Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 852: Unknown existence

Seeing the monster rushing over, Yukimura Shiyin quickly used a few barriers to block the monster's path, but her barrier was like thin paper in the monster's hand, and it was broken with a poke.

Seeing the monster rushing towards her, she gave up resisting. At that moment, she thought about a lot of things, and the most was actually Mocun Yoshimori who used to cry a lot.

When Xuecun Shiyin was about to close her eyes, she suddenly saw the little boy who had been crying guarding her, preparing to protect her with a thin body.


When Xuecun Shizi saw Mocun Liangshou stand up to protect her, she didn't think about it, and was about to push Mocun Liangshou away, but suddenly she stopped.

Because she saw Mocun Liangshou actually used a huge barrier to completely cover the monster.

Even the high-altitude Mocun Shimomori and the others looked at Mocun Yoshimori in surprise. Although the size of the monster has been reduced by half, it is still half the size of the land of Wusen. Mocun Yoshimori can display such a big knot. World.

Especially Mocun Shimano looked at his grandson a little unbelievably, and he was about to catch up with the power of his young peak when he displayed such a big barrier.

Sure enough, I was not mistaken, this kid's potential was even more terrifying than his elder brother's, Shigemori Mocun was pleased to think to himself.

"This,,, how is this possible, how can you have such a powerful force, **** it, break me..."

Heiyun Skeleton panicked completely. He found that all his body was covered by this kid's enchantment, and he quickly struggled.

"What are you doing in a daze? Didn't you see that the enchantment was distorted? I can't hold on anymore, so hurry up and help me." Mocun Liangshou insisted trembling all over, not allowing the enchantment to be broken away by the monster.

Mocun Fanshou and the others also saw that the huge barrier was distorting. If the barrier was not stabilized, Mocun Liangshou would not be able to destroy the monster at all.

"Xiaoliang hold on, we will help you now, knot, knot,,,"

After all, Yucun Tokiko and the others are old experiences. Directly in the great barrier of Mocun Liangshou, countless rectangular and sharp barriers pierced the enemy's body, and Yukicun Tokiko also joined to help.

In a moment, the enemy's body was pierced through countless rectangular enchantments, and the enemy was slowly struggling because of Mo Village's guarding their attacks.


When Mocun Liangshou saw the opportunity, he directly increased his strength to make the barrier instantly stable. At the moment when the barrier was stable, Mocun Liangshou killed the monster without even thinking about it.


In order to prevent the enemy from resurrecting due to the power of the Wusen Land, Ryomomori Momura opened the sky cave and sucked in the ashes of the monster.

After sucking up all the remaining ash and closing the Tianxue, Mocun Liangshou's whole body was completely relieved and fell down. Xuecun Shiyin quickly supported Mocun Liangshou.

"It's okay, I'm just letting go." Mocun Liangshou saw the caring eyes of Xuecun Shiyin and said quickly and consciously.

"Good boy, if you have you, you can display such a big barrier, and you will be able to catch up with me when I was young."

At this time, Shimbashi Mocun also came to his grandson to check, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw that there was really nothing wrong with his grandson.

"Grandpa, your injuries," Mo Cun Liangshou asked worriedly as he saw the condition of his grandfather and the others.

"Don't worry, we are all small injuries, Madarao, you go home and call Xiushi."

"It doesn't need to say anything now. It's not long before dawn. There are too many damaged places in the land of Wu Sen. We have to repair it before dawn."

Shimomori Mocun knew that everyone had a lot to say, but it was not long before dawn, so he had to repair the school on the land of Wu Sen.


"This is the power of the protagonist's halo, or the power of love, which makes Xiaoliangzi's potential burst out, which is a bit interesting."

At the top of a tall building somewhere, Huang Jianzhi gnawed melon seeds, with an evil expression on his face, taking everything that happened in the land of Wu Sen into his eyes.

"You did a good job and deserves praise."

At this moment, a black-robed man was kneeling respectfully behind Huang Jianzhi. Upon closer inspection, the black-robed man turned out to be entirely composed of black clouds.

"The holy lord teaches well, but the villain just learns the same thing."

At this moment, the black cloud monster's eyes are full of infinite worship to the Holy Lord in front of him. As soon as his front foot is dead, the back foot is resurrected by the Holy Lord, which makes him more loyal to the Holy Lord.

With such a master, it will be hard for him to die in the future. Only if he is valuable, the master will resurrect him indefinitely.

"You seem to have questions?"

Huang Jianzhi instantly saw Heiyun's thoughts.

"Holy Lord, there is one thing the villain does not know. It is easy to rule the world with your strength, Holy Lord. Why should you care about those few people?" Hei Yun asked curiously.

"The few people who fought with you just now, one is my father-in-law, and the younger two are my sons. Do you think I don't care about them?" Huang Jianzhi said casually.

Although Huang Jianzhi had a casual tone, hearing Heiyun's ears exploded like a cannonball, which made Heiyun panic for a long time.

He didn't know the identities of those people before. He just acted on the command line, but those people were injured more or less. If the Holy Lord blamed him, then he would be finished.

"Don't be nervous, if I blame you, I won't let you resurrect. If you do well, you should be rewarded. Go back to the Demon God Meeting, and the Tiger Demon King will help you break through the big monster level." Huang Jianzhi motioned to Heiyun to retreat .

"Thank the Lord for the reward, the villain retires." Hei Yun retreated excitedly.

"Maarao is back in the yard soon, and I should go back too." Huang Jianzhi disappeared after speaking.

The next morning, Huang Jianzhi prepared breakfast for his family early, and Xuecun Shizi and Xuecun Shiyin were among them, but none of them had the heart to eat breakfast. They all sat at the table full of worries.

"Everyone eat, it will be cold if you don't eat it." Huang Jianzhi said with a smile on his face as if he didn't see everyone's serious thoughts.

"We are not hungry, you and Xiaoli will eat first." Mo Cun Zhengshou said silently.

"Uh, forget it, Xiaoli, let's eat first." Huang Jianzhi didn't say anything anymore, and directly asked his youngest son to have dinner.

"Grandpa, what on earth is that unknown being thinking, he has the ability to resurrect the dead, he will fall in love with the power of Wu Sen Land?" Mo Cun Liangshou asked incomprehensibly.

"No **** has the ability to resurrect the dead. If that unknown being really has the ability to resurrect the dead, then the land of Wu Sen is nothing to him."

"But because of this, this is what makes us the least understandable. That unknown being already has the ability to resurrect the dead, so what exactly is he asking for." Shimori Mocun also didn't understand for a long time. ..

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