Unscrupulous Host of the System

Chapter 853: The Secrets of Uthan

"Resurrecting the dead! This is really an illegal power. If it were not 100% sure that the monster was resurrected, I would still think I was dreaming." Mocun Ryoshou said with a sigh.

"There are countless monsters in the Tianxue alien world. That monster has been resurrected by an unknown existence. What about the other monsters."

"You must know that most of the monsters were destroyed by the enchantment masters of our generations, and the hatred of the enchantment masters is not small. If they are all resurrected, then we...," Mo Cun Zhengshou said worriedly.

"It should be impossible. So far, only one resurrected monster has appeared, and none of the others have appeared."

"It should be that the unknown existence also needs a price to resurrect the dead. It is impossible to resurrect casually if you want to resurrect. If that is the case, the day will soon be in chaos." Xuecun Tomoko analyzed.

"Well, it's possible. Resurrecting the dead is inherently against the sky. Gods can't do things. That unknown being wants to resurrect the dead, and he must pay a certain price." Fanshou Mo Cun also felt that this possibility .

"Is it possible that he wants to use the power of Wu Sen Land to strengthen his resurrection ability, so that he can resurrect more dead for his use." At this time, Mocun Ryoshou said nonchalantly.

Huang Jianzhi quietly stood by and didn't know what to say: Why do you have such a big brain? Why don't I know.

When Mocun Fanshou heard this, their expressions changed slightly. Although they thought it was possible, they still felt that something was wrong.

"I can't rule out this possibility, but the monster's behavior is not right, why didn't he absorb the power of the Wu Sen Land to deal with us in the first place."

"If he wants to get the land of Wu Sen, he can't just use his own power to fight us." Mocun Shimano said thinking.

"I can't figure it out, I really can't figure out what the unknown existence wants to do. If he resurrects the monster that we finally killed, then..., think about it, it will have a headache." Mocun Liangshou felt that he had a big head.

Huang Jianzhi looked at Mocun Liangshou quietly, and thought with disgusting interest in his heart: I have been resurrected, do you want to see him? I can send him to see you every night.

"What should we do now? This unknown existence is not the same as the enemy we encountered before."

"He can control life and death. If he wants to fight the land of Wu Sen, we may not be able to hold it." Xuecun Shizi was already prepared for the worst in his heart.

"If you can't keep it, you have to keep it. It's a family inheritance that has been handed down from generation to generation. Even if we die, we will be with the land of Wu Sen."

"Old man, you can withdraw. There is only one orthodox heir, and that is our Mocun family. We have secured the land of Wusen." Fanshou Mocun's expression resolutely did not take a half step back.

"Dead old man, why, want to be a hero, drive us away, and then find a way to spread your family, want to bear it alone."

"You haven't done this before, but do you think we will leave? It is not only your business to protect the land of Wusen, it is everyone's business." Xuecun Tokiko directly saw through Mocun Fanshou's thoughts.

What's all this, your brains are too big, you look like a disaster is imminent, when I have the idea of ​​hitting the land of Wu Sen.

You guys can make up for it, and I will pat the table. Huang Jianzhi looked at everyone depressed.

"Grandpa, tell me, what is the secret of Wusen Land, and why it can make monsters stronger?" Ryoshou Mocun asked suddenly.

"This is not the time you should know this. When you know it, I will tell you." Mocun Fanshou didn't plan to tell his grandson the secrets of the land of Wusen now.

"Why don't you tell me that for more than four hundred years, the Mocun family and Xuecun family have been guarding for more than four hundred years."

"Since I was young, I don't know what I am protecting, grandpa, tell me, what is hidden in the land of Wu Sen?" Ryoshou Mocun intends to ask the end today.

"Grandma, I want to know too." Xuecun Shiyin also curiously said.

"Dead old man, tell them, anyway, they know it sooner or later," said Yukun Shiko.

"You want to know, then I'll tell you. The land of Wusen was exchanged between Lord Shou and Lord Wulu when we founded the mountain ancestor. You should all know this."

"But what you don't know is why our Master Joshishou exchanged the blessed land where Master Ulu lives."

"The land of Wushen is the land of gods, and the power of other gods belongs to its owner, but the land of Wushen is different. He will give him the power that he finds interesting (mainly monsters)."

"In the past, the land of Wu Sen was the same as other gods, and the power belonged to its owner, but when it came to our time, Master Shou changed his hands."

"Do you know why, because Master Shishou sealed his child Zhou Xinwan in the land of Wu Sen." Fanshou Mo Cun paused.


Mocun Liangshou and the others looked at Mocun Fanshou in surprise, and waited for his next words.

"Zhou Xin Pill is the child of Master Jian Shi Shou and Princess Moon Shadow. Before Zhou Xin Pill was born, Master Jian Shi Shou used forbidden techniques to give him powerful power."

"But the unexpectedly strong power not only took away the life of Princess Moon Shadow, but also allowed Zhou Xin Maru to take away all the lives around him from the taboo child."

"This forced Master Jian Shishou to seal his child in the divine blessing land originally belonged to Master Wulong Oolong in the colorless marsh, which is the land of Wusen today." Fanshou Mocun slowly swallowed Wusen. The secret of the land.

"It turns out that this is the secret of Wu Sen Land."

After Mocun Liangshou and the others heard it, they couldn't calm down for a long time. The founder of the mountain was digging a hole for them to jump. One jump lasted more than four hundred years.

"Grandpa, is there no way to completely solve the land of Wusen?" Mocun Liangshou asked seriously.

"What can we do about a problem that even the founder of the mountain can't solve?" Mocun Fanshou sighed.

"All the monsters want to get the land of Wusen, but they don't know that the land of Wusen is sealed with a disaster. The existence of the taboo can take all the lives around." Xuecun Tokiko said slowly.

"Xiaoliang, you know the secrets of Wushen Land, now you understand that we have to protect the fate of Wushen Land." Mocun Fanshou said calmly.

"There must be a way to solve the problem of the Black Forest. I don't want any of us to be injured because of the Black Forest." Mocun Ryoshou still didn't want to give up.

Fanshou Mo Cun looked at his grandson quietly. He didn't refute anything. Maybe when his grandson was completely helpless, he knew how to give up.

"Grandpa, there is such a big problem in the land of Wu Sen, then I can't let it go."

"After today, I will let my night travel executive department be stationed in the land of Wu Sen." At this moment, the Mocun Zhengshou on the side said. ..

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