Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 806: Turbulence in the world

"Xian Dao Zu, although Taoism is divided into Ren Zong and Tian Zong due to different concepts, but when necessary, Ren Zong and Tian Zong will merge into one."

When Xiaoyaozi heard that Xian Daozu wanted to leave the human sect, he didn't care if Tian Mingzi and the others had any opinions, and first persuaded Xian Daozu to talk.

"Xian Daozu, Xiaoyaozi is right. Taoism has been divided into Renzong and Tianzong for more than three hundred years. It is indeed time to merge." Tian Mingzi thought for a moment and unexpectedly cooperated with Xiaoyao's words.

Xiao Meng looked at her master in a somewhat unbelievable way. The Renzong and Tianzong have had grievances and grievances for more than three hundred years. It is not that simple to want to merge into one.

Although after the merger, Taoism will be stronger than ever, but it is impossible for two factions with different ideas to merge in a short time.

Xiaoyaozi also looked at Tian Mingzi in surprise. He knew what it would mean to merge between Renzong and Tianzong. He also thought that one day Renzong and Tianzong would merge into one. After all, both Renzong and Tianzong belong to Taoism.

However, the grievances and grievances between Renzong and Tianzong for more than three hundred years have made everyone see who is not pleasing to the eye. It is almost impossible to want one of them to bow to the other, let alone the merger. Today, I did not expect Tian. Zong's Tian Mingzi will be the first to bring up the topic of merger.

"If your two are merged, the Taoist Guangjindan powerhouse will crush the other philosophers, and I am looking forward to the merger of your two."

"By the way, the Yin-Yang family seemed to be part of the Taoist school five hundred years ago, so why not invite the Yin-Yang family to join the Taoist school, so that the Taoist school will become the only transcendent force in the world without any accident." Huang Jianzhi suggested with a smile.

"Xian Dao Zu, Ren Zong and Tian Zong belong to Taoism. It's okay to say that the merging is good, but Yin Yang Family separated from Taoism five hundred years ago. It might be a bit difficult to reintegrate Yin Yang Family into Taoism." Tian Ming Zi said quietly.

"You seem to be right. Although Taoism and Yinyang are more or less related to me, I don't want to interfere with your affairs too much."

"Well, your Taoist family, Tianzong, Yin and Yang family will be combined or not, you have discussed and decided on your own, I will not interfere with your decision." Huang Jianzhi said casually.

"Xian Dao ancestor, we will put the merger of Daoism first, but part of the Taoist inheritance has been broken. The younger generation begged the immortal Dao ancestor to leave some inheritance for Taoism." Tian Mingzi said solemnly.

When Xiaoyaozi and Xiaomeng heard Tian Mingzi's words, they immediately understood why Tian Mingzi wanted to let the sect and the Tianzong merge into one. It turned out to be for a deeper inheritance.

Thinking of Tian Mingzi's deep meaning, they immediately looked at Huang Jianzhi excitedly, isn't the fairy inheritance exactly what they want.

"That's your purpose, no wonder you let Tianzong and Renzong merge into one. It turned out to be for the inheritance in my hands. That's right. After all, I am an immortal. No matter what I leave behind, it will be enough for you. lifetime."

"Okay, before I leave this world, I will leave something for you. As for what I will leave, it depends on my mood." Huang Jianzhi said indifferently.

"Thanks to the ancestor of Xian Dao for leaving hope for us disciples and grandchildren." Tian Mingzi bowed down to Huang Jianzhi excitedly, and Xiaoyao and Xiaoming were equally excited to learn the movements of Tian Mingzi and bowed down to Huang Jianzhi.

"Okay, okay, all of you step back, don't disturb me looking at the beautiful scenery in the back mountain." After Huang Jianzhi ate and drank enough, his whole body became lazy.

"Xian Dao Zu, can you let Xiao Meng stay by your side?" Tian Mingzi said.

"Can she wash clothes and cook?" Huang Jianzhi asked calmly.

"This,, this,," Tian Mingzi's face suddenly hesitated when he heard it.

"Okay, I see, let's stay. Shao Shao has frozen my heart. It doesn't matter if there is another iceberg beauty beside me. Hey, when will the dream maid of my dreams be there?" Huang Jianzhi said. Said sadly.

When the young commander heard Huang Jianzhi had left Xiaomeng, he glanced at Xiaomeng calmly, and then closed his gaze back, as if it didn't matter if Xiaomeng stayed or not.

"Get out, I'm going to rest."

Huang Jianzhi casually conjured a couch, lying on it lazily, squinting his eyes, as if he wanted to drive Tian Mingzi and the others away. When Tian Mingzi saw this, they could only leave silently.

"Xian Dao Zu, what is the dream maid you just mentioned?" Xiao Meng asked Huang Jianzhi curiously when he saw that the master and Xiaoyaozi had left.

"Fantasy maid is,,, uh, forget it, you and Shao Shao are hopeless, just because of your cold temperament, there is no maid outfit I prepared for you to wear." Huang Jianzhi said with disappointment. .

"Xian Daozu, do you know the situation at the border?" At this time, Xiao Meng turned the topic to the border.

"I am an immortal and know everything. Of course, I know the border issues, but I am an aloof immortal. I am not interested in mortal affairs." Huang Jianzhi said casually.


"It's nothing, I'm going to rest, don't disturb my sleep." Huang Jianzhi interrupted Xiao Meng's words directly, and then squinted to sleep.

Seeing the immortal's attitude, Xiao Meng's expression felt a little bit hesitant, her eyes full of hesitation but not daring to disturb the immortal's rest, so she could only quietly accompany the immortal's side.


"Have you heard that the anti-Qin alliance formed by many dynasties outside the border already has millions of troops, and the country of Qin may be more fortunate in the face of millions of troops."

"You have also heard, what should we do? Once Qin is destroyed, those enemies will not treat us as human beings."

"What to do, millions of troops, how Qin has fought, I'd better take my children to hide in the mountains and old forests."

All of a sudden, news of millions of military forces in the Anti-Qin Alliance outside the border became turbulent, and the world instantly became turbulent.

After receiving the millions of troops from the Anti-Qin Alliance, all the major forces were not very optimistic about the State of Qin, and silently made their own plans.

Xianyang Palace

"Your Majesty, the border situation is urgent. The anti-Qin alliance headed by the Huns, the Roman Empire, and the Maurya Dynasty has stationed more than three million troops outside the border. Now there are almost 20 dynasties joining the anti-Qin alliance."

"Up to now, the surrounding and distant dynasties are also unable to restrain themselves. They are all preparing to join the Anti-Qin Alliance and go to the Central Plains to fish in troubled waters."

"Your Majesty, our empire's army plus combat-capable death inmates has less than two million people, and there is a big gap between the anti-Qin alliance's military strength, which is still increasing, and we have to make preparations." Li Si Said in a cold sweat.

"The ambition of this group of wolves is not just as simple as getting Dragon Ball, but also greedy for the land of the Central Plains.,, I won't let them succeed."..

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