Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 842: shameless

"I haven't encountered a monster as strange as you. I feel that you are very human. Yes, it is humanity. You have been with humans for a while before." Huang Jianzhi asked knowingly.

When Lan Fei heard Huang Jianzhi's words, his eyes stopped slightly, and he glanced at Huang Jianzhi for a moment, shook his head and ignored Huang Jianzhi, and continued to walk towards her research department.

"Oh, I got it right. Tell me, what it's like to get along with humans. There is almost no killing air in you. How did you do it."

Huang Jianzhi followed Lan Fei's words tirelessly, but Lan Fei directly ignored the wordy stranger.

"Suspicious, this is human skin, you still study this, it seems that you are a monster of technical content."

Huang Jianzhi followed Lan Fei all the way to her research department, saw the human skin in the nutrient solution, couldn't help but say.

"Do you know human skin?" Lan Fei couldn't help but glanced at Huang Jianzhi a few more times.

"I know so many things, what is so strange about human skin, I think you are very interesting, I think it is necessary for me to recommend you to my organization." Huang Jianzhi said with a smile.

"Let's go, I'm not interested in your organization." When Lan Fei heard Huang Jianzhi mention the organization, his eyes dimmed inexplicably.

"I haven't introduced my organization yet. Why did you refuse? Are you worried about the bug in your mind." Huang Jianzhi said calmly.

"Who are you, how do you know so many things!" Lan Fei suddenly stopped his movements and looked at Huang Jianzhi with indifference.

"This is not a secret. For some people, it is easy to investigate. I said, would you like to join my organization?" Huang Jianzhi asked with a smile.

"You know there are bugs in my mind, do you think I can leave here." Lan Fei said with a sneer.

"As long as you join my organization, I can help you get rid of the bugs in your brain." Huang Jianzhi said casually.

"What, you can get rid of the bugs in your mind." Lan Fei looked at Huang Jianzhi in surprise.

"Of course, do you want to join my organization?" Huang Jianzhi smiled.

"You go, I don't want to join any organization, I stay here just fine."

Lan Fei originally heard that Huang Jianzhi can get rid of the bugs in her mind. She was not sure how happy she was, but thought of joining another organization. What is the difference between this and changing from one cage to another? After thinking about it, she still rejected disappointedly. .

"You are worried about losing your freedom, in fact,..."

"How come I met an outsider, it's so troublesome, I really want to treat it as if I didn't see it."

At this time, the **** Zi Yuan appeared at the entrance of the research department, looking at Huang Jianzhi with a clown mask with an annoyed look.

"Well, can you wait for me to finish talking, you are showing up, it would be impolite to interrupt other people's words." Huang Jianzhi looked depressed at Zi Yuan at the door.

"Lan Fei, who is he?"

Zi Yuan was a troublesome person, didn't want to talk to Huang Jianzhi, and directly asked Lan Fei on the side.

"I don't know it. It seems that it is from another organization. Did you ask you to arrest him for nothing?" Lan Fei asked.

"No, the organization hasn't found any outsiders until now. I've been exposed here. Suddenly I wanted to see if you had researched anything new, and I saw him in the end."

"What to do, now the outsider is right in front of me, should I catch him? If I don't catch him, it will be very troublesome if he is discovered by nothing." Zi Yuan said with an annoyed look.

"Hey,,, you have already started, and you are still pretending to be annoyed. I really don't like the little spider crawling on me, can you stop your movements."

Huang Jianzhi felt a lot of small spiders crawling towards him, so he used his weak breath to shake the small spiders close to him to death.

"It's a pity to be discovered." Seeing his movements were discovered, Zi Yuan showed a very regretful look.

"Your name is Ziyuan, your skills are not weaker than Baimao, and Baimao didn't use insects to control you, why are you obedient to Baimao?" Huang Jianzhi asked with a knowing smile.


Lan Fei looked at Ziyuan incredulously. What did she hear? Ziyuan is no weaker than Baimao, and Baimao didn't use insects to control Ziyuan. How could this be possible.

Zi Yuan was also very surprised, how the masked man knew about secret things, which made her look at Huang Jianzhi with complete vigilance.

"Who are you, what else do you know?" Zi Yuan looked like he was ready to do it.

"It turns out that you are not completely obedient to the orders of Shiranuma. You really like this alien world. The monsters don't care, but Shiranuma is in charge. Therefore, it doesn't matter if you listen to Shiranuma's arrangements occasionally." Huang Jianzhi looked through Ziyuan Said the way.

"You can see through other people's thoughts. It seems that you can't let you go."

The more Zi Yuan heard Huang Jianzhi's words, the more surprised she thought that Huang Jianzhi had the ability to see through other people's inner thoughts. Hearing that her own thoughts were shaken by Huang Jianzhi, the more she wanted to catch Huang Jianzhi.

"Wait, what's the benefit of catching me? It's better to let me go. I can recommend you to a stronger organization. That organization is countless times stronger than the Heimong Tower you are currently in." Huang Jianzhi reached out to stop Ziyuan's. Action said.

"Oh, countless times stronger?"

Zi Yuan stopped to see if he could get more information from the masked man. Of course, he was also curious about the countless times the organization of the powerful black mansions that the masked man said.

"Don't doubt, what I said is true, my organization is indeed countless times stronger than Heimonglou, you all know the strength of the big monster."

"Your princess demon fox is a big monster, but her power is constantly losing. I am afraid that she has less than 1% of the remaining power. Look at your alien world, it is all reduced to this level."

"From this we can see that your princess, monster, and fox may be running out of time. The organization I am staying in has three big monsters, and the strength is still at the top of the big monster." Huang Jianzhi paused intentionally and looked at Zi Yuan and Lan Fei .


When Zi Yuan and Lan Fei heard this, they both took a breath of shock. Their princesses were so weak that they didn't have the courage to face the princess, which shows how terrifying the monster is.

Wouldn't they be surprised to hear that there is a mysterious organization with three big monsters, and it is of the top level.

"You are surprised, don't be surprised so early, I haven't finished it yet. You may think that the three big monsters are the leaders of my organization, but they are not. The leader of my organization is called the Holy Lord."

"The strength is even more terrifying than the three big monsters. There are rumors within the organization that the three big monsters together are not the opponents of the Holy Master. You said how terrifying the Holy Master is.

Huang Jianzhi kept sticking gold on his face, as if the higher he said, the more energetic he was, and he was fascinated by the shameless feeling. ..

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