immortal road in this world has been broken, is there any way to connect the immortal road again." Tian Mingzi asked seriously.

"Two methods, one is the masterpiece of the immortal book, and the other is to find the whole seven dragon **** to make a wish to me to help you connect the immortal road of this world." Huang Jianzhi smiled.

"Xiandao Ancestor, can the ancient book of immortals really make people who are destined to become immortals?" Xiao Meng asked curiously.

"Of course, there are three hundred ways in the ancient fairy book. Taoism can make people become immortals."

Well, the first of the three hundred children's songs is really brainwashing, and you can't stop it. This is almost the same as becoming a fairy. The most important thing is that someone can understand it. Huang Jianzhi thought to himself without conscience.

Tian Mingzi and the others were slightly disappointed when they heard what the immortal said. The Queer World Immortal Book has been divided into two, one of which is in the hands of the empire.

The other one was snatched by mysterious forces. It was almost impossible for them to watch the ancient fairy book. They didn't even have the opportunity to watch it, so why not talk about destined people.

Don’t even think about the Dragon Ball. All the major forces in the world want to get the Dragon Ball. A dragon ball is a blood and rain storm in this world. All kinds of ambitions, desires, greed, ,, the wisher will only promise what he desires most in his heart, and live forever. Immortality, the throne of the emperor may be more they want.

"Xiandao Ancestor, what do you think of our Tianzong Human Sect?" Xiao Meng asked.

"Seriously, you are all members of the Taoist school, but because of different ideas, you are divided into the human sect and the heaven sect. This makes me a little dissatisfied."

"Taoism is incomplete, so I don't have a sense of belonging to this incomplete Taoism. The Yinyang family is still my offspring. Should I move to the Yinyang family?" Huang Jianzhi said with a thoughtful appearance. ..

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