Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 809: Missed opportunity

"Everyone, what are we waiting for, we have already swept the entire Qin country with our strength." said a fierce man in the tent.

The leaders and kings on the other tables saw the brutal Huren king open their mouths, and they looked at the three kings of the weight class on the chief, namely the Huns, the Maurya Dynasty, and the Roman Empire.

"Everyone, please be quiet. Although our current military strength is very sure to sweep the Qin State, we cannot underestimate the land of the Central Plains, let alone win the government."

"Speaking of winning politics, although I don't want to admit it, you have all seen on your table what you have done in winning politics over the past ten years. I am afraid that the one of us is not comparable to him."

"The appearance of such a legendary emperor in the Central Plains is really amazing. We face such an opponent, how can we do not mention the extreme spirit." One of the middle-aged men of the three chiefs said calmly, he is just a mystery. King of the Peacock Dynasty.

The king of the Maurya Dynasty looks very mediocre on the surface, but as long as someone sees his eyes, he will feel that he can see through your life, just like the king staring at an imp.

"The record of winning the government is really amazing, but it also depends on the difference in strength. How can our army of more than 20 kings be able to resist the Qin State? Can the huge army of more than four million still not be able to attack a Qin State? "One of the kings in the tent said without believing in evil.

"You are too anxious, you can follow us to share the benefits, but you have to listen to our arrangements, otherwise you can attack Qin on your own."

"We can leave you alone. According to what we said before, what you grab is yours, but it's not that I underestimate you. You don't have a few of us, I'm afraid you can't even get through the Great Wall." The Roman Empire monarch of the same level as the Maurya Dynasty Looking contemptuously at the kings present.

Other leaders or kings saw the contemptuous eyes of the Roman Empire's monarchs, and they didn't dare to refute anything. The gap between them and the Roman Empire was too large, and the refutation required equal strength.

"Everyone, although our military strength has reached more than four million, the Central Plains is not only the State of Qin, but there are also hidden forces."

"There is an old saying in the Central Plains that there is no dynasty for a thousand years, but a family of a thousand years. If we want to conquer the fertile Central Plains, the aristocratic family is more difficult to deal with than the Qin State."

"After all, we are outsiders. Once their interests are triggered, they will definitely make us unhappy, so we are waiting until our forces have assembled to more than five million, we are launching an attack." The Chief Huns said.

"We are waiting. Wouldn't it be more time for Qin and the family to prepare? When we gather more than five million troops, they will also have the opportunity to defend us. Didn't we miss the opportunity?" One of the great kings in the tent Raised his hand and said.

"Why, you are afraid, if you are afraid, you can not participate in our actions, we do not force you to join in." The Roman Empire monarch despised.

"I,,, I'm not afraid, I just feel like a missed opportunity."


"It's not enough to rely on good opportunities for fighting. Strength, time, location, etc., even if we give Qin a chance to prepare, aren't we conquering the resources of the Central Plains."

"If we want to occupy the resources of the Central Plains forever, we should defeat the State of Qin head-on, so that no one in the Central Plains dares to stand up and resist our rule."

"This war must be **** suppressed, and blood must flow, so that the Central Plains people know what fear is. Only in this way can we rule the Central Plains with peace of mind." King Hun said with a cold-blooded smile.

"It makes sense, I just like blood flowing into a river."

"Yes, there are too many people in the Central Plains, and we really have to clean up a piece of land. Otherwise, how could our people occupy such a fertile land."

"Thinking that our people have lived in a cruel environment for generations. Why should the people of the Central Plains have such fertile land since they were born? This is not fair. If it is so, then I will fight for a place to survive for the people."

"Kill kill, Qin State blocks our way, kill, the family blocks our way, kill..."

For a while, all the kings present were excited about the possibility of occupying the fertile land.

"Just be quiet, there is one biggest problem!" At this time, the Maurya Dynasty monarch said.

"what is the problem?"

"You said, when we are attacking Qin, will the so-called immortals intervene in?" The Maurya Dynasty monarch squinted and said.

"Aren't we here for the benefit of resources? What's the matter with the immortals? Is it true that the immortals made by the Central Plains people really fail." A slightly weak tribal leader asked curiously.

When the strongest kings on the scene heard this, their hearts were slightly disdainful, and there was another person who didn't know anything and followed the trend to share the benefits.

"The fairy is real, and collecting dragon **** to make a wish to the fairy is also true. You are here for profit, and we can share your share, but don't think about dragon balls. Dragon **** belong to our three families." The Maurya King said domineeringly .

The other kings saw the leading Huns, the Maurya Dynasty, and the three major dynasties of the Roman Empire as if they had already negotiated. The Dragon Ball belonged to them, and the others just contributed their troops and resources.

But collecting all seven dragon **** can only make one wish to the fairy. Will their three dynasties make one wish together? If so, what wish will they make. This made the kings very curious.

"Your worries are superfluous. Immortals are high above. Do you think that immortals will take care of mortals? As long as we don't touch the Taoists and Yin-Yang houses that are related to the immortals." The Roman Empire monarch smiled.

"For example, the fairy intervened!" The Maurya King looked at the Roman Emperor quietly.

"What else can we do, we can only give up, but I don't think immortals will intervene. Mortals are just ants to immortals. How can the gods of the game world interfere with the general trend of the world." The Roman Empire monarch said calmly.

"I also think that the immortal will not intervene. The moment the immortal arrives has already said very clearly that it will not interfere with any forces or organizations. The world is dispensable for the immortal, and the immortal will leave this world sooner or later."

"Before the immortal leaves this world, we must collect the whole dragon ball to make a wish, otherwise everything we do will be in vain." King Xiongnu said.

"Report, the Qin army has increased to more than three million troops, and it is still increasing." At this time, a soldier ran in and reported.

"What, where does Qin have so many troops?"

"Impossible, the total strength of Qin's upper and lower army is less than two million. Is the more than one million that is now Qin's hidden strength, or is it made by the west."

"Central Plains has a large population. It's okay to make up one or two million more, but the forces that have been made up have never seen blood, and there is nothing to be afraid of."

All the kings present suddenly started talking.

"The Central Plains has a huge population, and they just pulled out millions of troops. If the Roman Empire and Qin were fighting, we might only lose."

The monarch of the Roman Empire muttered solemnly when he heard the number of Qin's troops. He looked up and saw the queens present, and his heart relaxed. Fortunately, he was not a country against Qin, but more than twenty dynasties. ..

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