Lan Fei and Zi Yuan were shocked at the moment looking at Huang Jianzhi again and again, is there such a strong monster in the world? The three big monsters combined are not opponents.

"Your organization is so strong, why we have never heard of it." Zi Yuan still has a lot of doubts about Huang Jianzhi's words.

"Of course you haven't heard of it. Our organization has been developing in secret, and now the Holy Lord feels that the time has come, and he is ready to be born."

"I believe you will soon know about our existence. By the way, our organization is called the Demon God Society. I heard that our Holy Lord is a demon god." Huang Jianzhi pretended to be mysterious and said.

"Your organization is so strong, then what are you doing in Heimonglou?" Zi Yuan planned to ask more information.

"I'm here to investigate, to see if Heimong Tower is qualified to become an affiliate of the Demon God Society, or to see if any of you can join the Demon God Society beyond the standard."

"Well, you Heimong Tower is still investigating, but you two are good. I think you can join the Demon God's Association in an exceptional way." Huang Jianzhi smiled.

"What you said is true or not, we can't judge yet, so please cooperate with me and don't resist."

"If it is confirmed that what you are saying is true, we naturally dare not do anything to you with the terrorist force you are in. If what you say is false, then..." Ziyuan thought for a while and decided to catch first. Huang Jianzhi is talking about it.

"I'm going, you still plan to arrest me, forget it, I'm too lazy to care about you, I'm going, I will come to you later when I have time." Huang Jianzhi disappeared after speaking.

"What, man?"

Seeing Huang Jianzhi's disappearance in an instant, Zi Yuan's eyes became completely solemn.

"Zi Yuan, I'm afraid what he said is true. When I met him, he always looked confident, as if he didn't care that it was a Heimong Tower."

"There is no aura flowing out of him. I am afraid that he has props that cover the aura better than human skin. This prop that can only be researched by the top powers." Lan Fei analyzed the head.

"If you say that, the demon **** will really exist!" Zi Yuan thought for a while, and felt that the terrifying demon **** would really exist.

"Ziyuan, you really have not been controlled by Baimao's bugs." Lan Fei looked at Ziyuan quietly.

"Well, what the mask man said just now is true, but it doesn't matter."

"Lan Fei, if you want to get rid of Bai Marsh's control, you can try to join this demon society. The masked man doesn't mean that you can get rid of the bugs in your mind." Zi Yuan said indifferently.

"Forget it, what I want is freedom, not to go to a new cage, I'm going to be busy." Lan Fei prepared to stay alone.

"Okay, if the masked man appears, please inform me, I'm quite interested in the demon god." Zi Yuan saw Lan Fei's meaning, nodded and turned around and left.

After Huang Jianzhi left Lan Fei's research department, he walked lazily in the Heimong Building, only to run into a troublesome figure at the corner of the corridor.

"Ha ha ha... outsider? It's interesting. It's the first time I met an outsider walking so upright. It shows that you have a little confidence in your strength, and you don't have the patience to cut." The man blocking Huang Jianzhi said with a perverted smile. .

"You mummy perverted man, can you just take a stroll without seeing me?"

Huang Jianzhi looked at the black fire blocking the road with a headache. He wanted to see the scenery and didn't want to do anything.

"Perverted man! Haha..."

Huo Hei sneered, the sharp sword in the palm of his hand appeared long ago, his feet flashed, and the whole person rushed towards Huang Jianzhi. For him, if he cares about the other person, cut it first before talking.

The moment Huang Jianzhi saw Huo Hei start his hands, he felt a little bit distressed. He wanted to be a beautiful man quietly, but he was too good. Some abnormalities were always attracted to him. Being good is a sin.

Seeing the black fire in front of him, Huang Jianzhi slapped it without even thinking about it. Huo Hei didn’t even react at all, it flew out like a cannonball instantly. During the flight, I don’t know how many walls collapsed.,,

"Should be alive, probably," Huang Jianzhi said silently, looking at Huo Hei, who was covered by wall tiles in the distance.

"What's going on? What's such a big movement."

"I seem to see Lord Huo Hei being beaten out by someone."

"How is it possible that Master Huo Hei is so powerful, who is so powerful that he beat Master Huo Hei away."

"It's him, an outsider. Someone has entered the Black Mansions Building. Raise the alarm."

As the movement was too loud, and Huang Jianzhi did not hide his figure at all, the people in Heimonglou soon discovered Huang Jianzhi's traces. In an instant, the Heimonglou alarm sounded loudly.

"Hey, it seems that I can't stroll around the Heimong Tower well, so let's go and see the demon fox before leaving." Huang Jianzhi disappeared after speaking.

"Is that the masked man, so don't take Heimonglou seriously!"

Zi Yuan heard the news that an outsider had entered the Heimong Tower, and without even thinking about it, he guessed that it was the masked man. Zi Yuan thought for a while and joined the search for outsiders.

Lan Fei also heard the movement outside, but she did nothing, and continued to lower her head to study the medicine in her hand.

"Who are you, why can't my concubine perceive any information from you?"

The demon fox girl looked up at the masked man who suddenly appeared in the room. At this moment, she became inexplicably curious. Although her power was constantly losing, she was always a big monster.

There are very few people in the world who can hide her power, but she knows that. The masked man in the front makes her perception power seem to be in the void, which is a feeling she has never had before.

"Did you not hear the movement outside, I am an outsider. You are also pitiful enough, the origin of life is constantly losing, and now you can't even stand up." Huang Jianzhi looked at the demon fox with regret. .

"Outsiders, I am afraid that your strength is no less than mine. If you just come to provoke me, you don't have to. Tell me your purpose."

Although Yaohu didn't perceive any information, she instinctively felt that the masked man in front of her was not simple, so she asked in an equal tone.

"Actually, I just came here just to stroll around, without any other purpose, believe it or not?" Huang Jianzhi said something that he didn't even believe.

"I believe."

Demon Fox Ji unexpectedly believed Huang Jianzhi's words.

"Uh, you actually believed it. It's amazing. You deserve to be a nine-tailed demon fox. You still have some skill. You're good. Are you interested in being my pet?

"The price is that I will cure you and let you continue to live." Huang Jianzhi didn't seem to feel the fluctuation of the demon fox's body, and continued to say with a smile. ..

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