"You are the first person who dared to say this to your concubine. If you were an ordinary person, you would have disappeared."

"It's really tempting to live, but you can be the master of your concubine because you are a member of the Demon God Association." Yaohu Ji sneered at Huang Jianzhi and said.

"Do you know that I am a member of the Demon God Society?" Huang Jianzhi asked with interest.

"Although the strength of the concubine body has decreased, the concubine body is always the master of the Heimong Tower. The moment you appeared in the Heimong Tower unscrupulously, the concubine body discovered your existence. What you said to Lan Fei and the others, I also It's clear to me." The Demon Fox Ji said directly, looking at Huang Jianzhi at the showdown.

"Uh, it turns out that you have always known my identity. I'm sorry, I'm indeed a little unscrupulous."

"On your site, you can hear me and others talk. This is the ability of one of your tails. If you have nine tails, it means you have nine different abilities." Huang Jianzhi looked at the pretty demon fox Jiujo Tail.

"Suddenly the three big monsters' aura fluctuated a few days ago, you are the high level of your Monster God Association, you should be one of them." The monster fox Ji looked deeply at the masked man in front of her.

"Who knows, you should know your own situation. Your time is running out. There are not many people or treasures that can heal you. I am one of them. You don't think about it." Huang Jianzhi continued to ask. .

"The price is to be your pet. Your ambition is really big. You may be able to heal me, but you should know that the dignity of being a monster is inviolable."

"Except for you, the concubine body does not believe that there is no treasure to heal the concubine body." The demon fox Ji did not even think about directly rejecting Huang Jianzhi's proposal.

"You are talking about the land of Wu Sen." Huang Jianzhi smiled calmly.

"You know the land of Wushen, don't you think the purpose of your Demon God's Association is also the land of Wushen."

The demon fox Ji's expression became a bit solemn, if the demon **** would also be interested in the land of Wusen, then the trouble would be big.

"No, we are not interested in the land of Wushen. If you want to use the land of Wushen to restore your power, I advise you to give up."

"The land of Wusen can't do much to monsters of the big monster level, and maybe even repel you." Huang Jianzhi said in a somewhat mysterious tone.

"Do you know the secret of Wu Sen Land?" The demon fox asked intently when he heard it.

"know a little."

"How can you be sure that the land of Wu Sen cannot restore my strength."

"Sorry, this is a secret of the organization and cannot be said." Huang Jianzhi smiled.

"If I join your Demon God Society, will the Demon God Society solve the problems of the concubine body?" The Demon Fox Ji looked at the loss of vitality, her eyes hesitated, and then resolutely asked for a moment.

"You are so smart, you don't want to be my pet, so you will join the Demon God's Association next."

"Even if there is no medicine in the Demon God Society to treat you, the Demon God Society will not give up the fighting power of your big monster, but ask me to treat you. You think so." Huang Jianzhi suddenly knew what the demon fox was thinking.

The demon fox Ji quietly looked at the masked man without explanation, but her eyes already showed that she thought so.

"You are not afraid that I will suddenly act on you in anger. You need to know that your current situation is not optimistic. Or I will directly report to the senior management of the organization that you will not look at the demon **** and wait for unfavorable information." Huang Jianzhi looked at the demon fox funny.

"If you want to do something, can your concubine stop it, but your demon gods will now recruit troops and buy horses, I'm afraid your Holy Lord will have some big moves."

"I believe your demon gods will not give up any valuable monster." The demon fox said with a wise eyes.

"Nine-tailed demon fox is different. You have guessed many things. Even if you don't want to be my pet, let me report your wishes to the organization first, and wait for the notification of the specific situation." Huang Jianzhi said. The demon fox reaction disappeared.

"Bai, come out, he's already gone." After the Demon Fox Ji made sure that the masked man had really left, she said while looking at a hidden corner.

"Princess, do you really want to join the Demon God's Association?" Bai Niu asked hesitantly after he appeared.

"If they can really solve the problem of the concubine body, how about the concubine body joining them, the concubine body has not walked on the ground for a long time." Yaohu Ji looked at the exposed feet with complicated eyes, even though a lot of feet have come out. crack.

"Princess, the Monster God Society is too mysterious. There are only a few big monsters in the world, and suddenly a new three-headed big monster emerges, and there is a Holy Master who is more terrifying than the big monster."

"The demon **** will now recruit troops and buy horses everywhere, I am afraid the purpose is by no means as simple as we thought." Bai Niu said worriedly.

"No matter what purpose the demon **** has, it is none of our business. I just use the demon **** to restore my power."

"Don't believe the masked man, Shiranuma, I can't wait, when will I get the land of Wu Sen?" Yaohu Ji asked impatiently.

"Princess, although the words of the masked man are not to be believed, but we still clarify the secret investigation of the land of Wusen, after all, princess, you are too important to our Black Mansions, there can be no accident." Bai Numa said solemnly.

"Okay, Baimao, I'll give you time. Although the demon **** may be able to restore my power, I don't want to sell myself to the demon **** society, so you have to speed up the investigation." The demon fox Ji thought for a while and calmly said.

"Yes, princess, I will definitely not let you down." Shiranuma nodded seriously and walked out.


"Old man, I always worry about eating." Mo Cun Liangshou couldn't help but curiously asked, looking at his grandfather's worrying expression.

"There is a terrorist monster organization born out of nowhere. Now this organization is recruiting soldiers and horses everywhere, and the one responsible for recruiting soldiers and horses is still a big monster." Fanshou Mo Cun put down his job and said heavily.

"What, big monster, old man, don't you say that big monsters are almost never born." Mocun Ryoshou said in surprise.

"I just said almost never born, I didn't say absolutely never. The point is not this, okay? The ability to send big monsters out to recruit soldiers shows how terrifying this organization is." Mocun Fanshou said with a worried face.

"It doesn't matter how horrible this organization is. We will stand up to it if you have it, as long as it doesn't come to the land of Wu Sen. By the way, what is the name of this organization." Mocun Liangshou asked curiously.

"Demon God Society"

"Demon God Society! Could it be that this organization still has the existence of a Monster God?" Mocun Ryoshou said indifferently.

"Xiaoliang, maybe there will be a demon god. Didn't you see your grandpa's worried expression? I'm afraid there is trouble." Huang Jianzhi said with a smile from the side. ..

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