Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 808: Alliance of Kings

"Young Master, having said that, but if we do this, we will recognize the rule of Qin in a disguised form. Some Chu people who want to restore the country may feel disappointed when you see Young Master doing this." Fan Zeng said worriedly.

"Return to the country? Do we still have a chance? Tianming has heard from the immortal that the better the Qin State is, the better, the immortal is omniscient and omnipotent, and what the immortal said will come true."

"If we continue to fight against Qin State, we will only perish ourselves. It is normal for some Chu people to be disappointed. After all, they all put their hope on me. They hope that I can regain the country."

"But I can't lead them to a dead end. Now that the nation is in crisis, the immortal said that the more developed the State of Qin, the better, then the State of Qin will definitely be able to defeat foreign enemies."

"I went to fight not only to kill foreign enemies, but also for us. If we want to survive, we have to leave a way for ourselves." Xiang Yu said seriously.

"Young Master, you have grown up unknowingly. What you analyzed just now is all right. We really need to make some changes." Fan Zeng looked at Xiang Yu with inexplicable relief.

"Let us Chu people prepare, send people to communicate with Qin, and we will join the ranks of killing foreign enemies." Xiang Yu said with a fighting spirit.

"Yes, young master."

A certain hidden point of the Mohist school, and many Mohist leaders also gathered together for winning the government and proclaiming the will of the world.

"Giant, foreign enemies are inhumane. Once they break the Qin Army's defenses and invade the land of the Central Plains, it will definitely be a waste of life."

"There are too many dynasties joining the Anti-Qin Alliance. Not to mention the powerful Roman Empire and the mysterious Maurya Dynasty, as well as the Hu people and the Huns who have been harassing the border between the descendants of Yan and Huang."

"I don’t want to mention the brutality of the Hu thief and the Xiongnu. The people present have heard of it. Once they break through the defenses of the State of Qin, then it will be the catastrophe of our descendants of Yan and Huang, so I suggest that the Mo family help Qin "Master Ban stood up and said.

"Master Ban, you are sure that we are going to help Qin. Although people outside are rumored to win the government and prepare millions of troops to deal with the anti-Qin alliance, Qin does not have that much military power on our information network."

"Even if Qin Guo pulls together and pulls up an army of millions, it is still too far away from the soldiers who have seen blood on the battlefield. I am afraid that the millions of Qin army will be defeated when they encounter the anti-Qin alliance."

"Once the Qin army is defeated, then we sent to help the disciples of the Mo family in the Qin State, it is not that there is no return." Gao Jianli calmly analyzed.

"Leader Gao, in order to win the government, even the masterpieces of immortals have been thrown out in order to win this war. Not to mention the major forces, the philosophers and hundreds of schools have come forward to help Qin because of their interests.

"Just relying on the masterful fairy book thrown out by Yingzheng, it firmly binds most of the people in the world to Qin."

"There are so many people in the world who help Qin. Qin is not in a situation of defeat. We are only helping Qin for the general trend." Master Ban said his thoughts.

"Maybe you are right. Qin cannot be defeated, otherwise the people under the world, giants, are the ones who are suffering. You have to decide." Gao Jianli handed over the decision to Tian Ming.

"Uncle Yan, you are the former giant of the Mo family, do you have any ideas?" Tianming asked Yan Dan.

"Help, I don't want our children and grandchildren to be slaves to foreign enemies in the future." Yan Dan nodded and said.

"Okay, then we discuss how to help..."


Yin Yang Home Headquarters

"Your Excellency, the Anti-Qin Alliance has increased its troops to more than 4 million. Can Qin State win?" Moon God and the others asked hesitantly.

"To win, you must win, I must read the half of the masterpiece in the hands of Yingzheng. I don’t see much of the half of the masterpiece in my hand. It must be the reason why the masterpiece is incomplete. Once the masterpiece is complete I believe I can see something." Donghuang Taiyi said solemnly.

"Your Excellency Donghuang, once the winning government wins this war, the winning government will completely control the entire world. I'm afraid that time will come," the Moon God said hesitantly.

"How about winning the government even if we completely control the world, it's not a mortal, what we are after is not in the same realm as him." Donghuang Taiyi said casually.

"Your Excellency Eastern Emperor, Taoist Family Sect and Tianzong contact us together, wanting us to merge into Taoism." Moon God said calmly.

"Merging into Taoism? Does Taoism want to be too beautiful? Our Yin and Yang family broke away from Taoism as early as five hundred years ago, and our Yin Yang family and Taoism have long been irrelevant."

"Now Taoists want our Yin-Yang family to reintegrate into Taoists. This is not to watch our Yin-Yang family get stronger and stronger and want to swallow us." Xinghun said disdainfully.

"The Taoist school is not trying to annex us, but sincerely inviting us to return to the Taoist school. This is the news from the young commander. Please take a look." The Eastern Emperor's wife threw a special parchment scroll to the Moon God and them.

Because the young commander served immortals and the matter was of great importance, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi kept him in contact with the young commander, and other people were not allowed to contact the young commander. Because of this, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi always knew more information than the Moon God and the others.

"It turns out that Tian Mingzi suggested that the three of us should be merged in order to obtain the inheritance of the immortals. The inheritance of the immortals is not ordinary." Moon God said with a strange light in his eyes.

"Then our choice is..." Star Soul and the others looked at Donghuang Taiyi expectantly when they heard the inheritance.

"Our yin and yang family is not ultimately pursuing the method of becoming immortal. The Kuangshi Xianshu and the Dragon Ball are our opportunities. But if the Kuangshi Xianshu has no destiny for us, and the Dragon Ball is also not destined for us, then should we leave one more way."

"We used to be Taoists, so what if we return to Taoism? As long as we have the inheritance of immortals, isn't that the way to become immortals?"

"It's not yet time to return to Taoism. I'm talking about winning the government and winning the war." Eastern Emperor Taiyi said for a moment.


Outside the border, on a half-plain and half-valley dozens of kilometers away from the Qin Army’s defense line, densely packed legions stand horizontally, all of which are troops.

A radius of tens of kilometers or hundreds of kilometers, all of them are soldiers from various dynasties, and each soldier has a more or less arrogant aura, so that a radius of hundreds of kilometers is filled with solidified indifference because of the dense legions,,,

All major legions were sharpening their knives and preparing. They were all told by their king that they were here to kill pigs and sheep. The more they planted, the more fat land they would get.

This made the soldiers of the major dynasties who lacked fat land suddenly became excited. If they weren't restrained by their leader or king, they would probably not be able to kill them at this moment.

And the kings of the various dynasties that control the boundless soldiers on the plain are concentrated in a huge tent protected by countless groups of soldiers at this moment.

Inside this large tent are the most authoritative and powerful kings in the world, which can be called the Anti-Qin Alliance or the Alliance of Kings. ..

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