Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 851: The purpose of the monster

"Knot,,, die."

As soon as Mocun Fanshou reached the scope of the operation, he directly formed a large enchantment to attack the enemy, but the black cloud skeleton's body was too big, and the barrier could only cover one-tenth of the black cloud skeleton's body.

With a successful move, one-tenth of the black cloud skeleton disappeared, but this had no effect on the black cloud skeleton. In less than half a second, the disappeared part of the black cloud instantly recovered.

"This is your strength? Sure enough, you have become weaker. Compared with you at the beginning, it is almost a sky and an underground." Heiyun Skull felt the weakness of Mo Village Fanshou's strength so weak, so he laughed.

"I'm weakened, but it's enough to kill you, knot, knot, knot,,,"

Shigemori Mocun knew that his previous move had no effect on the enemy, and his strength could not be compared to the strength of his youth.

It is not possible to form such a large barrier at one time to destroy the enemy, but to form a dense barrier to envelop the black cloud skeleton.


Fanshou Mocun saw that the black cloud skeletons were surrounded by different levels of enchantment, but the black cloud skeletons did not resist. This made him overjoyed and shouted "destroy."


The black cloud skeleton covering the land of Wusen directly bombed. When Mocun Fanshou and the others thought it was effective, a gust of wind rolled, revealing the unharmed black cloud skeleton.

"Dead old man, his body is too big, you can't help him if you do this, as long as he has a little element, he can continue to regenerate and reorganize." Xuecun Tokiko reminded.

"Of course I know, but his body is too big. There is no way to destroy it all at once. He can only continue to attack him to see if he can find other weaknesses." Mo Cun Fanshou solemnly looked at the enemy above his head.

"Then I will help you. He hasn't absorbed the power of the Uthan Land at this moment, but is constantly regenerating. He is using his own power."

"This is not in line with common sense. Although high-altitude operations are not good for us, he can't use his own strength against us."

"This is the land of Wusen, a place that monsters dream of. It can absorb the power of the land of Wusen to deal with us, but he is useless. There must be some reason for it." Xuecun Shiko thought and said.

"Master, he is not a big monster yet. When his power is always exhausted, the three of us will continue to consume his power first to see what he thinks." Mo Cun Zhengshou said and attacked the Black Cloud Skeleton.

Shimori Mocun and Tokiko Xuecun did not leave their hands to attack the black cloud skeletons, mainly consuming the enemy's power.

"You want to consume my strength, but don't forget that high altitude is my home court."

The black clouds covering the land of Wu Sen directly began to rain lightly, it was a light black rain. Mocun Fanshou and the others saw black rain. They didn't want to be touched by such strange raindrops, and they quickly used the barrier to protect their bodies.


"Damn, what is this thing, it's even more terrifying than the rain of vinegar, knots, multiple results." Seeing the black rain constantly corroding his barrier, Mocun Fanshou hurriedly used multiple barriers to protect his body.

"Dead old man, he seems to be very afraid of being consumed by us, but why doesn't he absorb the power of the Wusen Land? It's weird." Xuecun Shiko felt that this monster was not right.

"I can't figure it out, but he is so afraid of being consumed by us, so let's see what happens when his power is consumed."

"This black rain is too corrosive. It is almost impossible to use the barrier to get close to him. It seems that I can only use the Barrier, old lady, I seem to have to cooperate with you."

Mocun Fanshou's eyes condensed, and a barrier larger than Mocun Zhengshou appeared. Xuecun Tokiko also turned into a barrier about the same size as Mocun Shigeo.

Mocun Shizi directly slammed into Xuecun Shizi. Xuecun Shizi seemed to be surprised. When Mocun Shizi hit it, Xuecun Shizi's extremity directly bounced Mocun Shizi up into the sky.

Yucun Tokiko also used a special method to attack the black cloud skeleton in the sky. Seeing that the elders were so desperate, Mocun Masamori also attacked the black cloud skeleton.

"They're all working hard, let's just look at them, okay." Mocun Liangmori looked at the grandpa and the others who were fighting with the monsters with complicated eyes, and didn't know what to think.

"Little Liangzi, you should be content. I am afraid that you will not even have the chance to stand firm in high-altitude combat, let alone help your grandpa and them." Madarao laughed from the side.

"The breath of that monster seems to be constantly weakening. It seems that grandma and their attacks are effective. It's just why the monster,," Yukumura Tokune also doubted that monster's intentions.

"You didn't mean to seek revenge from us. Why are you so embarrassed by us? Your body has been shrinking." Mo Cun Fanshou attacked and excited.

"My body has shrunk a lot, but you yourself can't get through that. The backlash has suffered no less damage than me." Black Cloud Skull smiled evilly.

Mocun Fanshou and the others also knew their own situation, but these were still within their tolerance, and they only wanted to destroy this monster at the moment.

"Your purpose is not to find us for revenge, nor is the land of Wu Sen, what is your purpose?" Xuecun Tokiko had already realized that the enemy was not coming for revenge, but it was because of this that she became more vigilant.

"Hehe... I'm here for revenge."

Heiyun Skeleton was suffering at this moment. If it hadn't been for the orders of the Holy Master, he would have used the power of Wusen Land to defeat them in Mocun Fanshou.

You must know that he is infinitely close to the level of the big monster. At first, he was wiped out by Mocun Shishou and the others because of his arrogance. Now Mocun is busy and Xuecun Shizi is old, without the peak power of his youth.

Masamori Mocun and Shinsori Mocun had similar strengths at the moment, and they didn't threaten him at all. If it weren't for acting, he would have wanted to end it a long time ago.

"Don't treat us as fools, your strength is constantly being consumed by us, and even your body has shrunk by half, but you are rigidly competing with us and not absorbing the least of the power of the land of Uthan."

"You must have other purposes. What is your purpose? Did the person who resurrected you give you any order?" Fanshou Mocun had vaguely guessed it.

"The acting is good, it can be over."

At this time, Huang Jianzhi's voice appeared in the consciousness of Heiyun Skeleton, which made Heiyun Skull breathe a sigh of relief.

"Hahaha,,, I can't say anything, what you can know is that in the dark corner, there are a pair of eyes that are directly focused on you, including the land of Wu Sen."

"My mission is complete, but I'm here to take revenge. Killing one of you before I leave, that adult shouldn't blame me, just that girl. I hate her bright eyes."

The demon energy on Heiyun Skeleton suddenly exploded, pushing Mo Village Fanshou and the others back, and instantly rushed towards the snow village Shiyin on the ground.

"No, it's too late, Xiaoliang, Xiaoyin will be out of the way."

Heiyun Skeleton's movements were too fast. Just as Mocun Fanshou and the others stabilized, the enemy was already approaching Xuecun Shiyin. This made Mocun Fanshou and the others too late to rescue, so they could only shout anxiously. ..

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