Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 845: Mountain dog rules

"Old man, has something big happened?" Mocun Liangshou also noticed that his grandpa's face was heavy, and his attitude slowly became serious.

"A former cadre in Lihui was killed by the big monster, but it was also the former cadre who took the blame and wanted to subdue the big monster as a shikigami."

"Although he is a member of the Onmyoji family and has many trump cards in his hand, he underestimated the power of the big monster and was killed."

"This matter caused a great sensation. Being able to become a cadre of the lihui is a monster among monsters. Although he is now a predecessor, it has already demonstrated his strength."

"Now I was killed by the big monster, which shows how terrifying the monster **** will be. Now the monster **** will recruit soldiers everywhere, and fools know that the monster **** will make big moves." Mo Cun Fanshou said solemnly.

"Old man, how powerful is the monster?" Mocun Ryoshou asked curiously.

"I can't beat ten of them, how powerful you said." Shimomori Mocun glanced at his grandson and said.

"What, it's so powerful, if the big monster is interested in the land of Wusen, what protection shall we take?" Mocun Liangshou said in shock.

"Don't worry, our Mocun family has guarded the land of Wusen for more than four hundred years. It's not that no big monster has committed it, but we still guard it. Do you know why."


"The battle of our ancestors was very tragic. If it were not for the ancestors to resonate with the land of Wushen, borrowing the power of the land of Wushen to drive away the invading monster, I am afraid that the land of Wushen would have been given to by the big monster. Occupied it." Shimomori Mocun recalled.

"Resonance! Can we resonate with the land of Wu Sen?" Ryoshou Mocun became even more curious.

"Nonsense, we are the orthodox heirs chosen in the land of Wushen, of course we can have a sympathy with the land of Wushen, but the probability of resonance is too low."

"If the monster gods will see the land of Wusen, we are in trouble. The monster gods will be too mysterious. I am afraid that there are more than one or two big monsters. Even if we can resonate with the land of Wusen, I am afraid that we will not be able to resist the monster gods. Invasion." Mocun Fanshou said worriedly.

"Old man, although the Demon God Society is mysterious and powerful, there is still the existence of Lihui. The big monster of the Demon God Society killed the former cadre of the Lihui, this is already the face of the Lihui."

"I'm still recklessly recruiting troops and buying horses. This has already aroused the vigilance of the Lihui. Maybe Lihui is now preparing to deal with the demon gods."

"In the face of such a behemoth, no matter how powerful and mysterious the demon **** is, I have to take it seriously."

"So in the land of Wu Sen, you can rest assured for the time being, when the demon **** will be resolved by the lihui, then there is nothing to worry about." Mocun Ryoshou said for a moment.

"The Lihui might go to war with the Demon God Association, but what if the Demon God Association wins!" Fanshou Mo Cun said abruptly.

"How is this possible? Lihui is a global organization. How can you lose? It's because you think too much of the old man." Ryoshou Mocun smiled.

"Perhaps I think too much, but we can't rely too much on the meeting, we also have to have our own preparations, kid, I will increase my practice tomorrow." Mo Cun Fanshou said seriously.

"You don't need to tell the old man, I will try my best to become stronger through cultivation, but now I have to protect the land of Wusen."

Mocun Liangshou checked the time, got up and went to his room to change into work clothes, and walked out to set off.

"Marao, wake up, we should go to work." Mocun Liangshou came to the yard and shouted to the doghouse.

"Here, Xiaoliangzi." Madarao floated out and said.

"Dad, you are now a superpower, you should be able to see Madarao." Mocun Rishou said, taking Huang Jianzhi's hand.

"You can see it, Madarao is still pretty cute." Huang Jianzhi smiled.

"Do I go with cuteness!"

Madarao knew Huang Jianzhi's situation from Yoshimori, but he didn't like it when others commented that it was cute, but he didn't correct anything.

"Smelly boy, be careful. If you run into trouble, leave the land of Wusen immediately and don't hold on." Mocun Fanshou said this for the first time.

"I won't run away, you dead old man."

Mocun Ryoshou also knew what his grandfather was worried about, but he was not the one who fled. He left a word and left without caring about his grandfather, and Madarao quickly followed.

"This stinky boy is really..." Mo Cun was so angry that he didn't know what to say.

Huang Jianzhi looked at this quietly, did not say anything, went back to the hall to clean up briefly, and then returned to his room.

"Snow Girl, what's the current situation of the Demon God Society?" Huang Jianzhi asked lazily.

"Holy Lord, there is currently a big monster joining us. He is a flood dragon. He is much stronger than the pseudo-dragon of the Dragon Fairy Mirror, and a little weaker than us."

"There are thousands of middle-level monsters, and millions of low-level and influential monsters. Holy Lord, not counting the monsters above the intermediate level, there is not much power in the world to resist us just by relying on these few million." Xue Nu appeared and said.

"The force is enough, let the Tiger Demon King stop recruiting and buy horses. It's time to execute my plan." Huang Jianzhi showed an unscrupulous smile on his face.


At this moment in the land of Wu Sen, Mocun Liangcun encountered a strong enemy, it should be said that he had encountered Madarao's former companion.

"Xiaoliangzi, you can only be killed by a spike. The only way now is to unlock my seal." Madarao said solemnly, looking at the monster Gang Ye opposite.

"But...," Mocun Ryoshou remembered his grandfather's words, in any case, don't untie the seal around Madara's neck.

"Nothing but, do you want to see the girl from the Xuecun family die!" Madarao shouted anxiously.

"Yinlu, you have completely fallen. Have you forgotten our past? Have you forgotten the harm that humans have done to us." Gang Ye stared at Madarao angrily.

"That's all gone, our mountain dog's rule is to follow the strong, but you didn't let go, I already let go." Madarao said calmly.

"The strong, hahaha,, as long as we become extremely powerful, who is qualified to be our master, is he your current master, then I will kill him now."

Gang Ye saw Mocun Yoshimori next to Yinlu, and his devilish tail instantly grew and pierced Mocun Yoshimori.

Yoshimura Momura quickly used the barrier to block the stab from the enemy's tail, but the barrier was broken with a poke like thin paper. Fortunately, Madarao smashed into Yoshimori Momura at the last moment.

"Aren't we really going up to help?" Xuecun Toshione said unbearably.

"My dear, this is the Mocun family's business, and the other party doesn't want us to help. If we go up to help, they might still dislike us." Baiwei said silently.

At this moment, no one knew that there were two figures on the top of the building quietly watching all this. ..

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